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Must be a full moon....

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  • Must be a full moon....

    'Cause all the crazies are out at EW central.

    Gimme Free Cash Prizes Now!

    Foiled by a halter top!

    MOD: Manager on duty
    EW1: Entitlement Whore 1
    CC: Confused customer
    Me: Mainly just watching this round.

    EW1: (Woman about mid-thirties, wearing tight jeans and halter top) I want a manager, right now!
    I quickly excuse myself from my current customer and page the manager. Once the manager arrived, I resumed helping my customer find something in the store. I returned to the front to find this scene:

    EW1: These jeans are Gucci, do you know how much Gucci jeans cost?
    MOD: I'm sorry ma'am, but I do not...
    EW1: ::shrieking:: $400.00! I DEMAND that you reimburse me for your incompetence!
    MOD: ::louder now:: Ma'am, as I already said, you have to fill out an incident report so corporate can review what happened before taking any action. I cannot just give you money for new pants from the tills.
    EW1: ::hopping on one foot, leg in the air:: Do you see this? This is your store's fault! I need these replaced. I have to throw these away now! Four hundred dollar pants! They're ruuuuuuinned!!!
    MOD: Ma'am, I just need you to take these forms, fill them out, and return them with the pants. Our district manager will be here all next week so we can process this then. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    EW1: So you won't pay for them?

    Repeat previous exchange.

    MOD: No ma'am, I cannot just give you money for new pants....
    EW1: ::Throws forms on ground, turns and rushes out of the store::
    Me: What was that?
    CC: Wow, she was pissed. Someone needs to tell her you catch flies with honey, not vinegar.
    MOD: I agree, and also, she should wear a shirt that covers the Levi Strauss logo on her pants before trying to scam the store.

    Note: we reviewed the tapes later that night-the EW1 was looking at expensive nail polish. Rather than use a basket, she had two in her hand and was opening colors to try on with the other hand. There was a bit of a fumble and she dropped two bottles, the open one and one of the bottles from her hand. Both bottles broke and splattered polish over her jeans. We also had to damage out the ones she "tested" and put back on shelf. Nothing says fun like having to stay 20 minutes late to examine the safety seals on nail polish bottles.

    Assault and Battery-to Checks!

    This was two days later. The store is crazy-busy. All four registers are open and ringing and the line is about 20 deep. (Note: I've worked in a grocery store before, so I know that 20 people is nothing to all of you fine folks at the bigger stores. However, our store is small and the counters are tinier than an express lane counter. Scanning is further hindered by EWs bellowing for service and attempting to cut in front of people in line.)

    M: Manager

    After I ring up about $185 worth of cheap sale stuff, the EW has me read off everything on the screen.

    EW2: I just don't see how that could be so much! $185 seems a bit extreme.
    Me: ::smiling in a polite way:: Well, ma'am, you saved $XX.XX, so it's actually a good deal for these products.
    EW2: is a lot of money. I want a coupon, please.
    Me: I'm sorry ma'am, but we don't actually have coupons.
    EW2: Don't try to cheat me, you have a sale ad right there!
    Me: Yes we do, but they are for employee reference only, I'm sorry to say.
    EW2: ::After much sighing, she pulls out her checkbook:: I need a pen and...oh, I need to know the price of an item. ::actually leaves register::
    Me: (Inner monologue: God forbid you ask the three people on the floor for prices!) ::As I move around the register, I remember to pull a pen from my pocket, TURN AROUND to face the counter, and lightly toss it INTO the half-opened checkbook::

    Note: at this point, I am between the counter and EW2, plus she has at least 10 feet between her and me. I follow her onto the floor, grab the item, and price check it at the register. Of course, EW2 decries the item as "too expensive" so I just repeat her total.

    EW2: Well?
    Me: I'm sorry? Do you have another question?
    EW2: :voice getting louder:: I demand recompense, you THREW that pen at me! Just because you are having a bad day, doesn't give you the right to throw things at me! I want a gift card for this assault!

    Me: Ma'am, I assure you, I did not throw that pen in any way. I just tossed it into your checkbook.

