I'm now the night-cashier at my store, so i'm there from 10:30pm to 6:30am.
At about midnight a day or so ago, i had a guy and his son come in and start his shopping he's in for about 20 or so minutes and gets about a half cart of stuff and comes up to the Uscan while i'm getting cigarretes for a customer and some change for the till. and i come back a minute later to him sliding a card through the reader and looking quite angry so i put my change in the till and hand the other customer their cigarretes and approach him and the following dialogue ensues
Me:Can i help you with anything sir.
Him: I'm trying to do this!
looks at his cart and sees it still completely full nothing scanned) What are you trying to do sir?
Him: I"M TRYING TO DO THIS! If You're going to be rude get the F*** away and let me do this.
Me:Okay sir. (i walk back to the station and wait for a bit as he continues to slide his card.)
A minute later i walk back
Me: Sir can i ask again what you're trying to do?
Me: Are you trying to pay sir?
Him:YES! i dont use this thing much!
Me: You'll have to ring up your stuff first sir. (I walk back to the station to help my other customers.)
He looks at me all pissedoffedly for the rest of the time and walks out all fuming.
I get that its a bit more complicated than having someone do it all for you but since when do you try to pay before you know how much it costs?
At about midnight a day or so ago, i had a guy and his son come in and start his shopping he's in for about 20 or so minutes and gets about a half cart of stuff and comes up to the Uscan while i'm getting cigarretes for a customer and some change for the till. and i come back a minute later to him sliding a card through the reader and looking quite angry so i put my change in the till and hand the other customer their cigarretes and approach him and the following dialogue ensues
Me:Can i help you with anything sir.
Him: I'm trying to do this!

Him: I"M TRYING TO DO THIS! If You're going to be rude get the F*** away and let me do this.
Me:Okay sir. (i walk back to the station and wait for a bit as he continues to slide his card.)
A minute later i walk back
Me: Sir can i ask again what you're trying to do?
Me: Are you trying to pay sir?
Him:YES! i dont use this thing much!
Me: You'll have to ring up your stuff first sir. (I walk back to the station to help my other customers.)
He looks at me all pissedoffedly for the rest of the time and walks out all fuming.
I get that its a bit more complicated than having someone do it all for you but since when do you try to pay before you know how much it costs?