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I only talk to myself on a need-to-know basis

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  • I only talk to myself on a need-to-know basis

    This doesn't really qualify as an SC story so much as a Weird Customer story.
    I'll explain (hopefully without sounding rude because I don't mean to be)...

    Back when I worked at that 'place' (rhymes with Barshalls), occasionally a lady and her husband would come in to shop. I'd see them every couple of weeks give or take.
    Now, while she shopped, he would hover around the store front or stand outside to smoke. No big deal, but here's where the scary part comes in.
    He has Alzheimer's, and whenever a woman he fancied walked past, he'd tell her she was pretty or asked her to marry him or some other odd thing.
    I had several people come up to me and complain, telling me that there was a pervert standing outside. He apparently even followed a lady and her small child to their car freaking them out completely.
    Obviously, the guy didn't know what he was doing (as far as I could tell), and when I brought it up to management, they just shrugged it off.
    No one told me he had Alzheimer's until this had happened several times (hey, folks, throw me a bone here! Need the info!). That information would have been helpful had I been told from the get-go so I can assure these poor weirded out women that he's 'ill'.
    Anyone else had any similar situations?

    "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY

  • #2
    Yeah, something similiar.

    I was working a job where I remodeled houses and my boss and I were at Lowes. A older man walked up to us all disoriented babbling on and on about nothing. My boss got kind of worried because this man got right up in his personal space.

    After my boss thwarted him away and we got in the truck, he started to bad mouth the man accusing him of drug abuse or being generally indigent and needy and crazy. I shed some light on the situation - maybe he has Alzheimers. Maybe he is suffering from some kind of dimentia and needs help but is not asking for the right kind of help. I was explaining old age and geriatrics to my boss and I told him we need to call the police and let them know that this man is wandering around. Who knows? Maybe his family is looking for him.

    My boss had never considered this possibility and kind of looked guilty about what he was saying.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

