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Creepy McCreeperson Anyone?

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  • Creepy McCreeperson Anyone?

    All this talk about people of both sexes behaving in a creepy manner makes me ask. What's you "Sorry buddy I'm working so stop creeping me out!" story?

    I'm not creeped out by the random desperate guys hitting on my on the phone, I can handle that and laugh, it's the ones that come across as future Unibombers and Ted Bundys that freak me out.

    Once I was training someone and they took seven orders from a guy, a flower delivery for every day of the week. The orders all looked innocent but when you put all seven of the card messages together they read "Elijah is coming" "I am" "Elijah" "Coming" ""For You" "To Take Your" "Life". We turned the creep into the cops in the area. Turns out he was a dangerous stalker targeting some poor girl he vaguely knew.

    Second McCreeperson I dealt with was a guy a few weeks ago that seemed perfectly normal until I started taking down his card message. It read something like this...

    "Sara, I wish I knew why you were so mad at me. I forgive yor for sending me to jail for ten years and I want to see you and lil' Kayla again. I need you in my life and I can't live without you. You were wrong for sending me to jail but I want you back and would do anything...blah blah blah more in this same vein ~ unibomber style ~ you better forgive me if you know what's good for you! Call me in the nut hut at 555-555-1212~ You know what I'm like when I get mad so don't make me mad!"

    I kept smiling and saying 'yes sir, yes sir' even though my skin was crawling. He was demanding I call the apartment complex office he thought she might be living at, call him back and tell him if they said she lived there. I said 'yes sir' and we promptly turned him over to the cops in his ex wife's area. Another stalker.
    "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh

  • #2
    yeeeeeek!!!! You know, when they say "Say it with flowers!" I'm pretty sure they mean "But not the creepy stuff, please. For that, please refer youself to the nearest police department."
    What a wonderful thing humanity is-- passionate, intelligent, inquisitive, generous, fully of hope and joy, noble of spirit, and above all... delicious! -- LaCroix


    • #3
      I work in the tech industry as a computer repair guy, and some of my clients have asked me some pretty creepy stuff. One asked me if i could put software on his wife/girlfriend's computer so he knew what she was doing on it. Another basically asked me where he could get "underaged" pictures (you know the kind i mean.) When I worked as a rides operator at a major theme park (the one with a dog mascot) old ladies (and i mean like in their 60's) would always hit on me, which creeped me out a bit. I had one try to grope me.


      • #4
        When I was looking at apartments, we happened to tour an apartment with another couple... and my SO and the girl of the other couple wandered off, and it was just me and this dude I didn't know in the bathroom, so he turns to me and goes "Hey, look at that fan. I bet I could hide one hell of a camera in there. Where else do you think we could hide some?"

        And I was like

        Needless to say, we didn't take that apartment... or any other apartment in the complex.
        Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.'


        • #5
          One of my former coworkers was a creepy guy magnet. Jenny was early to mid 20's and a pretty girl, but I don't know what kind of vibe she was sending off. Two examples from the five years I worked with her...

          Well-known customer comes in and chats with Jenny while she handles his deposit. When she finishes he slips her a handwritten note saying "wanna have lunch some time?" Not so creepy, right? Devil's in the details. I forgot to mention that the customer is a 46 year old man depositing into the account he owns jointly with his 20-some year married wife. Jenny ignored the note and avoided him for the next six months.

          Short and sweet, 38 year old man shadowing Jenny for months. He knows her car and won't come in if it's not in the parking lot. Valentine's Day comes along and he brings her in a rose saying that it was from his son (adorable little 9 yr old). Big man, blaming it on the kid. At least he wasn't married though.
          "Any free samples?"
          "Sorry, not today."

          Come on people, we're a bank not a bakery.


          • #6
            Quoth Bank Lady View Post
            I forgot to mention that the customer is a 46 year old man depositing into the account he owns jointly with his 20-some year married wife. Jenny ignored the note and avoided him for the next six months.
            ok, i don't care the age... anytime someone who is married hits on someone not their spouse is creepy.
            I should know... I've already had one married woman come onto me *shudder*
            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


            • #7
              Ok that first guy is terrifying. It's a good thing you all turned these people into the police.


              • #8
                This happened about 2 months ago

                I was a bar that my friends and myself frequents once a week. I arrived early, so I was inside waiting for everyone. I was sitting at the bar waiting for the shot of Jack Daniels to come up.

