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I've Been Informed I Need Manners

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  • I've Been Informed I Need Manners

    So getting towards the end of a rather long shift. It's pretty late into the evening and I'm on Express with one other cashier a couple lanes away, and both of the baggers we have in this evening on trash duty (one clearing the sidewalk cans, the other doing indoor). So things are slightly stressful, as it's an abnormally busy day.

    Having an angry obese woman whining at me about my supposedly poor manners really did nothing to improve the situation.

    She came up with both arms full of groceries, and two equally obese kids in tow. And by both arms full, I mean a large bag of chips and a king-size bag of bread in one arm, and a stack of five frozen pizzas in the other. She was ahving trouble balancing it, so I made a suggestion...

    Me: Obvious (Thoughts in italic)
    WM: Welfare Mom
    WK: Welfare Mom's Kid

    Me: "Ma'am, you can just set those on the shelf here and I'll get them."
    WM: *glare* "A please would be nice."
    Oh joy, I'm gonna have something for CS tonight.
    Me: "I was just making a suggestion so you wouldn't have to keep holding all that."
    WM: "Well I'd still like to be spoken to with some manners."
    *At this point I decide she'll be more trouble than she's worth and just shut up and ring things up. She completely ignores the shelf (which is there specifically so people with small orders can set their purchases down and hands me everything one at a time.*
    WM: "That's why we don't shop at Krogers, nobody treats you with any respect."
    Who, exactly, is being disrespectful, here?
    *She pulls her discount card out and slaps it down on the counter.[i]
    WM: "Here's my card that you never asked for."
    *I run it through - just as a note, if they don't have their card ready at the start and have items ready, I just run the card last. And besides, she was shoving them at me to begin with.*
    Me: "Your total is 15.74"
    *She pays with a 20 and I give her her $4, while the change machine spits out her coins.*
    Me: "And 4.26 is your change."
    WM: *Snatches the money out of my hand and seems to examine it like I just handed her fakes*
    WK: *pulls the coins out of the change machine's dispenser* "Hey, what are these for?"
    Me: "That's your change."
    WK: "Man, this is confusing."
    WM: "That's the problem with South Hills, it's full of all these uppity rich people."
    *She grabs her purse and bags and stomps out.*
    Lady, we're in West Virginia. "Rich" here means you're above the national poverty line. And what makes you think I'm an uppity rich kid? I live out a little road named after a creek. Half my neighbor's houses are unfinished and the rest are trailers.
    » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «

  • #2
    Ever notice how people that claim you have no manners are the least well mannered themselves? Same goes for people that claim you're being "rude".

    A conversation I hope to have one day with an SC

    SC: You're just being rude.
    ME: Did you know it's rude to tell other people they're being rude?
    I don't like your attitude!
    Yeah? Well you're not EATING my attitude!


    • #3
      Quoth KabeRinnaul View Post
      Me: "Ma'am, you can just set those on the shelf here and I'll get them."
      WM: *glare* "A please would be nice."
      huh. I can trot out the "good manners" with the best of them, but a please doesn't apply here. You aren't requesting something for yourself, you are making a suggestion to make things easier for her. Yet another case of people going out of their way looking for confrontation.


      • #4
        IF you were an "uppity-rich-person" then you wouldn't be working there, right??
        How is that those who bitch about manners are themselves lacking some?


        • #5
          This might fall under my, "Theory of Inverse Rudeness".

          The basic definition is. The ruder and more brief a customer is with you the "kinder" (i.e. accomidating, sweeter, more pliant) you have to become.

          This is also part of the "Kill them with kindness" mindset. Oh, how I wish kindness killed some days.
          "Wow, that has to be the best genital analogy EVER. "


          • #6
            She never shops there, yet she has a discount card for the store?

            gotta love them.
            you are = you're. not "your".


            • #7
              They always shop where they claim they never do.

              If they don't bitch, they will explode.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #8
                Quoth sms001 View Post
                huh. I can trot out the "good manners" with the best of them, but a please doesn't apply here. You aren't requesting something for yourself, you are making a suggestion to make things easier for her.
                Yeah, I was wondering about this, and you are absolutely right. What a SC. She's clearly taking something out on you when she shouldn't. How impossibly rude.
                If there’s one thing women love, it’s the guy that just can’t seem to find the line that divides “Ha Ha” and “Stacey, get your purse, we’re leaving before he comes back.”.



                • #9
                  Quoth blas87 View Post
                  They always shop where they claim they never do.
                  And vice versa. When they tell you they're shopping here "all the time", they either have bought one random item at least 5 years ago or they never, ever purchased anything from your chain, not to mention location.
                  "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                  • #10
                    "I shop here all the time and am a valued customer" = I buy $3 in gas or a pack of smokes a day and pay in all dimes and nickels.
                    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                    • #11
                      Quoth blas87 View Post
                      If they don't bitch, they will explode.
                      I'm thinking this would be a good thing. Well, except for the cleanup crew . . .


                      • #12
                        Quoth zigcat View Post
                        Ever notice how people that claim you have no manners are the least well mannered themselves? Same goes for people that claim you're being "rude".

                        A conversation I hope to have one day with an SC

                        SC: You're just being rude.
                        ME: Did you know it's rude to tell other people they're being rude?
                        Yeah, but isn't it rude to say it's rude to say it's rude?
                        "Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard fillings"-Dr. Perry Cox


                        • #13
                          I have also found that any time you have to tell a customer "no we can't do that" or "I'm sorry that's not possible" then you are RUDE. No matter how nicely you put it. No matter if you apologize for disapointing them, you are the rude one because they got told no.

                          Gah I am glad I no longer work retail.


                          • #14
                            While I agree this woman was completey rude and had no grasp of real "manners", I fail to see how bringing her size and use of government assistance benefited the story. Just sayin'
                            A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                            • #15
                              OK...let's nip this one in the bud now, before it even starts.

                              It's a fair point, though.

                              Just because the woman was obese, had 2 obese children, and was buying not necessarily nutritious items, how does that translate to "welfare mom"?

                              Also, even if she was on public assistance, that is not relevant to the story, nor is her weight nor that of her children.

                              So, is everyone clear on that?

                              A mod has addressed the point, so there needs to be no more discussion in this thread on that issue.

                              Back on topic....
                              Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

