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Two Minor Annoyances

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  • Two Minor Annoyances

    Thankfully, today was rather un-stressful for me (which is good, because I was very much suffering from I-don't-want-to-be-here-itis). Just two minor annoyances to deal with, rather than Saturday's rampage.

    Oh Noes!

    A lady came up to my register with a standard mix of merchandise--a large boxed item, some candy and cracker-snacks, and approximately three other items that looked as though they came from Health & Beauty Aids or the Automotive department. Simple enough. I put the food in one bag, the non-food in the other, and the box in a large bag or nothing, right?


    She immediately stops me before I can scan the first item. "Now," she says, placing her hand on a pile of hard candies. "I want these in a separate bag (doesn't indicate the crackers), this in a separate bag (the HBA item), this in a separate bag (the Automotive item), and I don't want this at all (the second HBA item)."

    All right.... Whatever. I start ringing her up, and she notices the price of the hard candies: $1.58.

    "The peg those were on said $.75 so you have to give it to me for that price," she says, in that tone of voice that attempts to sound authoritative.

    Going through my head: No, lady, I actually don't, otherwise we'd have to take the customers' word on everything and do you know how many scammers try to abuse that?

    Instead, I page for an associate from that department so I can make sure the lady is telling the truth, and so I can let the department know to fix the problem if it ends up being like the printer cartridges (where an employee misshelves/mislabels merchandise, resulting in lots of price overrides). Meanwhile, I go to ring up everything else.

    Find out the lady doesn't actually mind having her crackers in with her candy. Also find out that she does very much mind it if her HBA and Automotive items mix with her food (fair enough), and does very much mind it if they mix with each other (what?). So I end up putting a small bottle of some sort of lotion or moisturizer in its own lonesome Wally-World bag, and a small bottle of some vehicle lubricant in its own lonesome bag as well. I was out of the small cosmetic-sized bags. The lady insisted that's how it had to be.

    I ended up doing the price check myself (since the candy aisle was so close and the associate didn't respond to the page), and it turns out we had a repeat of the cartridge incident, so I made sure to tell management (who fixed the problem) and gave the lady the override since it was our fault after all. I still hate it when the customers tell me what I have to do.

    Runaway Rugrats

    Later in my shift, when I was running the self-checkouts, I got to watch three 6-year-old-or-so children (girl and two boys) running around the doorway area unsupervised. No adult in sight. They started off with just watching the inflated light-up hide-n-seek witch we have by the Vision Center, but then started messing around with the rides. Then the girl got the bright idea to come investigate the cart full of abandoned merchandise we keep at self-check for the cashiers to deposit unwanted goods in. I guess she was intimidated by my presence because she didn't touch anything, but she wandered from there to the impulse racks by the self-check stands. Then she noticed the school supplies clearance rack.

    She immediately grabbed two Superman lunchboxes and ran back to her cohorts and handed one of the boxes to one of the boys. "This is yours," I heard her say. "I'll go get AJ's (name changed)." She ran back to the clearance rack, but I guess all the others were Supergirl so "AJ" didn't get one. They then proceeded to play around the rides some more, with me keeping a careful eye on them to make sure they didn't wander out of the store with merchandise. I would've been on them in an instant like a rabid pit bull (though with less drooling).

    They disappeared into the store after a few minutes, though later I saw them back at the rides, still with the lunchboxes, just as their AWOL dad showed up to corral them into a cart for shopping purposes (I assume). Where he was before then, I haven't the foggiest notion.

    At least he had the sense to demand where the girl got the lunchboxes, insist that he wasn't buying them, and attempt to put them back. I rewarded his efforts by offering to take them for him (since I knew exactly where they went). I only wish the dad had been there sooner to keep them in line, so they wouldn't have been tearing around manhandling merchandise earlier.

    ::crosses fingers:: Here's hoping tomorrow's full shift is equally uneventful. I really don't want to deal with sucky customers anymore this week.
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

  • #2
    I don't get it! How do parents think kids get abducted????? They get this attitude of, "it's okay, their in the store, someone will watch them" - yeah, someone will watch them - A PREDATOR YOU DUMB F***!!!!! The employees of the store are too busy to watch them - THEY ARE DOING THE JOB THAT THEY ARE GETTING PAID FOR!!! It only takes a few moments for someone to snatch your f***ing child!

    Or the other thinking is that, "it won't happen to me!" GRRRRRR!!!

    No, I don't have children, so I maybe shouldn't be on such a soap box - but, to me, that makes no f***ing difference! I love children and I hate to see others do things that make me feel as if they are taking their children for granted. Not that if I had children, I would keep them on leashes with GPS systems planted on their bodies somewhere, but I think I would have more common sense then to leave them somewhere like Wally World or ANY public place for that matter, unattended for any length of time. Not only for the predator reason - but because they are children - curious little creatures that could make someone, like the poor cashier trying to do their job - life miserable.

    Sorry. I'll get off my box now.
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      I never understood that thinking (or lack thereof) either. When my son was little, I would never let him out of my sight when we were out in public. If anything, I was downright paranoid. If I lost sight of him for even a split second (which can happen if they suddenly decide to take off running), I'd think the worst. Who are these idiots who just leave them to their own devices like that?

      My son is almost 13 now, so I don't have to watch him quite as closely. But there's a big difference between letting them go off by themselves when they're 13 than when they're 3.
      Sometimes life is altered.
      Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
      Uneasy with confrontation.
      Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


      • #4
        i was too paranoid about my son to let him go anywhere by himself until he was about 11 or 12; i still get uneasy when he's late.

        to this day, i still don't understand what it takes (outside of an actual abduction) for some 'parents' to figure this out: a child can be snatched in seconds...yes, that's seconds, mom and dad. in the time it takes for you to turn around and grab something off the shelf, your kid could be nabbed and why are they running around ALONE?? wtf...
        look! it's ghengis khan!
        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


        • #5
          Maybe they WANT their kids to be abducted?

