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Movie Theater SCs (long)

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  • #16
    Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post

    SC: That theater's small as hell! My family room's bigger'n that, and my TV is bigger than that screen!
    J2K: (thinking) So why the hell don't you go watch movies on your TV at home, then, and stop bitching to Yours Truly, who can't do anything about it?
    my variation when I worked at the theatre in Logan was

    SC: good Lord, I think my TV may be bigger than that
    me: and you still live here, wow what crime did you commit that you can't live in a civilized place?

    seriously, no one had money in Logan, my wages suck on a Salt Lake scale, but my friends in Logan hear what I earn and think I must be at one of the best jobs ever.
    (for reference, when I worked in Logan, $6.50 was considered a good wage, at $8 an hour you'd get 3 applications for every opening, and when a salt lake based company opens a location in Logan and pays the same rate as their Salt Lake office, $12 an hour, there will be nearly 5000 people interview for 500 open positions, most places in Salt Lake start at $8, $9-10 is common, and $12 is almost common)
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #17
      Jeez. Welcome to my world

      "I didn't think I'd need it, so I threw it away"

      I can't tell you the number of times someone's pulled that card.

      "The movie sucked and I want a refund"

      Christ, that's like going to a resteraunt, ordering a steak and eating it. And then once they've eaten said steak, they complain that it was undercooked and want a refund. Give me a break.
      Screw normal. You know why? 'Cause if you're normal, the crowd will accept you. But if you're deranged, the crowd will make you their leader.

      Christopher Titus.


      • #18
        Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
        that said, yeah I feel your pain with the small screen thing, when I used to work for Cinema 5 in North Logan UT (if the fact that 99% of the people on this board have never heard of that town before doesn't give it away, we were a small theatre)

        *waving* I know! I've been there (well, thru there). I used to live in Salt Lake. Can't remember why, oh yea, a boy...

        I used to house manager a live event/ movie theatre -single screen. Our screenings went like this: while the projectionist built the movie the staff would go out drinking, at 2am when the bars closed we would come back and watch the film. Staff and their "significant other" or "other for the evening" were invited. The one time we didn't do it (the film had shipped late and we didn't get it until the morning of) we should have - one reel was out of sequence (mislabled by the projectionist at the last theatre).


        • #19
          SC: You'd better watch your back when you leave tonight, man!

          Now, if I were to be threatened by someone, I might get worried. But I size this guy up. I'm about 6'1" to 6'2", anywhere from 260 to 275 pounds. This guy was a couple inches shorter than me, much skinnier, and clearly didn't do any working out. In other words, I was confident I could take him.

          J2K: Tell you what? I'm on break in ten minutes, how 'bout I meet you right outside?

          Aha, I have called his bluff. The SC gives me that "backing away sneer," the sort of expression that says "Yeah, whatever," while they back away from you. Then he just sort of sulks off.

          My manager had overheard the whole exchange, and gives me a concerned look.

          Manager: Do you want someone to walk you to your car tonight?
          J2K: Nah, he's not going to try anything. And if he does, I'm carrying around a backpack with, like, twenty pounds of books in it. He tries anything, I'ma smack 'im in the head with it.

          The SC didn't try anything, of course.
          That's just awesome
          Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

          Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

          I wish porn had subtitles.


          • #20
            Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
            SKC: Thanks! I'll be sure to enjoy... "Snatch."
            That's probably the only snatch he ever got.

            Seriously, I can see not banning him over the comments he made at the fundraiser, tasteless as they were. But not banning him for trying to grope women in the theater?

            I can understand spineless managers, but couldn't that have opened the place up to a sexual harrassment suit, since the manager refused to ban that jerk?
            Sometimes life is altered.
            Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
            Uneasy with confrontation.
            Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


            • #21
              Suggested response:

              Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
              TGD: I've got a problem with that.
              J2K: I've got a problem with that.


              • #22
                Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                Usher Duty!

