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A Never-Ending Love and other stories from Taco Hell

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  • A Never-Ending Love and other stories from Taco Hell

    A few months ago I was on the register when A co-worker told me that there was a guy proposing to his girlfriend in the parking lot of the KFC/Taco Bell where I work.

    There are rumors that he used a fire sauce packet in place of a ring, but I can't confirm it. I can only envision their future together.

    I assume the wedding was held in the parking lot of the Wendy's down the street and the honeymoon- well I heard they did that in McDonalds.

    I don't even want to think about where they consummated the marriage.

    Things that make you go brrrrrr.


    Tonight at work, I was waiting on customers and it had been a long night full of customers and just wanted to go home. A man came up and placed an order which came to $9.20. Upon telling him the price of his order, I remarked that I wish it was 9:20. After taking his money I turned around and looked at the clock. I kid you not, the clock said 9:20

    Judgement Day Is Near

    This however did not scare me as much as the time a goth girl came in and placed an order. When I finished the order the total came to.......$6.66

    666 The mark of the devil.

    I had seen that total before, a few times people coming from church had gotten that total and gotten a strange look on their face. I had never gotten it in such a perfect situation before as a goth girl getting the mark of the devil at a place I like to call KFC/Taco Hell.

    The NC Taco Massacre
    I had a customer today who among oher items, ordered 4 soft chicken tacos. A few minutes later he came up to me and demanded to know why I charged him 8 bucks for them. after trying to fix the problem myself, I called over a manager.

    She tried to explain to him that if he ordered soft chicken tacos, it would automaticlly be ranchero. He refused to accept simple logic and asked why I couldn't have rung him up for 4 spicy chicken soft tacos. The manager explained to him that the spicy chicken soft tacos have a different style of chicken then the ranchero soft tacos. The spicy chicken is shredded and the ranchero chicken is strips of breast meat.

    After I apologized to him about the entire incident which was not my fault, he accepted that he was not gettinghis money back and left in peace.

    Why can't they pronouce a simple word?
    At KFC, we have little sandwiches called Snackers, ever since they were introduced, people have been calling them by the wrong name. I have gotten Stackers, Slackers, Kickers, Smackers, and countless other variations.

    Another menue item they can't seem to pronouce is the new Cheesy Double Beef Burrito. I have gotten ordrrs for cheesy beefy double burrito, cheesy burrito, beefy double burrito and countless others.

    One more item is the Caramel Appel Empenada. Now I can understand some people mispronouncing it but the one women who came up and ordered an oompa loompa made me crack up on the spot. I wanted to tell her she would have to visit Willy Wonka for that bu I decided I liked my job too much to say it.

    That is all I will post for now. I actually have a list in front of me tha I am going down, but I will save some for another day.

  • #2
    Bed, you work the same place I had my first job at. It was hell, but I got really good at getting 6.66 totals... happened at least 3 times a night when I worked... course, it was easy when I was on registers 6 hours on school days, 12 hours on weekends...

    And my favorite Empanada mixup was the guy who wanted the "apple empa... em-panda...panad... that f*cking apple thing"
    Carpe Jugulum : Go for the throat.


    • #3
      Quoth bedwards87 View Post
      Why can't they pronouce a simple word?
      At KFC, we have little sandwiches called Snackers, ever since they were introduced, people have been calling them by the wrong name. I have gotten Stackers, Slackers, Kickers, Smackers, and countless other variations.

      Another menue item they can't seem to pronouce is the new Cheesy Double Beef Burrito. I have gotten ordrrs for cheesy beefy double burrito, cheesy burrito, beefy double burrito and countless others.

      One more item is the Caramel Apple Empenada. Now I can understand some people mispronouncing it but the one women who came up and ordered an oompa loompa made me crack up on the spot. I wanted to tell her she would have to visit Willy Wonka for that but I decided I liked my job too much to say it.
      Oh that reminds me. Among the various other idiocies I encounter a dozen times daily, there is one thing that never ceases to amaze and despair me:

      We have coupons which say "Large 1-Topping Pizza for $x.xx" right on the coupon, in big, bold, hard-to-miss print yet, almost every... single... ing... TIME I'll hear some dipwad say they "want one large topping pizza".

      Let me repeat that, with emphasis:
      "I want one large topping pizza."

      That's right, they don't say "A large 1-topping pizza" or "ONE large 1-topping", they say ing "ONE LARGE TOPPING PIZZA!

      And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


      • #4
        Customers love to rename things. For years, when I was a kid, you went to Little Caesars to have "crazy bread" but after I started working there, they simply became breadsticks. At first I was apalled and would correct people, which never went over well, after awhile I had to give up. There simply wasn't enough time to correct virtually everybody that came in.

        Many times, even Pizza Pizza was reduced to simply "twofers" as in I'd answer the phone and immediately be asked "Do you guys still do Twofers?
        For civilized discussion about broadcasting, media and sports along with fun games to play, visit:
        Emphasis on Michigan area broadcasting, but ANYONE is welcome!


