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The Dark Knight, and a darker weekend (long)

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  • The Dark Knight, and a darker weekend (long)

    So by now I think a fair amount of people have seen my previous thread about the drunk with a knife v.s. six off duty cops.

    These are just a few more missgivings from this weekend. And trust me, I wasn't the only one feeling it.

    I think a part of me has died

    Throughout the past couple weeks, I have found that I generally smile less at work. Not that I really smile much at all. Call it monotony. Call it boredom. Call it an insurmountable degree of disgust that I have for the lack of common sense in this world.

    Usually I tend to speak less to people as well. A thumbs up or head nod is enough for me. I attribute this to the fact that I have become adept at recognizing the Modus operandi of customers. You want a refill. Go. You want a smoke. Go. You want to take a dump. Go (but in the privacy of the rest room for God's sake).

    I guess I'm just getting sick of all the B.S.

    but I digress.

    An older gentleman comes up to me. It's been busy all weekend. Dark Knight has been selling like crazy (and for good reason, what are you doing reading this? go see it) and I'm tired and burned out. Not in the mood to put on my "happy, pepped up, I'm high on life" face.

    OG: Why don't you smile?
    Me: deadpan I don't get paid to smile.

    He walks off while I grumble my missgivings to the rest of the people in my ticket line who laugh with me.

    OG comes back later, gets within my personal space and says:

    Supercallifragilisticexpialidocious. (insert pause while this absurdidty registers with me) Now, What's that from?

    Me: again, deadpan and now, slightly annoyed. Mary Poppins.

    Then for whatever reason, he thinks I gave him a grin. For all I know, I twisted my mouth in a way that could be confused for a smile.

    OG: Ah! There. Got you to smile.

    Then he walks off while I contemplate hanging myself. We've all had this. You want me to smile. Catch me when I'm off the clock or enjoying leisure time. You want me to smile when I'm tired, hungry, and have been standing for six hours straight? Bite me.

    There isn't a refill line, there will never be a refill line. GET IN THE FRIGGIN LINE!

    As if the title wasn't enough of a missgiving, Our concession lines were backed up and I notice this woman standing off to my side.

    Me: Is there something you need Mam?
    W:Yeah. Do you have a suggestion box?
    Me: Not really. Is there something wrong.
    W: Well, the girl at the stand said that I had to get in the back of the line for a refill.
    Me:we have a winner Well, that's because we don't have refill lines.

    Then I try to save face to keep her from bitching.

    Me: I can call a manager for you to see if we can rectify the situation.

    I call for my manager, he comes over and basically tells her to get in the back of the line.

    Gotta love those who don't cave.

    Another issue came up with my friend B, who was helping out behind the stand. A lady comes up to her and asks for a refill. B tells her that she needs to get in a line. Lady gets pissy and says:

    But all I want is a refill.

    B counters with: yeah, so do half of the people in this line.


    I love people with a spine.

    I can count. Know why? Cause I'm not three f-ing years old.

    Thank you, masses of people, who time after time give me their tickets to be ripped. Thank you so much for insulting my intelligence.

    I can see how many people are in your party. I can see how many tickets you've handed me. I have eyes.

    Don't point this fact out to me. I know how to count G-dammit! I have to make sure that they are all facing the same way in order for the part I keep to be deposited into the stand. This is how we keep track of things. Just because I shuffle through them doesn't mean I'm counting them individually.
    Last edited by solidmetalgear19; 07-21-2008, 05:02 AM.
    Screw normal. You know why? 'Cause if you're normal, the crowd will accept you. But if you're deranged, the crowd will make you their leader.

    Christopher Titus.

  • #2
    Quoth solidmetalgear19 View Post
    . Just because I shuffle through them doesn't mean I'm counting them individually.
    That reminds me of when I do returns, and I have to match barcodes with receipts. People will point or tear the receipt away from me to point out which item it is. Yes, I got that, I do this all day skippy, I do however, still need to match the barcodes.
    "I just figured you would be terrified, and I would be sarcastic about it."


    • #3
      Funnily enough whenever the dude shuffles through my movie tickets I just figured he was making sure that they were lined up so he could tear them right without taking half my ticket with it...

      Though I would also assume he did count them some way or how to make sure that dumb arses didn't try and sneak in in groups.. People being arse holes!