                I was chatting with an older woman, who I would say is about 60 in age. after a little while, I noticed that my friends had shown up. So I excused myself and made my way over.

                After I had said my hello's, I was sitting at the table with them. As a couple of my friends went out to smoke, I was writing down which songs that I wanted to sing that night. The older lady came over to me & started to whisper that she wants to do everything with me. All the while she was feeling on my chest. I already told her that I was seeing someone

                As the rest of my friends came up, they saw how uncomfortable I was. So one of the female friends of mine, came up and pretended that she was my wife to be. The old lady left right then. And was not seen at the bar after that.

                So the lesson kids, is that your beloved PowerBoy is a chick magnet for women of all ages. And also, that is my story. Yes that did creep me out, at that moment in time.
                Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                • #9
                  We had another incident of creepiness today. Fortunately for me I was uninvolved and heard about it in the breakroom.

                  Tonya, another sales agent at Flowers O Suck had a gentleman caller ordering flowers for his lady love. She was just starting to get his credit card information when she hears in the background loud pounding and shouts of 'Open up, police!" He told her most politely that he would be right back, like having the Po-Po pounding on your door was normal, he put down the phone and the next thing she hears is the sounds of the cops arresting him, reading him his rights after the sounds of scuffling die down. She waits, and waits, waits and waits some more and eventually one of the police officers comes on the line to ask her who the man was ordering flowers for. Turns out the flowers were going to the same lady who has a restraining order against him and they were arresting him for violently violating that restraining order and sending said lady to the hospital.

                  So much for just saying it with flowers.
                  "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


                  • #10
                    Quoth Apallo View Post
                    I work in the tech industry as a computer repair guy, and some of my clients have asked me some pretty creepy stuff. One asked me if i could put software on his wife/girlfriend's computer so he knew what she was doing on it. Another basically asked me where he could get "underaged" pictures (you know the kind i mean.)
                    If I ever had someone ask me something like that I'd have simply packed up and left the premises without a word, and called the police immediately. While it would be tempting to disable the computer in question, I'd rather leave it for the police to do in case there was some sort of evidence in it.

                    Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                    ok, i don't care the age... anytime someone who is married hits on someone not their spouse is creepy.
                    I should know... I've already had one married woman come onto me *shudder*
                    I had my bosses wife come on to me one night. There was a bar on the ground floor of the building I worked at that many of the employees would hang out at after work (generally when I was just starting my day...) and one night my boss and his wife came up for some reason after closing time.

                    She was pretty drunk but he was Ok to drive as far as I could tell. Even with my minimal powers of observation when it comes to the opposite sex, I could tell she was interested and flirting outright with me while he was in the head.

                    Needless to say it was a very uncomfortable few minutes. Luckily she didn't push things too far before he came back and they left. To tell the truth, she was pretty hot and I'm not certain that, if he hadn't been around I would have held back. This happened back before I grew most of my morals.

                    Eric the Grey
                    In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


                    • #11
                      I'm glad I've never run into the same sort of creepiness you guys seem to have run into.
                      1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
             (A blog about everything and nothing)


                      • #12
                        Quoth calulu View Post
                        Once I was training someone and they took seven orders from a guy, a flower delivery for every day of the week. The orders all looked innocent but when you put all seven of the card messages together they read "Elijah is coming" "I am" "Elijah" "Coming" ""For You" "To Take Your" "Life". We turned the creep into the cops in the area. Turns out he was a dangerous stalker targeting some poor girl he vaguely knew.
                        Quoth mae View Post
                        Third: The card message read as follows - "Say your goodbyes now, for tomorrow may never come. I will love you even in death. D."
                        Death threats : Say it with flowers.
                        "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                        • #13
                          Quoth calulu View Post
                          Turns out the flowers were going to the same lady who has a restraining order against him and they were arresting him for violently violating that restraining order and sending said lady to the hospital.

                          So much for just saying it with flowers.
                          Wow... that's... wow... yeah, I hope, he 'tripped down a flight of stairs' on the way to his cell.
                          ...WHY DO YOU TEMPT WHAT LITTLE FAITH IN HUMANITY I HAVE!?! -- Kalga
                          And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


                          • #14
                            Yep, they're saying it with flowers all right, and those flowers are saying "arrest me please, for I am a psychopath."
                            "Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard fillings"-Dr. Perry Cox

