Regarding the SC from this thread here http://www.customerssuck.com/board/s...ad.php?t=28074 ...
The collection agency has given up on her. Apparently she and her psycho mother managed to dig up some crazy Texan law about consumer debts...and the CA cannot pursue them further without being sued. Since it's a $135 debt...they told me they aren't going to even mess with it. From what I hear, they were practically CACKLING as they told him to tell me I wasn't going to get a cent.
Best part is that last month, apparently they promised TWICE to pay off the debt since they just "wanted to be over and done with this". Then when the CA called to remind them, she and her mom screamed "F*** YOU" and cursed at them until they had to terminate the call.
I'm so ticked off and hurt by all of this. I know, I know...it's a small amount. But she thinks she can get away with this...and I'm trying to figure out if I should go after this and show her that no, she CANNOT. I can't afford a lawyer though...so I wonder if that's why she's being like that.
I guess I'll be writing a letter to my state's attorney general and/or filing in small claims. Thing is though, if I bring her to small claims...I don't want just the $135 now. I'm thinking about pressing for that $50 bonus (

God I wish this week would improve...did NOT need to hear about this.