From the games store
I had just finished helping a customer, and I turned around and what do I see? A customer standing BEHIND THE COUNTER, looking through the games!
Me: Hey! That's employees only, you can't be in there!
SC: It wasn't marked or nothin, I was just looking to see what you had.
Me: Sir clearly the area BEHIND THE COUNTER is generally reserved for employees. Please get out of there.
SC: Ok, sorry man. *saunters off*
From Wally World
I am standing in the stockroom talking to a coworker a good 30 feet or so from the doors when this guy (not in uniform) approaches us.
Me: Sir do you work here?
SC: No I was looking for Jesse. He's taking too long.
Me: Excuse me?
SC: Some guy named Jesse said he had to go back here to look for something I need but that was 5 minutes ago and I'm sick of waiting so I decided to check up on him to see what's taking so long.
Me: Sir this area is employees only, you can't come in here.
SC: Oh... *just stands there*
Me: *gives WTF glance to coworker* Sir you have to LEAVE. now."
SC: "Ok, ok, but tell Jesse to hurry up!"
From the store I'm at now
I had to to do some repair work on this guys cellphone, I have a work counter and on the outside edge of the counter is a big EMPLOYEES ONLY sign so customers are expected to remain at the front of the counter at all times.
This one lady decides to FOLLOW me right back in there behind the desk!
Me: Excuse me ma'am, this area is employees only, please go back over there.
SC: Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see a sign or anything.
Of course you didn't, types you NEVER do. Even when I'm in restricted areas I STILL get SCs! There's no escaping them.
I had just finished helping a customer, and I turned around and what do I see? A customer standing BEHIND THE COUNTER, looking through the games!
Me: Hey! That's employees only, you can't be in there!
SC: It wasn't marked or nothin, I was just looking to see what you had.
Me: Sir clearly the area BEHIND THE COUNTER is generally reserved for employees. Please get out of there.
SC: Ok, sorry man. *saunters off*
From Wally World
I am standing in the stockroom talking to a coworker a good 30 feet or so from the doors when this guy (not in uniform) approaches us.
Me: Sir do you work here?
SC: No I was looking for Jesse. He's taking too long.
Me: Excuse me?
SC: Some guy named Jesse said he had to go back here to look for something I need but that was 5 minutes ago and I'm sick of waiting so I decided to check up on him to see what's taking so long.
Me: Sir this area is employees only, you can't come in here.
SC: Oh... *just stands there*
Me: *gives WTF glance to coworker* Sir you have to LEAVE. now."
SC: "Ok, ok, but tell Jesse to hurry up!"
From the store I'm at now
I had to to do some repair work on this guys cellphone, I have a work counter and on the outside edge of the counter is a big EMPLOYEES ONLY sign so customers are expected to remain at the front of the counter at all times.
This one lady decides to FOLLOW me right back in there behind the desk!
Me: Excuse me ma'am, this area is employees only, please go back over there.
SC: Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see a sign or anything.
Of course you didn't, types you NEVER do. Even when I'm in restricted areas I STILL get SCs! There's no escaping them.
