So this SC was not my customer, but I happened to be at the Customer Service Desk when it happened and was just floored by the sheer stupidity of this guy.
BG: Our store has a cutlery shop where we sell everything from your basic pocket knife to those giant 'movie' swords from all the LOTR and Ninja movies. They're for DISPLAY!
Me: My braincells hurt from this one
SDW: My poor service desk co-worker
Ninja: Undercover midwest ninja (24 years old, bad skin, very out of shape, no hope for a date with a real girl EVER)
AM: My poor Assistant Manager
Me: **just minding my own business checking computer stock levels**
Ninja: 'Uhhh, yeah. I want to return this sword. It doesn't work.'
SDW: 'Okay, do you have your receipt?'
Me: **slowly turns around at the mention of a 'sword not working' to watch the fun**
Ninja: Hands over receipt.
SDW: 'And what, exactly, is wrong with the item?'
Ninja: 'I tried using it and it got all scratched and bent'
'What do you mean you used it? You used it on somebody?'
Ninja: 'Nawww, my buddies and I were practicing with one of their wooden swords and this stupid thing got scratched and bent with only a few strikes.'
This might be a good time to add that this was a display katana sword. As in, you spend another 49.99 and get a cheesy decorated 'faux wood' display stand to show off your sword and impress your friends (who will also probably never have a date with anything more substantial than a sock)
SDW: 'Ummm... just a minute, I'm going to need a manager.'
...couple minutes pass as AM is paged
AM: 'Hello, sir. I understand you have a problem with your item' **slides katana out of wooden sheath and it is bent and scratched to crap**
'What did you do to it?!?!'
Ninja: 'I was just practicing with friends. They have those Wooden swords and we were just practicing and after a couple of hits, it got all bent up.'
AM: 'Hooo-kay. Sir, do you realize that this sword is for display only?'
Ninja: 'The guy upstairs said we could use it'
Me: **wherein I lose all ability to stifle my laughter knowing full well that NO associate upstairs would EVER recommend actually using it, period, and turn back to the computer**
AM: 'Okay, sir. I'll go ahead and return it for you this time, but know that our swords are not for use, they are for display only, should you decide to get any more.'
Ninja: 'Alright. I can get a real one off the internet for cheaper anyway.'
Me: **runs to back room and starts crying with laughter at this idjit**
BG: Our store has a cutlery shop where we sell everything from your basic pocket knife to those giant 'movie' swords from all the LOTR and Ninja movies. They're for DISPLAY!
Me: My braincells hurt from this one
SDW: My poor service desk co-worker
Ninja: Undercover midwest ninja (24 years old, bad skin, very out of shape, no hope for a date with a real girl EVER)
AM: My poor Assistant Manager
Me: **just minding my own business checking computer stock levels**
Ninja: 'Uhhh, yeah. I want to return this sword. It doesn't work.'
SDW: 'Okay, do you have your receipt?'
Me: **slowly turns around at the mention of a 'sword not working' to watch the fun**
Ninja: Hands over receipt.
SDW: 'And what, exactly, is wrong with the item?'
Ninja: 'I tried using it and it got all scratched and bent'

Ninja: 'Nawww, my buddies and I were practicing with one of their wooden swords and this stupid thing got scratched and bent with only a few strikes.'

This might be a good time to add that this was a display katana sword. As in, you spend another 49.99 and get a cheesy decorated 'faux wood' display stand to show off your sword and impress your friends (who will also probably never have a date with anything more substantial than a sock)
SDW: 'Ummm... just a minute, I'm going to need a manager.'
...couple minutes pass as AM is paged
AM: 'Hello, sir. I understand you have a problem with your item' **slides katana out of wooden sheath and it is bent and scratched to crap**

Ninja: 'I was just practicing with friends. They have those Wooden swords and we were just practicing and after a couple of hits, it got all bent up.'
AM: 'Hooo-kay. Sir, do you realize that this sword is for display only?'
Ninja: 'The guy upstairs said we could use it'
Me: **wherein I lose all ability to stifle my laughter knowing full well that NO associate upstairs would EVER recommend actually using it, period, and turn back to the computer**

AM: 'Okay, sir. I'll go ahead and return it for you this time, but know that our swords are not for use, they are for display only, should you decide to get any more.'
Ninja: 'Alright. I can get a real one off the internet for cheaper anyway.'
Me: **runs to back room and starts crying with laughter at this idjit**