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    I'm still in shock over how STUPID this was.

    A woman comes in today to return a hose. It's kinking, it's supposed to be a non-kink hose, that's an alright reason to return in my book, I've got no issue with it.

    Now those who have returned used hoses know that no matter how much you try, there will ALWAYS be an ungodly amount of water left in them, and people always return them completely bare, not even in a bag, and get water all over the floor, causing me to get a wet floor sign and clean up after it before someone slips and we get sued.


    This lady has the hose in a big heavy-duty trash bag. I'm thinking to myself, "Good, no mess this time."

    How wrong I was.

    When I finished the return, I pick up the bag with the hose...

    SC: "Excuse me? I want my bag back."

    I think she's kidding. She's DEAD SERIOUS. She wants her 25 cent trash bag back...

    SO, I grab another trash bag from under the counter, and proceed to take the hose out of her trash bag, and put it in mine. No matter how careful I am, water gets everywhere, all over the desk and behind my desk. I'm mad, but at least it's easier to clean up when the mess is behind the desk. I hand back her trash bag...

    Me: "Careful, there's still a lot of water in it..."

    This next part was not done out of rudeness. This was not done out of spite. This lady had not been mean or rude or anything throughout the whole transaction, she was just acting normal (although cheap). She did this like this was any normal thing, out of sure stupidity and she was obviously not taught any sort of manners growing up...
    SHE FLIPS THE TRASH BAG UPSIDE DOWN AND DUMPS ALL THE WATER IN THE TRASH BAG ALL OVER THE FLOOR RIGHT IN FRONT OF BOTH REFUNDS REGISTERS. This was no accident, because she then SHAKES it, to make sure ALL the water is now out of the bag, folds her bag, and leaves. The people behind her are looking at her like she's NUTS, and they later tell me I had a look on my face like I was going to kill her. The puddle was seriously 5-6 feet wide...

    ...seriously, our door is 5 STEPS AWAY from the desk. WHY did she dump the bag of water ALL OVER THE FLOOR when she could have done that outside?!?!?

    Because God tests my patience against going postal.

    And it took me 10 minutes to clean up her mess before I could start helping the people behind her (who so kindly offered to help me and made fun of that crazy lady quite loudly).
    "I, too, am saddened by the lack of hookers in this thread." -LingualMonkey

  • #2
    The lady sounds like she's just special.

    Maybe she thought you didn't have enough to do already?
    My NaNo page

    My author blog


    • #3
      That is a level of asshollery I cannot even begin to comprehend.
      What a fucking cow.


      • #4
        I do sincerely believe that said Crazy woman either needs to Unclench long enough tolerate losing a 25 cent bag. Or maybe she'll just Sh*t gold bricks.


        • #5
          I told my co-worker this story and he replied as such,

          "You don't even know! Her GRANDFATHER gave her that bag! She got MARRIED on that bag!..."
          and so on until I was literally on the floor laughing.
          "I, too, am saddened by the lack of hookers in this thread." -LingualMonkey


          • #6
            Her first born child was conceived, born and raised on that bag! Why would you NOT want to give back that bag simply for those fond memories?

            But anyway, I think if you can ban the biatch I would! that is BEYOND RUDE! What a cow! BAH! I think I would have helled that she better be cleaning that up or I'll be not only banning her for life but telling everyone that slips in it to call HER and sue!!!

            AHHH to dream is a lovely thing!
            I am evil, I should change my middle name legally TO evil, I'm proud of my evilness! Makes life fun! bwhaha


            • #7
              Wow. what to call her. Words fail me.

              It would have been ashame if the bag ripped when you took the hose out.

              If I was a custoemr I would definably mutter some words loud enough for her to hear. She probably wouldn't have understand.


              • #8

                the imagery is priceless. her dumping out the bag and shaking it dry, carefully folding it up and carrying it out with her... then at home, she props it open with two chairs and uses a hairdryer to get out the excess moisture, then places it in the linen closet right next to the carefully dry-cleaned tissues and the bag of toenails she has been saving since birth.

                but seriously, If I was in the line, I wouldn't have offered to help, I would have just done it. good to know there are still good people there.

                (first post. yay)


                • #9
                  There are four types of homicide: Intentional, Felonious, Excuseable and Praiseworthy.

                  I'd say she took a gleeful, head-first run at the brick wall which is Door #4...
                  "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
                  "What IS fun to fight through?"
                  "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."


                  • #10
                    Quoth rerant View Post
                    That is a level of asshollery I cannot even begin to comprehend.
                    What a fucking cow.
                    Hey! Don't insult cows like that!
                    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                    • #11
                      Quoth mattm04 View Post
                      Wow. what to call her. Words fail me.
                      Same here.

                      The thing that baffles me is : don't they know how to empty a hose ? Yes, it's tedious and, depending on the length of the hose, it can take quite some time, but it is possible.
                      "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                      • #12
                        I'd have just told her no.

                        But then again.. I'm fireable like that.. :/


                        • #13
                          Um... why didn't you just give her the empty trash bag from under your counter in exchange for hers? Heck, give her two or three; saves you the trouble.

                          You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Canarr View Post
                            Um... why didn't you just give her the empty trash bag from under your counter in exchange for hers? Heck, give her two or three; saves you the trouble.

                            Because seeing as she was bitchy enough to want the bag back, I would bet you dollars to donuts that she would have gotten snotty and repeated her request in a far more obnoxious manner to the offer of a "trade".

                            Sometimes when faced with idiots like this, it's just best to give them EXACTLY what they want and back away very slowly.


                            • #15
                              Oh my god, what a fucking asshat! What the hell is wrong with people??

