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A Short One From Mr. Dips' Coin Store

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  • A Short One From Mr. Dips' Coin Store

    Here's the setup. The coin store has a front door for customers and a back door going into the employee-only area, where Mr. Dips does most of his work packing orders.

    The back area is very far away from the air conditioner so Mr. Dips keeps the back door open with a locked screen door to keep out flies and and other pests, like SCs.

    He had this wonderful conversation with an SC who was shouting at him after trying the locked screen door.

    SC: Hey! Your door's locked! I need to come in!

    Mr. Dips: That's the employee entrance. If you walk around to the front of the building, you can come in the front door.

    SC: I don't want to walk all the way to the other door. Let me in!

    Mr. Dips: I'm afraid I can't. This door goes into the employees-only area.

    SC: If you don't want people using this door, why is it open, huh?

    Mr. Dips: ... The front door is around the building to your left.

    And the SC stomped off to the front door. Which was not locked, but was closed (to keep the A/C in). I hope he wasn't too confused by that.
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.

  • #2
    Quoth Dips View Post
    Here's the setup. The coin store has a front door for customers and a back door going into the employee-only area, where Mr. Dips does most of his work packing orders.

    The back area is very far away from the air conditioner
    Sounds like my old place of work back in Phoenix!
    Quoth Dips View Post
    SC: Hey! Your door's locked! I need to come in!...

    SC: If you don't want people using this door, why is it open, huh?
    "Um, it's not. That's why it's locked. Duh."

    Oh dear, sounds like you have some of our customers as well...
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
    My LiveJournal
    A page we can all agree with!


    • #3
      I had that once at my last job. We cannot really help it, if we want a door open that is not for customers.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #4
        "Hey, you're dealing with money in there. Why is the door closed?"



        • #5
          Bleh, reminds me of my time in the parking booth.

          Now, you drive into a parkade. As you drive up, you pass by a rather large, hard to miss small building (It's actually quite beefy for a parking booth; cinderblocks, natural gas heater, kind of nice, really. Naturally, we also have the security cameras and the register in there, so cash AND security stuffs.)

          Having spotted this booth, you pull up to it, and spot the security guard in the window. You make eye contact, and he moves to open the sliding window (Closed because it's cold). Now, you are here on business, and have parking arranged for you, and were told to STOP AT THE PARKING BOOTH and TALK TO THE GUARD ON DUTY THERE.

          Do you:

          A) Stop your vehicle where it is, roll down your window, and talk to the guard you are currently making eye contact with.

          B) Continue driving forward and find a parking spot wherever you feel like stopping.

          C) Pull up in behind the booth, get out of your warm vehicle in -30 C weather, walk over to the door at the back of the booth and knock, then try and push your way in when the guard opens it to talk to you? Bonus points if you make the cat-butt face when he tells you you can't come in because he has cash in there.

          Can you guess which two choices were the most popular? Honestly, these people weren't even PAYING for their parking, but half the time I'd either have to bolt out of my booth to stop them parking in a staff member spot, check their info, and find their appropriate pass and where they should park, or I'd be forced to basically block the door with my body, freezing my butt off so I could do what I would have done if they had just stopped when I opened the window... namely, hand them their pass and tell them where to park.
          Check out my webcomic!


          • #6
            Sir I *could* let you in... but then I would have to shoot you. The latter involves a lot of paperwork so lets not, OK?
            *There is no greater gift than to be reborn with every heartbeat*
            *Grudges should only be held for as long as it takes to deliver a proper vengence!*

