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I am not giving you free groceries. Not for you.

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  • I am not giving you free groceries. Not for you.

    So, one of the last customers I had today was the only real SC of the day. Largish woman, came up with one of the mini-carts. She had the usual things people buy at 10:45 at night in there. Bread, beer, a couple cans of soup, celery, three bags of apple slices...

    Oh, wait. She says the bags of apples are free.

    I disagree!

    But the situation goes like this. The lady has pulled the price label for these apple slices from the shelf, to point out that the sale tag is wrong. This is, in fact, true. The tag expired two weeks ago, and was simply overlooked. The fact that the tag says (in fairly visible text) it's expired apparently means nothing to her beyond the possibility of free groceries.

    The lady claims she was the manager of another store in our chain, though in a different district, for years, and that she knows the rules. And, according to her, the rule is that whenever an item is improperly priced, we are to give the customer that item for free.

    First, I'd never heard of this policy. Neither had my supervisor (friend of mine, played in my old D&D group), though he did say that if she had gone through the self-checkout and paid the wrong price, the policy had been to refund her in full for those items, but even that had been done away with the previous year. But just to be fair, since we did leave the wrong price up, he'd give her the old sale price ($1.00 rather than $1.29). But no!

    She was calling the manager! Except he left about four hours prior.
    She was calling our chain's customer service! Except they closed about two hours prior.

    So instead she took down our names and swore to have our jobs. We got her to take the $1.00 a bag deal and go away. She paid in food stamps and left, scowling at us.

    It wouldn't have been quite as sucky had it not been obvious the only reason she got three bags was because she was sure she'd get them all for free.

    ...and that's the first time a customer's told me they'd have me fired. At least as far as I can remember.
    » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «

  • #2
    At my store, if you'd scanned the apples and they came up at $1.29, then there had been a price check and the $1 tag was found, she'd have gotten one bag for free and the rest for $1 each. That's our "scanning policy," which seems fair to me.

    However, since she kindly brought the incorrect tag up to your register to inform you of a price discrepancy, you should have thanked her, thrown away that tag and had someone else go and dispose of any remaining tags. Then, when her items are scanned through, the correct price would have been displayed, and thus she would have to be charged $1.29 per bag.

    Confusing enough?
    Michael: Maybe you'll be inspired by the boat party tonight and start a career as a pirate.
    Tobias: I haven't packed for that.
    <3 Arrested Development


    • #3
      Quoth sarahj View Post
      Confusing enough?
      Makes sense to me, that's the way my old store's policy was too.

      People just try to get things for free. They need to suck on some unripe lemons and go away.
      Confirmed altoholic.


      • #4
        Quoth sarahj View Post
        At my store, if you'd scanned the apples and they came up at $1.29, then there had been a price check and the $1 tag was found, she'd have gotten one bag for free and the rest for $1 each. That's our "scanning policy," which seems fair to me.
        That is the basic policy at my store. Customers seem to think that they can make their own policies and we have to do what they want. This leads to many arguments, espically when no sign exist to back their claim.


        • #5
          Quoth sarahj View Post
          At my store, if you'd scanned the apples and they came up at $1.29, then there had been a price check and the $1 tag was found, she'd have gotten one bag for free and the rest for $1 each. That's our "scanning policy," which seems fair to me.
          Actually, as we were heading out and the night crew clocking in, M (the supervisor) asked one of the old-timers on night crew (M and I have both been there about 3 years, some of these guys have been around more than 10) if he'd ever heard of a free item policy.

          Turns out a while ago, we had a policy basically like what you were describing, but apparently not recently. But she wanted them all for free, and was being a general nuisance about it, so none for her.

          Though I'm betting she's going to call the store tomorrow and demand my boss refund her $3.
          » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «


          • #6
            If the customer presses, I believe our policy is that if the item rings for the wrong price, we will discount the item for up to $3.00 on one item. So she would've gotten one bag free and paid $1.00 each for the other two. That is, if she could prove the tag was actually hanging there. I mean, it was in her hand, perhaps she picked it up a couple weeks prior

            Frankly, the up to $3.00 policy is a pain in the ass. For one thing, they don't tell the cashiers about it and then, if we are trying to use it, we MUST confirm the posted price and then get a supervisor override if the $3.00 is most of the product cost.

