A few months ago I was on the register when A co-worker told me that there was a guy proposing to his girlfriend in the parking lot of the KFC/Taco Bell where I work.
There are rumors that he used a fire sauce packet in place of a ring, but I can't confirm it. I can only envision their future together.
I assume the wedding was held in the parking lot of the Wendy's down the street and the honeymoon- well I heard they did that in McDonalds.
I don't even want to think about where they consummated the marriage.
Things that make you go brrrrrr.
Tonight at work, I was waiting on customers and it had been a long night full of customers and just wanted to go home. A man came up and placed an order which came to $9.20. Upon telling him the price of his order, I remarked that I wish it was 9:20. After taking his money I turned around and looked at the clock. I kid you not, the clock said 9:20

Judgement Day Is Near
This however did not scare me as much as the time a goth girl came in and placed an order. When I finished the order the total came to.......$6.66
666 The mark of the devil.
I had seen that total before, a few times people coming from church had gotten that total and gotten a strange look on their face. I had never gotten it in such a perfect situation before as a goth girl getting the mark of the devil at a place I like to call KFC/Taco Hell.
The NC Taco Massacre
I had a customer today who among oher items, ordered 4 soft chicken tacos. A few minutes later he came up to me and demanded to know why I charged him 8 bucks for them. after trying to fix the problem myself, I called over a manager.
She tried to explain to him that if he ordered soft chicken tacos, it would automaticlly be ranchero. He refused to accept simple logic and asked why I couldn't have rung him up for 4 spicy chicken soft tacos. The manager explained to him that the spicy chicken soft tacos have a different style of chicken then the ranchero soft tacos. The spicy chicken is shredded and the ranchero chicken is strips of breast meat.
After I apologized to him about the entire incident which was not my fault, he accepted that he was not gettinghis money back and left in peace.
Why can't they pronouce a simple word?
At KFC, we have little sandwiches called Snackers, ever since they were introduced, people have been calling them by the wrong name. I have gotten Stackers, Slackers, Kickers, Smackers, and countless other variations.
Another menue item they can't seem to pronouce is the new Cheesy Double Beef Burrito. I have gotten ordrrs for cheesy beefy double burrito, cheesy burrito, beefy double burrito and countless others.
One more item is the Caramel Appel Empenada. Now I can understand some people mispronouncing it but the one women who came up and ordered an oompa loompa made me crack up on the spot. I wanted to tell her she would have to visit Willy Wonka for that bu I decided I liked my job too much to say it.
That is all I will post for now. I actually have a list in front of me tha I am going down, but I will save some for another day.
There are rumors that he used a fire sauce packet in place of a ring, but I can't confirm it. I can only envision their future together.
I assume the wedding was held in the parking lot of the Wendy's down the street and the honeymoon- well I heard they did that in McDonalds.
I don't even want to think about where they consummated the marriage.
Things that make you go brrrrrr.
Tonight at work, I was waiting on customers and it had been a long night full of customers and just wanted to go home. A man came up and placed an order which came to $9.20. Upon telling him the price of his order, I remarked that I wish it was 9:20. After taking his money I turned around and looked at the clock. I kid you not, the clock said 9:20

Judgement Day Is Near
This however did not scare me as much as the time a goth girl came in and placed an order. When I finished the order the total came to.......$6.66
666 The mark of the devil.
I had seen that total before, a few times people coming from church had gotten that total and gotten a strange look on their face. I had never gotten it in such a perfect situation before as a goth girl getting the mark of the devil at a place I like to call KFC/Taco Hell.
The NC Taco Massacre
I had a customer today who among oher items, ordered 4 soft chicken tacos. A few minutes later he came up to me and demanded to know why I charged him 8 bucks for them. after trying to fix the problem myself, I called over a manager.
She tried to explain to him that if he ordered soft chicken tacos, it would automaticlly be ranchero. He refused to accept simple logic and asked why I couldn't have rung him up for 4 spicy chicken soft tacos. The manager explained to him that the spicy chicken soft tacos have a different style of chicken then the ranchero soft tacos. The spicy chicken is shredded and the ranchero chicken is strips of breast meat.
After I apologized to him about the entire incident which was not my fault, he accepted that he was not gettinghis money back and left in peace.
Why can't they pronouce a simple word?
At KFC, we have little sandwiches called Snackers, ever since they were introduced, people have been calling them by the wrong name. I have gotten Stackers, Slackers, Kickers, Smackers, and countless other variations.
Another menue item they can't seem to pronouce is the new Cheesy Double Beef Burrito. I have gotten ordrrs for cheesy beefy double burrito, cheesy burrito, beefy double burrito and countless others.
One more item is the Caramel Appel Empenada. Now I can understand some people mispronouncing it but the one women who came up and ordered an oompa loompa made me crack up on the spot. I wanted to tell her she would have to visit Willy Wonka for that bu I decided I liked my job too much to say it.
That is all I will post for now. I actually have a list in front of me tha I am going down, but I will save some for another day.