        • #5
          666 The mark of the devil.
          You'd be surprised how afraid people are of that number. I was in a Chemistry course once, where that just happened to be the answer to a problem the professor was walking the class through. He asked if anyone got the answer. One of the girls that usually answered replied with, "Six, six,"


          • #6
            I loved the cute little names customers had for cigarettes and random lotto tickets that would confuse the living corn out of me.

            Pale Males = Pall Malls
            Marbo Reds = Marlboro Reds

            There were always some kind of themed or holiday or seasonal lotto tickets....the name of the game was right on the ticket....yet customers would ask for "Hotdog Bananza" or "Below Freezing" and I'd just stare at them like what in the world...
            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


            • #7
              During my hostess days at local Italian restaurant, we'd have people try and order from the wine list, and hearing them mispronounce some the names were hilarious!

              Pinot Noir (correct: Pee-no Nuh-war) S(for stupid)C: Peenut Nore

              Cabernet Sauvingon: (correct: Cab-er-nay So-vin-yon) SC: Caber-net Saw-vig-non)

              or worse...Filet Mignon as (Fi-let Mig-non)

              I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
              Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
              Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


              • #8
                Imagine how some of the country folk around here sound when they go to the local Chinese restaurants.......
                You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                • #9
                  Quoth tropicsgoddess View Post
                  During my hostess days at local Italian restaurant, we'd have people try and order from the wine list, and hearing them mispronounce some the names were hilarious!

                  Pinot Noir (correct: Pee-no Nuh-war) S(for stupid)C: Peenut Nore

                  Cabernet Sauvingon: (correct: Cab-er-nay So-vin-yon) SC: Caber-net Saw-vig-non)

                  or worse...Filet Mignon as (Fi-let Mig-non)

                  You know, I do understand the humor in the situation. I do think that it is a little much (and rather rude) to call a customer stupid simply because they attemped to pronounce a foreign word and failed. I'm sure that you would rather they tried, rather than just poke blindly at the menu. Remind me not to ever eat at THAT place.
                  "Hi, this is Silver. How may I lose my self respect in order to cater to your over- inflated ego today?" --- Silverrb


                  • #10
                    Worst 666 I ever got was at Wal-Mart. Everyone knows those discout bins for movies, well at one point they were $6.66 for vhs tapes. So this woman complained and then WM changed the price to $6.88 and the woman was happy.
                    If it makes sense, it's not allowed™. -- BeckySunshine

                    I've heard of breaking wind but not breaking and entering wind. --- Sheldonrs

                    My gaming blog:Ghosts from the Black


                    • #11
                      Quoth IvorTangrean View Post
                      Worst 666 I ever got was at Wal-Mart. Everyone knows those discout bins for movies, well at one point they were $6.66 for vhs tapes. So this woman complained and then WM changed the price to $6.88 and the woman was happy.
                      What a tool. I should go to wal-mart, buy a discount movie and charge her the 22 cent difference.

                      On a related note, the rite aid near me sells my fiance's smokes for $6.66 a pack.
                      Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


                      • #12
                        I can't even begin to count the multiple butcherings of the ice cream flavor Dulce de leche. I've heard dulchee, dulsee, doolssee, lechee, laysh, lushee, etc.
                        "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

                        Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


                        • #13
                          Since we began with kfc/taco bell incidents we cant forget the people who come through drive thru and upon being asked first "Hi, how are you today?" which is then followed by "What can i get for you," or "How can i help you" these people proceed to ask if we are still open. Im sorry but if we were not open i never would have spoken to you. i would happily have let you sit in the drive thru and wait for someone to speak, smiling to myself because it's never going to happen.

                          Then we have the mathmatical genius's who come thru and order a 4.99 item and a 5.99 item and then want to know why their total is 11.75. This type of thing always prompts me to read back their order with details including the price, any extra charges due to adjustments they may or may not have made (i.e. chicken on a taco is more expensive than beef) and the amount of tax. And i always make it a point to be as big of an ass as possible when i tell this information.

                          Then there are the people who dont know where they are. In what state does kfc or taco bell serve burgers or pepperoni pizzas? Seriously now, is it that hard to read the sign that says kfc and think "ok i want a burger so maybe i should go to BK or hardee's instead?"

                          And of course, my personal favorites, the ones who come thru and feel the need to ask if we have milkshakes or some other ridiculous thing. No we dont sell milkshakes. Maybe thats why on the menu that you keep neglecting to read it doesnt say milkshake anywhere.

                          The list goes on but i have to stop and save some stuff for later. Oh the stories i could tell...


                          • #14
                            Quoth SilverOrb View Post
                            You know, I do understand the humor in the situation. I do think that it is a little much (and rather rude) to call a customer stupid simply because they attemped to pronounce a foreign word and failed. I'm sure that you would rather they tried, rather than just poke blindly at the menu. Remind me not to ever eat at THAT place.
                            Where did she call the customers stupid? She simply poked fun at some common mispronounciations.
                            "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                            • #15
                              Archamedes you hit the nail on the head.