            Had a guy come through the store last week with six, yes SIX, air conditioners and demand we sell them for $12 each. Because they were underneath a sign for $12. Now I didn't hear the entire story, but it sounds like some idiot either put them in the wrong spot or put up the wrong sign. Hey, mistakes happen. So this guy keeps arguing and manages to get ONE a/c for $12.00. Frankly, I would've told him hell no and asked if he'd like the $3.00 off. And probably suggest that "some customer" moved the numbers on the sign (which has happened, something changed from 99 cents to 09 cents, for example).
            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


            • #7
              Quoth bainsidhe View Post
              Had a guy come through the store last week with six, yes SIX, air conditioners and demand we sell them for $12 each.
              I had that happen once at a club I worked at -- they called me up to verify the sign was wrong. I happily said: "oh hi again [to the member], [to the manager] yes this is the member that removed the sign and put up the wrong one -- you know the one that you had to call me for the price and I had to print one off?"

              He didn't get a discount.


              • #8
                I just have to say...$1 for a whole bag of apples?? That's really cheap.

                But why pay a dollar when you can get it for free?!
                "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                • #9
                  Quoth AdminAssistant View Post
                  I just have to say...$1 for a whole bag of apples?? That's really cheap.
                  They were bags of pre-sliced apples, and a major name brand in produce. It's more like $1 for 1-2 apples because you're too lazy to cut them yourself.

                  I don't think I've ever seen anyone buy the things. Well, anyone who actually intended to pay for them.
                  » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «


                  • #10
                    Quoth KabeRinnaul View Post
                    They were bags of pre-sliced apples, and a major name brand in produce. It's more like $1 for 1-2 apples because you're too lazy to cut them yourself.
                    Oh for F sakes. Next we'll have pre-chewed food. If you're too lazy to slice an apple I wonder how you can even muster the energy necessary to lift it to your mouth, chew and swallow it.

                    Maybe people are going the route of The Simpsons with liquid food. Liquid Lays. Betcha can't suck just one!


                    • #11
                      You'd thik someone in "the industry" would know better... Sadly, the relation is like Doctor to Patient... BAD!!

                      Then again.. about 85 - 90% of the Doctors I've met or interacted with needed a Trout upside the head ANYWAY...


                      • #12
                        No offense intended here toward those who receive government aid, but why does it seem like the ones who pay with food stamps or WIC or what have you are quite often the ones who always try pulling crap like this? I only ask because I have seen this first hand while shopping. And my brother's ex, whom they have a child with but are not together, always pulls crap like this with her government checks. She's probably by now gotten everything for free, and has had the entire store fired for not getting her way.


                        • #13
                          If the customer presses, I believe our policy is that if the item rings for the wrong price, we will discount the item for up to $3.00 on one item. So she would've gotten one bag free and paid $1.00 each for the other two. That is, if she could prove the tag was actually hanging there. I mean, it was in her hand, perhaps she picked it up a couple weeks prior
                          I had one chain store give me free spinich when it rang up more than what the sign said. Another chain store gave me a toothpaste with the sale price from last week when they forgot to remove the sale tag. Then there's the big supercenter place that charge me the wrong price for a lot of things (avocatos, vitimins, cranberry juice, cookies) and just give me the correct price. Though half the time the item is on display in several places and the supervisor looks in the wrong spot.
                          Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                          Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                          I wish porn had subtitles.


                          • #14
                            I'd never heard of the free policy either but experianced it at my local Kroger.

                            BF and I was picking up a few sweets after visiting his parents (they like me... which scares me... so I needed some sugar to qualm my fears) and happened to discover that they carry my favourite brand of Mayo (Dukes. I won't eat any other kind). I grabbed a big jar and went to the register. The price rang up wrong. Not too terribly wrong, maybe 50 cents over the listed price. BF caught it and mentioned it was the wrong price and the cashier went to check it out.

                            It was late and we were one of two other couples in the store. She said he was right. I thought she'd just honour the lower price but instead she gave it to me for free. I was shocked and told her she didn't have to do that. Nope, she said, it was their mistake. Not mine.

                            I worked in a grocery store for a little while and never heard of such a policy. But then again, I was a baker, not a cashier.
                            Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                            Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                            Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


                            • #15
                              Quoth rerant View Post
                              Oh for F sakes. Next we'll have pre-chewed food. If you're too lazy to slice an apple I wonder how you can even muster the energy necessary to lift it to your mouth, chew and swallow it.
                              It's called Baby Food.
                              Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                              Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                              Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart

