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Somebody put me out of my misery.... (quite long)

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  • Somebody put me out of my misery.... (quite long)

    Saturday was absolutely Sucktastic.

    Business Credit Woes

    A guy came through my line early in the day with an American Express card. I rang up his purchases (a bunch of cleaning supplies), and he swiped the card. And stopped when he got to the zipcode screen, which is something AmEx does at our store to verify their credit cards. Good idea, I think. Unfortunately, the guy didn't know his zipcode. So he asks me. I just moved to this area about two months ago, and am working two towns over from where I actually live, so I don't know any zipcodes beyond my own. So the customer next to him tells him the local zipcode.

    Card is declined. Zipcode is the wrong one. The guy trys it again, and the card is declined again. He doesn't know the other zipcode he could try, and neither do the second customer or I. So I call over a CSM to void the transaction. CSM checks the card, checks the guy's ID, and puts in the zipcode on the guy's ID. Declined.

    Then the CSM notices that the AmEx is a business card, with a business name and (presumably) the business owner's name on it. And the business owner's name doesn't match the guy trying to buy cleaning supplies. We have no authorization letter for the guy, so he can't buy stuff here anyway, and we tell him so. I do feel bad, though, since he's probably just a grunt at his place of employment who got sent to Wal-Mart for supplies with the company card.

    Mattress Lady

    A lady came through my line with a large cartful of merchandise. About three items into me scanning, she says, "I also have two mattresses and two crib frames up at Customer Service."

    I looked at her blankly for a moment, and she returned my blank stare. Finally, I said, "Um, I need them over here so I can ring them up."

    She immediately looks like I just asked her to pick up the store by hand and move it across the highway. "They're too heavy for me to just pick up and sling over my shoulder," she says.

    "Well, I need the barcodes to scan, Ma'am," I reply, and call for a CSM. Lady ends up sending one of the teenage kids with her to go get the items instead of waiting. They finally arrive, and I attempt to scan them. Problem is, my scanning gun was misbehaving and would only work if there was a direct, obstruction-free line between the gun itself and the antenna on the base (and even then, I had to angle it properly). Suffice it to say, the mattresses and crib frames were not in the right position for this.

    The lady immediately piped up with, "Then they're free, right?"

    I resisted the urge to stick my tongue out at her and punched in the barcode numbers by hand instead.

    I Don't Like to

    Soon after came a lady who didn't have a signature on the back of her credit card. I pointed this out to her, and she said, "I don't like to sign my cards." I suggested she might at least want to write "See ID" on the back if she wasn't going to sign it (I'm not going to argue with a customer over why they should actually sign the card). She, thankfully, seemed willing to listen to reason (though it took her a while to grasp what I meant by "See ID").

    It's Illegal....

    Not too long later came another customer with an unsigned card. I only really notice these things on purchases over $100, since that's when the register prompts to compare signatures (it occasionally does it for lower amounts). Otherwise, we don't ever touch the customer's card since it's all done through the pinpad.

    I asked for ID, of course, and explained to the customer that they might want to sign their card. They responded that they didn't like to. I tried to point out the "Not Valid Unless Signed" on the back of the card, and they argued that they didn't like to sign them for security reasons. I suggested at least writing "See ID" (as I had with the previous lady), and the girl with this customer immediately starts in on a swearing fit complete with attitude about how "this is ******* unbelievable" and that "it's illegal not to ask for ID."

    Um...since when? If your signature matches the signature on the back, why should I check ID just on the off chance that your card was stolen, your signature successfully duplicated (or, more likely with this customer, your name written in someone else's handwriting), and you were too stupid to realize by now that your card was gone and report it stolen? And swearing at me is not going to endear me to your cause. In fact, it's going to make me nearly have an emotional breakdown in front of a crowded store full of customers.

    Man, I wish I had the authority to refuse an unsigned credit card.

    Nice Lady, But Still Not a Fun Transaction

    This lady, thankfully, was a breath of fresh air after the swearing card-fit. She came up with a basket full of items, including a five-piece ink cartridge set (color; each cartridge is a different color in the CMYK set). The cartridge rang up at $65. Sounds reasonable enough to me for something that fancy. Unfortunately, the customer said it was on a peg for $20. So I call for a CSM to double-check, especially as this is the second customer that week with that exact cartridge and that exact complaint. Something's fishy.

    Well, the CSM goes to check the price, after approving the void off of the receipt (since it was over $50, it required a CSM approval). The customer is patient and understanding. Unfortunately, I thought the CSM had voided the whole transaction and not just the cartridge (what can I say, I was still shaken up from the swearing girl). So I rerang the items by hand (UPC#s on the receipt that printed) and charged the lady a second time. Then I realized what I'd done and apologized profusely and sent the (still!) understanding customer to customer service to get it fixed.

    The CSM then came back and told me the cartridges were in fact $65, but that an entire peg-full ended up on a $20 peg and that Electronics was remedying the situation. Made me want to go throw a cartridge at the stocker in charge of that screw-up.

    Add to that:

    - at least one Bagging Busybody: the kind who decides the cashier doesn't know what they're doing and just has to rebag everything once they get their meaty hands on it

    - at least one Eager Grabber, who reached under the pinpad counter and around three large things of paper towels and toilet paper to grab the bag I was still filling, despite me asking her to wait and not turn the bagging rack on me--which she tried to do first

    - at least one guy who had the cojones to say "good girl!" to me like I was some sort of trained monkey when I bagged things just right for him

    - several money-grabbers who looked like they didn't want to wait for me to count their change properly

    and the icing on the Cake of Suck:

    Let's Have a Management Pow-Wow

    Half an hour (give or take a few minutes) before shift's end, one of the CSMs came up to me at the self-checkout and asked if I wanted to go home half an hour early. She said it in a tone that sounded like she was joking, so I cornered her about five minutes later (since she ran off right after asking to talk to someone else) to ask if she was sure I wouldn't get yelled at for clocking out half an hour early.

    She then asked me if I would actually cover for the door-greeter for half an hour, since the door-greeter was having major breathing issues and the AM (only one, with no SM in the store) was taking his sweet time finding her a replacement. So I agreed, figuring this way I could still clock out on time and not get yelled at. CSM(#1) told me to tell her at ten minutes before shift's end so she could find me a replacement. Fair enough.

    About 15 minutes before shift's end, CSM#2 finally shows up from goodness-knows-where (she disappeared about an hour before, leaving CSM#1 the only CSM to be found for cashier errands and other duties). #1 and #2 have a stern discussion over by customer service, before #1 calls for AM to come to the front of the store.

    He shows up, and they disappear into the management office. And stay there, holed up, for the next 20 minutes at least. I was starting to get worried, as they weren't responding to pages to call the self-checkout podium so I could tell them I needed to go home. Add to this it had been 2 hours since my last break, and I was starting to get hungry again (and a 6-months-pregnant hungry cashier who's been standing for 8 hours that day is not a happy cashier). It was getting harder to smile at the customers coming into the store.

    Finally I thought "screw it" to myself, told the cashier on self-checkout (a very nice young man) that I was going to clock out and go home and to tell that to CSM#1 or AM if they asked, and left.

    I get the impression that CSM#2 was getting a talking-to for disappearing for a whole hour+ on a busy day. That doesn't excuse the fact that the only three management-types we had in the store were holed up in the management office without making sure the rest of their duties were covered. Heaven knows how long that "meeting" went on after I left.

