This is one from way back when I worked at Wal-Mart. I handled both the seasonal and pet sections (they were across the aisle from each other) and the seasonal section was right next to the Toy section....and this was at Christmastime.
I'm in the pets section doing something when I hear a rattling noise, I walk out towards the aisle and I see this kid, maybe 4 years old that was SHAKING a huge display of toys. His mom was nearby so I cast a glare towards both of them and the kid stopped what he was doing.
I knew it was his mom because I had encountered the two of them earlier when they had asked me to search out a toy for them, since I didn't work in the toy department I did not know where to find it and had to call someone else over to assist them.
So I go back to where I was previously to finish up what I was doing, when a minute or so later I hear: *rattle* *rattle* *rattle* CRASH!! I dash back out towards the aisle and what do I see: The kid still standing there with a pile of toys all around his feet. He had shaken the display so hard the whole thing came down. The kid had a look of shock on his face.
I will never forget what happened next:
The mother came around and saw what her son had done, she looked at the pile of toys on the floor and then towards me. Then she SMILED at her son and told him:
"That's ok dear, this nice man will pick those up, that's what he's here for."
And then she grabbed the kid and off they went. I was like
She didn't tell him to pick them up, she didn't scold him, she didn't convey in any way that what he did was wrong, instead she smiled and told him it was someone else's problem!
but the REAL kicker?
At the end of my shift the depart manager shows a written complaint she'd recieved about me, from the Mom of the Year, complaining I was "inconsiderate and unhelpful" (from the issue in the Toys department)
I never did see that woman again, but I swear if I had I would have knocked her teeth out, job be damned.
I'm in the pets section doing something when I hear a rattling noise, I walk out towards the aisle and I see this kid, maybe 4 years old that was SHAKING a huge display of toys. His mom was nearby so I cast a glare towards both of them and the kid stopped what he was doing.
I knew it was his mom because I had encountered the two of them earlier when they had asked me to search out a toy for them, since I didn't work in the toy department I did not know where to find it and had to call someone else over to assist them.
So I go back to where I was previously to finish up what I was doing, when a minute or so later I hear: *rattle* *rattle* *rattle* CRASH!! I dash back out towards the aisle and what do I see: The kid still standing there with a pile of toys all around his feet. He had shaken the display so hard the whole thing came down. The kid had a look of shock on his face.
I will never forget what happened next:
The mother came around and saw what her son had done, she looked at the pile of toys on the floor and then towards me. Then she SMILED at her son and told him:
"That's ok dear, this nice man will pick those up, that's what he's here for."
And then she grabbed the kid and off they went. I was like

She didn't tell him to pick them up, she didn't scold him, she didn't convey in any way that what he did was wrong, instead she smiled and told him it was someone else's problem!
but the REAL kicker?
At the end of my shift the depart manager shows a written complaint she'd recieved about me, from the Mom of the Year, complaining I was "inconsiderate and unhelpful" (from the issue in the Toys department)
I never did see that woman again, but I swear if I had I would have knocked her teeth out, job be damned.
