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Journey to the Center of the Sucky Parenting

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  • Journey to the Center of the Sucky Parenting

    I went to see "Journey to the Center of the Earth" in a Real-3D theater. The movie itself was pretty standard Brendan Frasier fare, but as I happen to like the actor, I enjoyed the movie. Besides the fun of going to the movie was more of seeing a live action film in 3D and taking my son who has never seen a 3D movie.

    But the quality of the movie is something better debated on than here. No here I'm pointing out the "charming" couple next to me and how they treated their child.

    Ok, this is a standard 3D film with all the stuff they pull in all 3D movies. Things like an extended tape measure "poking out" at the audience, things leaping at the screen, that sort of stuff. Basically the same crap they pulled going back to the early days of 3D back in the 50's and 60's to get the audience to either reach out and try to grab the object, or jump as something tries to jump out and "attack them".

    Now without spoiling the film (I'm only pulling from stuff that comes from the trailers) there are things like a Therapod Dinosaur (something rather like a T-Rex) getting up close and ugly with the viewing audience and other nasty looking critters leaping at you. Hell it even made me jump a few times. There were scenes of people falling down very deep holes, hanging over magma, and other types of peril that really utilize the 3D medium.

    Well this couple next to me brings their little child to the movies and she has got to be only 4-5 years old. She is also freaked right the hell out by all the scary stuff. Not surprising since it's one thing to see something on a 2D screen, but in 3D it's even more "real" to the child.

    So you have the suckage factor of bringing a child to a movie but that's not all folks, the Father made this comment "You watched Alien Vs. Predator, what's so scary about this?" as if the little girl should be ashamed of herself for crying when something with a head bigger than a Volkswagen Bug "comes out of the screen" at her snarling and snapping it's jaws.

    I give the father 10 out of 10 for taking the family out on a family outing, but minus several million for bad thinking.

    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?

  • #2
    Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
    Well this couple next to me brings their little child to the movies and she has got to be only 4-5 years old. She is also freaked right the hell out by all the scary stuff. Not surprising since it's one thing to see something on a 2D screen, but in 3D it's even more "real" to the child.
    Wow. What were they thinking?

    So you have the suckage factor of bringing a child to a movie but that's not all folks, the Father made this comment "You watched Alien Vs. Predator, what's so scary about this?" as if the little girl should be ashamed of herself for crying when something with a head bigger than a Volkswagen Bug "comes out of the screen" at her snarling and snapping it's jaws.
    What sort of yahoo takes their kid to Alien vs Predator?

    I give the father 10 out of 10 for taking the family out on a family outing, but minus several million for bad thinking.
    I second that.
    1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
    ----- (A blog about everything and nothing)


    • #3
      I suppose I'm one of those strange parents who gives a crap what their child watches.

      A 4-5 year old in AVP? WTH were they thinking? I won;t let my 6 year old stay up and watch PG-13 movies with me. R is right out of the question.

      And yes, let's build a child's confidence by telling them they're a blubbering idiot for showing a natural reaction to fear.
      Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.'


      • #4
        Alien vs. Predator? For a 4 - 5 year old. That's a bit over the top. However, that is up to the descretion of the parents. If they want to deal with the backlash of nightmares and scary moments that the child may experience because of the movie...that's their choice. I personally would not take a child to see such a movie.

        I was watching the first Indiana Jones movie at my house with my friends daughters. Harmless enough flick...I mean, I saw it when I was younger. However, I don't think either little girl was ready for the melting and exploding faces at the end when the bad guys opened the Ark. I was a bit devious in my explanation of what was going on. The girls, all freaked out over the faces melting, yelled, "WHAT'S GOING ON!?!?!?!" I explained that the bad men did something they were asked not too. (these particular little ones have a hell of a time listening to anyone and never do what they're told ) They just gasped in utter disbelief. I'm sure the lesson didn't stick though.

        Their father wants to take them to this 3D film. I think that although it would be a bit scary for someone their age (especially the 4 year old), it would be a neat experience.

        I remember seeing Jaws in 3D when I was a kid. I remembered how cool that was back then! But, I was older.
        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


        • #5
          It's not so much the fact that the father took the child to the film, I'm not making judgments there. What I objected to was the fact that the father belittled the child when she did get scared.