    They're lucky I promised my husband I'd grit my teeth and work there as long as I can before pregnancy or stress forces me to stay home. They're also lucky that even that one day was preferable to the call center I worked at. ::gag::
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

  • #2
    i get so sick of people coming into lines and saying,"oh i also need this..." or "oh, they were holding this for me at...." and then kind of stare at you. most of the time i say ok. and keep on ringing.

    today, i was gving the front register a break. this lady comes through, and has the store brand of cold medicine. she thought it was buy one get one free, but it was the wrong size. i tell her, and then say," you need to get the 18-24 pack." and then i kept ringing. a few seconds later, she says," will you go get it?"

    hmm...let me their another cashier ANYWHERE in sight, let alone another employee...nope. are there three customers behind you? yep. and you want me to run to the opposite end of the store to grab an item for you because you didn't read the sign thats says 18-24 pack in front of the 18 and 24 pack, and instead grabbed the 72 pack? ain't happening.

    then i have this one lady who always comes through, walks to one side of the store, and grabs something,t hen walks back to grab another, then walks over to me and says, "will you go get me milk, eggs, and bread?" in cosmetics, which is aisle 1 and 2. milk bread and eggs are in the last aisle on the other side of the store. did i mention its against company policy to leave my area? oh by the way ma'am, those fish sticks you have in your cart, came from the same aisle as the milk eggs and bread you want me to go get...


    • #3
      Actually anymore, many places aren't acepting cards that have "Check ID" signed on them.

      Stupid policy since it makes sense to do so

      I was lucky, I did have the right to refuse service if I wasn't happy with the form of payment and did so on any number of times. My policy was (since the majority of our sales were over $500) was to check the credit card each and every time against another form of ID. Most people were cool with that, others were cool when I explained that this is what prevents John Q Pursesnatcher from having a field day with their cards should they get stolen.

      It's only the 1% out there who don't get it and I'll say "Sir/Madam, this is for the prevention of credit card fraud. It is a way to protect the owner of the card from fradulent charges. If you refuse to show me ID then I am not going to accept a card that I can't verify as belonging to you."

      Most back down at that point, but when you get a stubborn one it's a right royal pain in the ass.

      I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


      • #4
        Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
        Actually anymore, many places aren't acepting cards that have "Check ID" signed on them.
        I'm quite certain that's the case, but frankly after the attitudes I've gotten from some of these "customers," I'll let them stew in their own juices when they end up at a place like that, and merely attempt to help prevent some credit card fraud in whatever way I can.

        I, personally, sign my cards as soon as I get them. I figure that in the time it's going to take the thief to accurately duplicate my signature, I'll have noticed the card is missing and call it in, at which point it'll be either flagged or cancelled. If they scratch off the signature, they'll have to present ID, which also takes time (leading to cancelling or flagging), and if they're going to use my card online, having or not having a signature isn't going to make a big difference so what does it matter if I sign it? So I sign it.
        "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
        - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


        • #5
          I like the fact that mine has a pic on it. Can duplicate my sig, can't duplicate my face.


          • #6
            working at the art stall the one person I didnt check the signature of, had see ID on her card and gave me what for because I didnt ask for ID..... so then I made her give me 2 forms and told her nicely that her card was voided without a signature anyway... that shut her up

            then I had a wonderful couple whos had a sig then see ID overtop and when I asked they were both shell shocked because no one had ever asked before...and nice as pie about it anyway

            I hate see ID crap on credit cards, if someones gonna steal it, they will use it to buy stuff anyway
            I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


            • #7
              Quoth Kiwi View Post
              I hate see ID crap on credit cards, if someones gonna steal it, they will use it to buy stuff anyway
              Exactly. The internet doesn't ID you, after all.
              "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
              - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


              • #8
                Quoth RogueOne View Post
                I like the fact that mine has a pic on it. Can duplicate my sig, can't duplicate my face.
                You're one of the lucky ones then. There are at least two other people in my city that look just like me. I've seen one myself, in traffic, and my own father mistook one of them for me one time.
                Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                • #9
                  Quoth Primer View Post
                  my own father mistook one of them for me one time.
                  Wow, the only people I look like are in my own family, thank Gord. I look like a younger version of my dad (though better looking and with more hair. )


                  • #10
                    Quoth RogueOne View Post
                    I like the fact that mine has a pic on it. Can duplicate my sig, can't duplicate my face.
                    They can do wonders with make-up these days...


                    • #11
                      Quoth Kogarashi View Post
                      Suffice it to say, the mattresses and crib frames were not in the right position for this.