      • #4
        I felt bad for the theatre staff after I went to see Dark Knight yesterday. I got into the line for the Men's room, waited through about 1/2 the theatre worth of guys (because no one was able to tear themselves away from the movie!) and finally manage to get into the handicapped stall to find... (stop reading now if you can't handle potty problems! Also, there were no handicapped people in line, so yes, I did use that stall)



        ...someone (or several someones) had peed on mounds of toilet paper and then splattered them on the toilet, toilet seat, and the safety bars next to the toilet. Also, someone took the time to draw a smiley face on the wall with their own shit. At least, I hope it was their own...

        Anyway, I interrupted the manager (during his lunch, the poor bastard) to inform him of the situation so they could get it cleaned up.


        • #5
          Quoth Gerrinson View Post
          I felt bad for the theatre staff after I went to see Dark Knight yesterday. I got into the line for the Men's room, waited through about 1/2 the theatre worth of guys (because no one was able to tear themselves away from the movie!) and finally manage to get into the handicapped stall to find... (stop reading now if you can't handle potty problems! Also, there were no handicapped people in line, so yes, I did use that stall)



          ...someone (or several someones) had peed on mounds of toilet paper and then splattered them on the toilet, toilet seat, and the safety bars next to the toilet. Also, someone took the time to draw a smiley face on the wall with their own shit. At least, I hope it was their own...

          Anyway, I interrupted the manager (during his lunch, the poor bastard) to inform him of the situation so they could get it cleaned up.

          Ew. then again, WARNING!!! there are some women who still havn't been paying atteniton to hygien classes (or common sense) when it's that time of the month and not leaving a mess.
          Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

          Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

          I wish porn had subtitles.


          • #6
            Quoth solidmetalgear19 View Post
            OG: Why don't you smile?
            Me: deadpan I don't get paid to smile.
            I HATE that. There are approximately 847 million reasons a person may not be smiling, and none of them are an SC's business. How rude to tell someone else what to do with their face!
            "Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard fillings"-Dr. Perry Cox


            • #7
              There isn't a refill line, there will never be a refill line. GET IN THE FRIGGIN LINE!

              As if the title wasn't enough of a missgiving, Our concession lines were backed up and I notice this woman standing off to my side.

              Me: Is there something you need Mam?
              W:Yeah. Do you have a suggestion box?
              Me: Not really. Is there something wrong.
              W: Well, the girl at the stand said that I had to get in the back of the line for a refill.
              Me:we have a winner Well, that's because we don't have refill lines.

              Then I try to save face to keep her from bitching.

              Me: I can call a manager for you to see if we can rectify the situation.

              I call for my manager, he comes over and basically tells her to get in the back of the line.

              Gotta love those who don't cave.

              Another issue came up with my friend B, who was helping out behind the stand. A lady comes up to her and asks for a refill. B tells her that she needs to get in a line. Lady gets pissy and says:

              But all I want is a refill.

              B counters with: yeah, so do half of the people in this line.


              I love people with a spine.
              I really, really fucking hate it when you have a line and some old biddy tries to cut through and "just wants a tray/cup of water/ The time". I don't care. You want me to serve you? Then wait in line with everybody else.

              Nice job on your co-workers part, by the way.
              Last edited by Mordecai; 07-22-2008, 08:35 PM. Reason: Spellin error


              • #8
                Quoth walking with scissors View Post
                There are approximately 847 million reasons a person may not be smiling, and none of them are an SC's business.
                "Sir, I physically cannot smile in a way that won't scare the crap out of you." *cue extreme close up of my teeth, about ready to bite said jackass, known to scare children and shivering dogs*
                "Now then, it's this, or my deadpan, which do you prefer?"
                "I call murder on that!"


                • #9
                  Quoth solidmetalgear19 View Post
                  I can count. Know why? Cause I'm not three f-ing years old.

                  Thank you, masses of people, who time after time give me their tickets to be ripped. Thank you so much for insulting my intelligence.

                  I can see how many people are in your party. I can see how many tickets you've handed me. I have eyes.

                  Don't point this fact out to me. I know how to count G-dammit! I have to make sure that they are all facing the same way in order for the part I keep to be deposited into the stand. This is how we keep track of things. Just because I shuffle through them doesn't mean I'm counting them individually.
                  Tiny bit of slack asked? I have gotten far more adept on my crutches, but husband is still 6+ inches taller than me, and will get to you before I do, and while we do sorta have that married-a-long-time look, not everyone sees it. He has our tickets because carrying things is a bit tricky still (though I am down to one crutch! Go me!), but will change soon.

