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I knew I shouldn't of picked up that call...

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  • I knew I shouldn't of picked up that call...

    Anyone who has worked in a call center I bet knows this feeling.. You are watching the clock. It is 2 minutes before you can go home and you are hoping against hope that the phone won't ring.. and of course the little fucker does! This always happens on a Friday... In the case of this story last Friday! It was 4.58pm. The phone rung and I just knew that I did not want to pick up that phone.. but I did because I had to.

    Me: Tortured Friday Soul!
    SC: Absolute Douche Waffle of a Man... Calling from New Zealand which is 2 hours ahead of me so he was calling at 6.58pm at night!

    Me: Welcome to <my company> Customer Service Center this is Lexi. How can I help you?
    SC: I want to make a complaint about one of your offices!
    Me: Okay. You would have to speak to the offices regional manager as I cant handle complaints personally. Which of our offices was it regarding?
    SC: <Suburb Office>
    Me: OK *looks up offices regional manager* You will have to call <Regional Manager> I can give you his number.
    SC: You cannot transfer me?
    Me: No I'm sorry I don't have that ability
    SC: *sighs* Fine *In super huffy tone*
    Me: *gives number*

    Now up until now this was a fairly normal call THIS is where it gets sucky!

    SC: Will the Regional be available now?
    Me: *looks at clock and calculates time difference* I would guess that they are probably closed for the evening. I would suggest trying on Monday..
    SC: But I need to speak to Him tonight! My complaint is incredibly important and cannot wait![
    Me: Unfortunately if they are closed you will have to call on Monday.

    This went around for about 5 minutes with me simply repeating myself over and over and over again and him getting more and more insistent that he MUST speak to a regional manager!

    Me: Sir I understand that your complaint is important but if they are closed there is nothing I can do from here you will have to call them on Monday!
    SC: Well give me his mobile number
    Me: Sir I don't have that information. You will have to wait until Monday!

    SC: I know you have access to it. If you do not give me the number I will go to the dept of fair trading!
    Me: Sir that is your right. However It does not change the fact that I cannot give you the mobile number when I don't have it! You will have to wait til Monday to make your complaint to the Regional Manager.

    Now I do have mobile numbers but I not allowed to give them out so we lie and say we dont have them!

    This went around and around and around and because he wasn't being abusive I am not allowed to hang up. Finally at 5.25pm I gave up!

    Me: Sir. I understand that you are upset and have a complaint but as I have said multiple times there is nothing I can do for you from Australia!
    SC: Your in Australia?
    Me: Yes I am. I also finished work 25 minutes ago and I would like to go home!
    Me: and as I have said over and over again for the 25 minutes that I have not been getting paid for you will have to call him on Monday. Thank you for Calling <my company> customer service. Have a lovely weekend. *hangs up*


    So not a happy person was I!

  • #2
    ALWAYS on a Friday......
    Bloody Kiwi's!! LOL (No offence intended)
    every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.... for every person I can stand being around there is and eqaul and opposite idiot....... -_- damn stupid people


    • #3
      This 25 minutes of work unpaid is something that really baffles me. If you're paid at an hourly rate and a customer holds your leg for half an hour, you should get paid, since you're doing your job.

      But hey, dif'rent strokes, I guess. My sincerest sympathies.
      "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


      • #4
        Quoth Samaliel View Post
        This 25 minutes of work unpaid is something that really baffles me. If you're paid at an hourly rate and a customer holds your leg for half an hour, you should get paid, since you're doing your job.

        But hey, dif'rent strokes, I guess. My sincerest sympathies.
        I'm not paid by the hour so I just get to suffer! Don't get me started on the various ways my work fucks me over on a daily basis!


        • #5
          I also do not get paid overtime.....and for some reason are always here late!
          It is the joy of being a peon on a salary contract.

          Fun fun!! I understand the pain!
          every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.... for every person I can stand being around there is and eqaul and opposite idiot....... -_- damn stupid people


          • #6
            That makes me appreciate policy that allows me to log off the phones 5 min before end of shift. (cuts back on OT) You have my sypathies, especially when the call amounts to nothing more than this
            I feel crazy. Like I'm drunk and trapped in a water globe and someone won't stop shaking it.
            -The Amazing E
            Zonies social group now open!


            • #7
              I feel for you, Lexi. Here, have some more sympathy, with extra cookies.
              "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."