          What got me was the tone in his voice when she was scared at the big honking volkswagan-sized T-Rex head snarling and snapping in what was her perspective, inches from her nose. He was acting like she was an embarassment to humanity in general and to his family specifically for freaking out.
          I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


          • #6
            Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
            What got me was the tone in his voice when she was scared at the big honking volkswagan-sized T-Rex head snarling and snapping in what was her perspective, inches from her nose. He was acting like she was an embarassment to humanity in general and to his family specifically for freaking out.
            That'd make me a little freaked out and I'm 27. Of course a 4-5 year-old would be scared.
            1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
   (A blog about everything and nothing)


            • #7
              I think I've done a pretty good job of explaining to my 4 year old son the difference between real stuff we encounter every day, and the fake stuff in movies and TV. He loves the Jurassic Park movies, and the first time he saw them I was right there with him answering all his breathless questions.

              But had he reacted negatively, it would be off in a second. And in a theater, we'd be out in a flash. Some kids can handle it and some can't but its a parent's job to act accordingly. That guy is a dick.
              Hmm...more zombies than usual...


              • #8
                When I was 5, my mom was away for a women's workshop thing so it was just me and dad. I remember exactly what he said, "Hey, Chelly(cause my name is actually chelsea)! There's this great new show on tv called X-files! You wanna watch it with me?"

                I adored my dad like no-one's business so the answer was, ofcourse, "YES!"

                I went to bed all freaked out, trying to think about happy thoughts. It was this blood sucking bug episode, and I was scared to death of bugs. But the next week, I sat down and watched it with him again. It was my favorite show growing up.

                When my mom returned from her long weekend, she was really pissed, but by that time, I was hooked.
                Check out my cosplay social group!


                • #9
                  My husband and I saw Hellboy II on Saturday night. (Loved it. Laughed. Cried. Best use of Barry Manilow song ever.)

                  My MIL called on Sunday asking about taking our sons to see it. My husband immediately said that if the 12-year-old was interested, then it was okay to take him, but the 9-year-old would not be able to handle it.
                  Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                  HR believes the first person in the door
                  Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
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                  CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                  • #10
                    Wasn't AVP four years ago?
                    Unless he means the sequel.
                    "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


                    • #11
                      Quoth Gawdzillers View Post
                      Wasn't AVP four years ago?
                      Unless he means the sequel.
                      They probably have a DVD collection at home to torment their tike with.

                      I was five when I saw my first scary movie and it is a memory that will stay with me as clear as day because it scared the crap out of me. I was at a neighbor's house being babysat and plunked down to see... someone being stripped of their skin, like an apple being peeled. I freaked out, the babysitter got really nasty with me and said "If you were gonna get scared, why did you watch?". Hello, I was five, like I knew what was going to happen! If she knew it was that scary, she should've shooed me out of the room!
                      "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

                      "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


                      • #12
                        I was pretty young when I saw Doctor Zhivago, and there was the part where Yuri's mom gets buried, and he goes to bed and he looks out the window to her grave and we see her in her coffin. She is dead-dead, but I still had nightmares about her being buried alive.

                        Maybe the Dad in this case thougth "well, let me use psychology. If I tell her it's not scary maybe she won't think it is scary." But yeah, he should of taken her out if she started to cry or try to comfort her or something.
                        Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                        Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                        I wish porn had subtitles.


                        • #13
                          I used to work at a movie theatre many, many years ago and I once saw some guy take a kid about that old to Interview with a Vampire. Now, I actually liked that movie, but it is not suitable for a young girl. I never heard anything about any problems, but, jeez, people, they put R ratings on these things for a reason!


                          • #14
                            As a vaguely related aside.....

                            There is a website that attempts to chronicle EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE of ANYTHING objectionable in movies. This is somewhat useful if you are wondering if you should take a kid to see a film, but the website is RRRRRRRRRRRRRIGHT! wing, Hyper-Christian and hates just about everything. Seriously. Apparently flatulance and boogers are abhorrent to God. I kid you not. It's a riot, but also marginally useful for its intended purpose.


                            Look for reviews of such films as South Park or American Pie.
                            Hmm...more zombies than usual...


                            • #15
                              Quoth Gruesome View Post
                              As a vaguely related aside.....

                              There is a website that attempts to chronicle EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE of ANYTHING objectionable in movies. This is somewhat useful if you are wondering if you should take a kid to see a film, but the website is RRRRRRRRRRRRRIGHT! wing, Hyper-Christian and hates just about everything. Seriously. Apparently flatulance and boogers are abhorrent to God. I kid you not. It's a riot, but also marginally useful for its intended purpose.


                              Look for reviews of such films as South Park or American Pie.

                              I decided to look at the review for Garfield tale of two kitties. ah man, you did not mention they include passages (right word?) from the bible, like: the Duke ordering Rommel (voice of Vinnie Jones), the castle guard dog to "Kill kitty! Kill kitty!" That line may be talking about killing a cat rather than a human but it is still "kill!" [Prov. 16:29]

                              I have to see if ANH is offensive.
                              Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                              Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                              I wish porn had subtitles.