                J2K: So where's your ticket stub?
                TD: I didn't think I'd need it, so I threw it away.
                So far, every and each cinema I ever went to either had signs stating that you were required to keep your ticket stub until the end of the show or printed the same statement on the ticket stub. Sometimes both.
                "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                • #23
                  Shoot, our cinemas don't have those signs, but everyone I know keeps their stubs till they're out of the building....and I'm in a 3rd world African country!
                  The report button - not just for decoration


                  • #24
                    Quoth iradney View Post
                    ....and I'm in a 3rd world African country!
                    translated into plane speak "not yet spoiled brats"

                    oh don't you read dilbert (granted the dilbert I'm remembering was from years ago, like 90's, so I might be remembering this wrong), but do to all of the outsourcing that Dilbert's company was doing improving the world economy there was no longer such a thing as 3rd world countries... just 2 and 3/4 world countries
                    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                    • #25
                      Quoth solidmetalgear19 View Post
                      Jeez. Welcome to my world

                      "I didn't think I'd need it, so I threw it away"
                      I have made people dig through multiple garbage cans to find it when they tell me that.

                      It's a tie for me between two different times for favourite "kicking kids out of theatres." Once for AvP, this random guy said he'd stick with the kids. I didn't believe him, followed them in, they sat near the top, him near the bottom. I kicked them out by marching them right past him, and when he protested, I said that he was lucky I wasn't kicking him out too for lying like that.

                      The other time I forget the show, but the two teens were being snots, and playing the "It's okay because the show hasn't started yet" (The mother claimed she was seeing the show with one, and the other was taking the youngest to see Brother Bear. Mom *lied*. I waited until the previews started, standing right next to them, then I pointed and said "Okay, you leave now." The rest of the theatre applauded as I marched them out. I took my bows Then made the teens tell their mom what happened while she was watching Brother Bear, and watched them sit on a bench until Mom was done.
                      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                      • #26
                        When I used to work at a movie theater we used to let kids in if their parents bought them the ticket but after one of our biggest theater got destroyed during one of the Freddy movies that changed to the parents had to go with their kids. We lost a big theater for three days because someone's little darlings thought it would be fun to destroy the place. Seats were torn apart;soda gummi bears and nacho chees were thrown on the scree and some brain trust actually took a knife to the screen.
                        I survived Christmas Retail I can survive Anything!!


                        • #27
                          Quoth kbear View Post
                          When I used to work at a movie theater we used to let kids in if their parents bought them the ticket but after one of our biggest theater got destroyed during one of the Freddy movies that changed to the parents had to go with their kids. We lost a big theater for three days because someone's little darlings thought it would be fun to destroy the place. Seats were torn apart;soda gummi bears and nacho chees were thrown on the scree and some brain trust actually took a knife to the screen.
                          and what were the other customers doing at this time... or was everyone involved
                          and do we even want to contemplate why?
                          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                          • #28
                            Quoth kbear View Post
                            When I used to work at a movie theater we used to let kids in if their parents bought them the ticket but after one of our biggest theater got destroyed during one of the Freddy movies that changed to the parents had to go with their kids. We lost a big theater for three days because someone's little darlings thought it would be fun to destroy the place. Seats were torn apart;soda gummi bears and nacho chees were thrown on the scree and some brain trust actually took a knife to the screen.
                            For some reason I thought "Freddy" was "Friday". Wow, that was messed up. I hope the kids didn't think the really were Freddy and decided to go home and evisicate the goldfish.
                            Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                            Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                            I wish porn had subtitles.


                            • #29
                              We realized what was happening when a someone came to complain and we had to shut down the screening. Most of the offenders fled ;we were able to catch a few. It was a long night between attempting to clean the mess and talking with the police about everything.

                              Quoth depechemodefan View Post
                              For some reason I thought "Freddy" was "Friday". Wow, that was messed up. I hope the kids didn't think the really were Freddy and decided to go home and evisicate the goldfish.
                              With the way some of them acted in public it scared me to think what happened in their homes.
                              Last edited by Broomjockey; 07-21-2008, 05:12 AM. Reason: merged
                              I survived Christmas Retail I can survive Anything!!


                              • #30
                                Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                                I found out he had a habit of taking a seat next to single women in the theaters, and trying to put his hand in their lap. And when they would slap his hand away and tell him to get lost, he'd just get up and move to another woman.

                                We were just BEGGING for another reason to get rid of this guy, to ban him forever.
                                How the hell is assaulting customers on a regular basis not enough reason to ban someone?

                                Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                                SC: Look, wench--
                                Wench? Was he a pirate? Who uses that word in serious conversation?