          I can't think of any other "reason"...
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
            I don't get it! How do parents think kids get abducted????? They get this attitude of, "it's okay, their in the store, someone will watch them" - yeah, someone will watch them - A PREDATOR YOU DUMB F***!!!!! The employees of the store are too busy to watch them - THEY ARE DOING THE JOB THAT THEY ARE GETTING PAID FOR!!! It only takes a few moments for someone to snatch your f***ing child!

            Quoth MadMike View Post
            I never understood that thinking (or lack thereof) either.
            Last edited by Ree; 09-23-2006, 04:55 PM. Reason: Excessive quoting
            Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



            • #7
              Quoth Kogarashi View Post
              So I end up putting a small bottle of some sort of lotion or moisturizer in its own lonesome Wally-World bag, and a small bottle of some vehicle lubricant in its own lonesome bag as well.
              Maybe last time they put them in the same bag, she used the auto lube on herself and the lotion in her car.


              • #8
                Quoth amphrite View Post
                Maybe last time they put them in the same bag, she used the auto lube on herself and the lotion in her car.

                Aw, man! You'd think I would have learned by now, having been here all these years.
                Sometimes life is altered.
                Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                Uneasy with confrontation.
                Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                • #9
                  Quoth amphrite View Post
                  Maybe last time they put them in the same bag, she used the auto lube on herself and the lotion in her car.
                  I'm with Mad Mike on that one.

                  She really didn't seem to have any reason for segregating them like that beyond the vague idea that they might contaminate each other somehow. I can understand not bagging them with the food, but with each other?
                  "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                  - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                  • #10
                    Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
                    Maybe they WANT their kids to be abducted?

                    I can't think of any other "reason"...
                    That's exactly what I was thinking.

                    Several years ago I was working in the Pet & Garden Dept. It was a busy Saturday, lots of SCs everywhere. One of those times when you feel like you're surrounded by SCs. Some idiot had dropped their two kids off in my dept and went on their merry way to shop, hoping I would 'babysit' them.

                    They were beautiful kids, a boy and a girl. The girl wanted to help me do my job so I let her do a few things. The boy spent most of his time looking at the fish and the critters. But at one point I lost site of him and became concerned so, I went looking for him. They were with me for nearly an hour before their mother finally came back to get them.

                    I was more upset with the stupid mother for leaving those two unattended than I was with having the little girl underfoot on a busy day. I'll never understand parents who do this.
                    Retail Haiku:
                    Depression sets in.
                    The hellhole is calling me ~
                    I don't want to go.


                    • #11
                      When I worked in Family dollar whenever we saw a kid unattended we'd go up to the kid and tell them to stay with their parents. Usually the kid obeyed but then I came across a little girl who was like three or four. Maybe even younger.
                      It started out I heard an odd dragging noise. When I went around the store to investigate I came across this cute as a button little girl who was dragging one of those plastic chairs across our floor. I looked around for a parent and I didn't see anybody! I told the manager but we didn't find a parent either.
                      Finally after I followed her around a bit she eventually floated near a woman who completely ignored her until I asked "Is she yours?" Which probably wasn't very bright either-- she could have been a predator but I didn't know what to do.
                      I don't have kids (yet) but personally I'd be terrified to leave them alone. Agreed I worked in a small store and abduction probably wasn't a thought to their head but I still find it dangerous and I was mad that they weren't watching their little girl! I was too scared to leave the kid because I didn't want her to get hurt or to tear up the store.
                      Though if the child is left alone for too long isn't security called?


                      • #12
                        It always bothers me when I see a child wandering around in public alone. I think stores should have training on "what to do if you spot a child alone" or something...


                        • #13
                          I don't have children, but have some major protective instincts. If I see a child wandering around away from any adult I can identify as belonging to that child, I'll strike up a conversation and get the child back to the parent/caretaker as soon as I can manage it.

                          I'm well aware that strangers are not the only predatory danger children face (first-hand experience taught me that family members can be a risk too), but I can at least help reduce the risk at any given time.
                          "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

                          "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


                          • #14
                            Seanette, I'm guessing from your name that you're a woman - if not, feel free to slap me.

                            Talking to lonely kids is a great idea in principal - I have a female friend who does it any time she senses even the tiniest possibility of trouble - but as a man, I won't do it. Just too many unpleasant connections to that. I'll keep an eye out to see if there's any danger of accident, or alert an employee of whatever place I happen to be, but I'm not going to approach an unknown child somewhere.
                            You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


                            • #15
                              I think I'd round up any child unattended for a long period of time and move them over to the customer service desk or where ever. When the parent finally comes looking, tell them we can't just hand the kids over unless she/he/it can prove they belong to them.

                              "I'm sorry, but in the interests of the children's safety we have to make sure you aren't some child predator, abductor or some such. As you can see it only took us a moment to snatch these kids. Luckily for them they were snatched by store employees."

                              That would make them think twice. if they left the kids for a *long* time, say more then 30-60 minutes, I'd call the cops and let them prove the kids belong to them to the cops. =p

                              Course what I'd really want to say is more along the lines of:

                              "I'm sorry, your children have been confiscated as payment for the merchandise they damaged and additional babysitting charges you incurred by leaving them here. But don't worry, after seeing your parental abilities I can assure you they're in a much better place now. Have a nice day!"

