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Fun With Names. (now with 50% more racism)

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  • Fun With Names. (now with 50% more racism)

    For a bit of background I have an "unusual name" although by today's wierd name standards it's quite tame.

    My usual problem is with mispronounciations and mis-spellings however it also causes some other problems.

    My name is Shara, I believe it's of either Hebrew or Hindi origin (I speak neither of those languages so I can't be sure)

    Finally, I work in a callcentre for the debt collection section of a major power company here in the UK, I am british born, white and have a noticable Midlands accent.

    O = Operator (i.e. me)
    SC = Sucky customer. (big shock huh?)

    Let's begin.

    Behold! It is can-see-people-on-the-end-of-the-phone-man! Hooray!

    This originates from before I worked debt collection, I used to call people and ask them to provide gas or electricity meter readings.

    O - Good evening, my name is Shara and i'm calling from Powercorp with regards to your bill. Would it be possible for you to get a meter reading for us this evening so that we can be sure that your bill will be as accurate as possible?
    SC - Uhhh, ok, sure.
    Voice in background - Who is it?
    SC - It's some Effin' Paki b*tch from Powercorp, she wants me to read the meter.
    O - ...?! *fume*

    Evidently can-see-people-on-the-end-of-the-phone-man is a) racist and b) short sighted.

    Who am i?

    O - Good afternoon and welcome to Powercorp can I take an account number.
    SC - Sure it's xxxxxxxx
    O - Thank you, My name is Shara and I'm showing balance of £43.25 outstanding, how can I help?
    SC - Hello there Tanya/Sharon/Sara/Sarah/Tara/Charlotte

    Yes yes, it's to be expected if my name is unusual but after a while hearing your name mangled by everyone you talk to is quite wearing.

    Go bother Frank Zappa.

    O - Good morning and welcome to Powercorp, can I take an account number.
    SC - Sure, can I have your name first?
    O - Certianly, it's Shara.
    SC - .....Pardon?
    O - My name is Shara.
    SC - Oh for God's sake! Why can't you people have normal names? I'm fed up of getting people with stupid names that i can't spell or pronounce, forget it, I can't be bothered with this, I'm going to move companies.
    O - ...? Um, ok, I'm going to have to put you through to customer services if you want to go ahead with that, alternatively you can take my employee ID number, anyone can get hold of me using that.
    SC - I said I want to move companies, what part of that didn't you understand?
    O - Very well, hold please while I transfer you.
    I call the cusomer services line and an operator picks up.
    CS Colleague - Hi this is Shugopftan how can I help?
    This is just too sweet. I know Shugophtan very well.
    O - Hey, it's Shara, got a right one for you, she wants to move companies cos she doesn't like my name. She says it's too complicated.
    Colleague - Heh, send her over.

    Shugopftan has a serious mean streak and will probably now use his full name, which I can't even pronounce let alone spell when he introduces himself. I just wish I could have heard the woman's response.

    Just for diclosure, Shugopftan knows I post on here and has given his permission for his real name to be used.

    Can-see-people-on-the-end-of-the-phone-man's Brother

    The call began well until I had to refuse a payment plan for the guy, he'd set and failed seven (wtf?) before and always had an excuse. We usually don't allow more than 3. He began to get nasty.

    SC - What did you say your name was?
    O - (Assuming he's planning to report me to my manager) My name is Shara, I can't give you my surname but I can give you my ID number if you want.
    SC - I thought so, that's why you won't give me another plan. I hate you Fu**ing N*ggers, you're just doing this cos you hate white people like us who work honestly for our jobs. You Fu**ing racist piece of Sh*t.
    O - ...?!
    SC - Fu**ing N*gger C*nt, bet you feel good taking it out on me huh? I hope your fu**ing boyfriend fu**ing beats the sh*t out of you for sucking his dirty fu**ing c*ck wrong.
    O - If you continue to talk to me like that sir I'll terminate this call.
    SC - Don't you fu**ing dare hang up on me, I'll have your job and I'll report the whole company to the energy ombudsman. You fu**king make me sick you n*gger b*tch, your mother should have aborted you, fu**ing retarded c*nt.
    O - I'm sorry sir, I asked you to stop using language like that and you didn't comply therefore i'm terminating this call. Goodbye.

    He called back and demanded to speak to my manager, she came and told me I handled it absolutely fine and that he called her a "Fu**ing N*gger symapthiser" and told her to "Go find some big black c*ck to suck if you love n*ggers that much."

