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I hate stickers

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  • I hate stickers

    To set this up a little backstory....Earlier this month along with about 1000 other cars my car got wiped out by a freak hail storm. After fighing insurance and everything else I had to get a car because the insurance decided they were going to stop paying on the rental almost 3 weeks in.
    Our salesman at the dealer ship said he had to get cas for a customer and would be back soon. 30 minutes later he comes up to us and explains the reason he was late. Turns out the couple before my girlfriend and I was trading in a car that had turtle stickers on it that the woman must have back. Okay I understand that she got them on vacation but having the guy spend 30 minutes and only getting 4 fricking stickers back is a little dumb. Sory but they can't even be used on the new one. Finaly the husband had the brains to make them stop so they could get on with other people. Needless to say no one was happy about this.

    Now then on to my lovely day of work. Last night this woman calls in to bitch about her bill. Seems that she got her daughter a smart phone(blackberry or palmtreo don't remember which) and our company has this policy that you have to have a set plan. She is talking about how we are ripping her off because her daughter barely uses the phone as it is but wanted it so she got it for her. Then to top it off she starts complaining about the early termination fee. She has had the phone for over a year and is jut now bitching about the rates. She starts going off about all of this and all I can think is shut up. Why the hell get a kid under 18 a phone like this. These people bitch about prices but are willing to buy the damn phone.

    I love people who don't know how to run a computer but buy one because they need to and it ends up being a book end. I had this lady call in because she couldn't get on to our website and our company requires us to help customers with this. The first thing is she couldn't find the registration inforamtion and when I told her where to go on the site she kept saying she didn't see this and when I had her type in the webpage she stll kept giving me the info for the first stie she told me she was in. It took 5 minutes to get her where she need to be. Next,o ne of the biggest things is if they are using certian programs they can't register because it's set up arround microsoft. If they are having problems the first thing we have to ask is what web browser are you using and the second is have you deleted your cookies and temp internet files. I asked her the second first and she goes I don't even know what those are and after walking her how to delete them she still can't sign in. So then I ask her what the web browswer is and she says I have no idea. I ask her what she clicks on to go online and she says she doesn't remember. I asked her the question three times and she still can't answer. My sup had been listenting to the call partialy and I had to put her on hold before I went nuts and my sup said to tell her to close her windows and bring them back up. By that time she had hung up the phone, I was afraid to tell her this because I wondered if she would have asked why I wanted her to open and shut the windows in her house.
    Last edited by TWOLF; 06-29-2008, 06:11 PM. Reason: hit enter to soon
    I like to scare small childeren, it's fun and as long as you can out run the parents you can get away with it.