                      The lady immediately piped up with, "Then they're free, right?"

                      I resisted the urge to stick my tongue out at her and punched in the barcode numbers by hand instead.
                      Oh I hate the whole "they're free!" thing. When I get it, they're usually joking, but sometimes I am put on a till that has a bad scanner that has problems scanning everything, and on these days I hear the joke from almost every customer, and after a while it can be really irritating.

                      - at least one Eager Grabber, who reached under the pinpad counter and around three large things of paper towels and toilet paper to grab the bag I was still filling, despite me asking her to wait and not turn the bagging rack on me--which she tried to do first
                      On thing that really annoys me is when customers try to "help" me by picking up things I am reaching for to hand to me to pack. But I'm a fast packer and they hand the things SO slowly, that it makes me a heck of alot slower. Or I'll be packing half of the purchases in one bag and leaving the other half for the other, and as soon as I start the second, the customer grabs a whole bunch of it, stuffing it into the first bag, making it extremely full, ready to burst, leaving the one or two items I grabbed for the second bag so that there's hardly anything in it.

                      at least one guy who had the cojones to say "good girl!" to me like I was some sort of trained monkey when I bagged things just right for him
                      I have gotten that too. Made me feel really uncomfortable.
                      "The soul is the same in all living creatures, although the body of each is different."


                      • #12
                        Quoth RogueOne View Post
                        I like the fact that mine has a pic on it. Can duplicate my sig, can't duplicate my face.
                        I wish more cc companies issued those... Of course, what if you honestly, really, truly have an evil twin? (Or come from a family with a STRONG family resemblance??)
                        Unseen but seeing
                        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                        3rd shift needs love, too
                        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                        • #13
                          Quoth Kogarashi View Post
                          Soon after came a lady who didn't have a signature on the back of her credit card. I pointed this out to her, and she said, "I don't like to sign my cards."...

                          Not too long later came another customer with an unsigned card...

                          ...They responded that they didn't like to. I tried to point out the "Not Valid Unless Signed" on the back of the card, and they argued that they didn't like to sign them for security reasons....

                          Man, I wish I had the authority to refuse an unsigned credit card.
                          Are you sure that your store won't allow you to refuse it? After all, the card is not valid unless it's signed, and accepting an invalid card opens up the retailer to liability if the transaction is fraudulant. It is the credit card company's rule that the card must be signed, and the retailer has to agree to abide by all the rules or else possibly lose the ability to continue to accept that type of card (I don't think its ever been done, but just the possiblility of losing that much business would make most retailers crap their pants).

                          When I worked at Wally World way back in the day, whenever someone handed me a card, I'd automatically flip it over and check for a signature. If there was not one there, I'd ask for ID and request the customer sign the card in front of me. If they refused, I'd ask for another form of payment. I was almost always backed up on doing it. The one time that I wasn't and the manager asked me to go ahead and run the card, I refused on the grounds that if it opens up the store to liability, it opens me up to losing my job. The SM agreed and had that manager sign on to a different register under their ID to do it. You don't mess around with Phillip, he'll hog-tie you with your own rules and make you look like the idiot.
                          Last edited by phillippbo; 09-20-2006, 06:15 PM. Reason: Cleaned up some grammer mistakes...
                          ...don't you know the first law of physics? "Anything that's fun costs at least $8.00."
                          - Cartman


                          • #14
                            Quoth phillippbo View Post
                            Are you sure that your store won't allow you to refuse it?
                            Pretty certain. I'll ask tomorrow at work, just to be sure, but our store really likes to follow corporate's assertion that the customer never tries to scam us (seriously, have you seen the computer-based learning videos for cashiering lately?). Even if the CSMs were likely to back me up (which not all of them are), the store manager almost certainly would side with the customers.

                            If it comes down to it in the end, though, I figure just screw it. The customer can go hang if their card is stolen, and I won't be working there after December anyway (baby due).
                            "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                            - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                            • #15
                              I usually automatically hand over my ID and card at the same time when I use my cards....
                              DJ Particle