    My manager hung up on him too.

  • #2
    Wowsers! What a horrid bunch of calls!
    I think your name is very pretty, by the way.
    I no longer fear HELL.
    I work in RETAIL.


    • #3
      Quoth Enjis View Post
      I think your name is very pretty, by the way.
      Aww ^^ Thank you.


      • #4
        Profanity, the efforts of a feeble mind attempting to express itself forcefully.
        A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


        • #5
          i also like your name; people are stupid about that for some reason. it's a name, not a manual on building a rocket.

          you and shugopftan are a pair of seven layer awesomecakes!
          look! it's ghengis khan!
          Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


          • #6
            What a load.

            And I will chime in and say that I think Shara's a very nice name as well.


            • #7
              Quoth Lachrymose View Post
              What a load.

              And I will chime in and say that I think Shara's a very nice name as well.
              Quoth chainedbarista View Post
              i also like your name; people are stupid about that for some reason. it's a name, not a manual on building a rocket.

              you and shugopftan are a pair of seven layer awesomecakes!
              lol, thank you both, and i have to say that the concept of being a "seven layer awesomecake" is freaking awesome!


              • #8

                "SC - Hello there Tanya/Sharon/Sara/Sarah/Tara/Charlotte"

                Okay. I can see how the 'S' mistakes happen, but how does "Sh" turn into "T" ?

                "Shugopftan" - Please what is his full name?
                Last edited by earl colby pottinger; 07-16-2008, 08:10 PM.


                • #9
                  Shara is a perfectly lovely name. *points to her SN* My web nicknames are Shar or Shara.
                  "Respect: to admit that something one may not enjoy or prefer might still have great value." ~L. Munoa


                  • #10
                    If I were the manager, and it was legal, I would shut that last guy's power off immediately. You know, the whole 'refuse to do business with them' deal. Sounds like he was a deadbeat anyway, but I would have had a truck at his house that very night yanking down the wires.

                    I am the most polite person I know because I think it is important. It costs me nothing and gains me far more than any amount of screaming and cursing. Rude people need to get of my planet.
                    Hmm...more zombies than usual...


                    • #11
                      When I was in customer service, I was regularly called Linda/Rhonda/Deborah/Barbara, none of which is my name. Although, I do have a sister named Rhonda.
                      Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                      HR believes the first person in the door
                      Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                      Document everything
                      CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                      • #12
                        Quoth Golden Phoenix View Post
                        SC - Hello there Tanya/Sharon/Sara/Sarah/Tara/Charlotte
                        Could be worse. My name starts with a K, but cause my last name is Ashe, people call me Ashley.
                        Hell three weeks ago the online class I am taking ran my first initial and last name together so all my submitted assignments were posted as being the work of one Kashe Ashe.
                        People just need to learn how to listen when told a person's name.
                        Is it insanity to reason with the voices in your head or to ignore them and hope they go away on their own? - Hod from Brat-halla

                        "You're the nicest evil person I know" one of my managers to me


                        • #13
                          Hi Shara, my name is Charlotte. I would have also disconnected that last guys electricity. I am usually a laid back person who has more patience than what is good for me, but when I get mad and upset I am more of an angry hornet in the bonnet, but I still don't swear. I grew up without hearing any swear words until I got into high school at a different school. I might let a small little work slip once in a while, but if you ever hear me slip with an "F" word you know it pretty bad.
                          Woman are like guns, if you don't treat us right, we'll blow up in your face!

                          Pain is your bodies way of telling you that you're still alive.

                          I am also known as Liquid Skin and Silkekitten.


                          • #14
                            Oh Shara, I can feel your pain with names (at least Sara I can understand for people mispronouncing instead of Shara) but even with a simple and common name (I think for the last 30 years my name has never been less than top 10 for baby names in any given year). I get all kinds of variations depending on whether I give my full name or shortened name, lets see I've gotten, Mark, Matt, Mick, Mickey (i wish I was making that up ), Mitchell, Michelle (another I wish I was making up ) and Mikey... oh I swear to God I will kill the next person who calls me Mikey, my loathing for that name is only outdone by my mother's loathing of the name Cindy.
                            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                            • #15
                              Urgh I hate people like that! I go by my middle Scottish Gaelic and when I used to go by it I would get alot of people who would say stupid things like "Why don't you have a "white name" ... Grrrr!

                              Im glad your manager hung up on that duck head to!