    EW2: Don't you dare lie! You threw the pen at me because I asked you a question, smartass!

    The manager moved away from her register as EW2 started yelling.

    M: Ma'am, she tossed the pen onto the counter and away from you, I saw it myself.

    EW2: Now you're calling ME a liar? I will have re-com-pense (she emphasized the word) if I have to call the president of the company! :Notices manager badge:: You need to rectify this situation-your employee whipped a sharp object at me and I can't be loyal to a store that doesn't try to make things right!

    Eventually EW2 left with corporate's number and without buying anything.
    However, the manager reviewed the tape and forwarded it to corporate along with a quick note to warn them of the crazy scammer.

    I've got more, but I'm tired of typing!

  • #2
    Oh, for Zod's sake... Does Gucci even makes jeans ? And, I don't want to speak ill of your place of employment and please correct me if I'm mistaken, but your store doesn't sound like it's exactly higher end. Not enough to see people goofing around with Gucci pants, anyway, but that's just me assuming. Again, apologies if I'm plain wrong.

    And EW#2 just seems like she wasn't interested in buying anything, just trying to find a reason to argue with some one so she could ask for compensation. Seriously, what a twit.
    "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


    • #3
      Quoth Amandarthegreat View Post
      :Notices manager badge:: You need to rectify this situation-your employee whipped a sharp object at me and I can't be loyal to a store that doesn't try to make things right!

      "I'm sorry, but we don't WANT people who try to scam us as customers. You're the lowest of the low type of person you psychotic bitch, now fuck off"


      • #4
        Quoth Samaliel View Post
        Oh, for Zod's sake... Does Gucci even makes jeans ? And, I don't want to speak ill of your place of employment and please correct me if I'm mistaken, but your store doesn't sound like it's exactly higher end. Not enough to see people goofing around with Gucci pants,
        Gucci does make jeans, they are in fact $400 for a pair, and there are more people than I care to think about that will buy $400 jeans rather than things like groceries, pay the utilities, care for their families.... Unfortunately, I see it more often than not.


        • #5
          Quoth Samaliel View Post
          Oh, for Zod's sake... Does Gucci even makes jeans ?
          I'm fairly certain that they do, and that they're the biggest ripoff ever. $400 jeans? What, so they can still wear away at the crotch like $20 jeans? Bite me.


          • #6
            Quoth rerant View Post
            I'm fairly certain that they do, and that they're the biggest ripoff ever. $400 jeans? What, so they can still wear away at the crotch like $20 jeans? Bite me.
            I paid $65 for Gap jeans (for me personally, those are considered higher end) and they ripped in the crotch like aforementioned $20 jeans. It was only after a few months, too. Sad, because I thought they made my butt look cuter.
            Ah, tally-ho, yippety-dip, and zing zang spillip! Looking forward to bullying off for the final chukka?


            • #7
              Quoth Samaliel View Post
              Oh, for Zod's sake... Does Gucci even makes jeans?
              Not only does Gucci sell jeans at $400 a pop, they're not the most expensive jeans out there. That title belongs to Escada. They have jeans (available for Men or Women) for the high high price of $10000 USD/£5814. A full breakdown can be found here


              • #8
                Quoth Bradester View Post
                I paid $65 for Gap jeans (for me personally, those are considered higher end) and they ripped in the crotch like aforementioned $20 jeans. It was only after a few months, too. Sad, because I thought they made my butt look cuter.
                It is because of this that I go to a neat outlet store that sells jeans for TWO FOR $20.
                They're nice looking jeans, and this particular outlet for the store basically gives away the clothes.
                Honestly, for something that's not going to last I can't justify spending more than I do.
                Plus my weight goes up and down so one month I'll need a 6 the next an 8.


                • #9
                  Quoth Samaliel View Post
                  Oh, for Zod's sake... Does Gucci even makes jeans ? And, I don't want to speak ill of your place of employment and please correct me if I'm mistaken, but your store doesn't sound like it's exactly higher end. Not enough to see people goofing around with Gucci pants, anyway, but that's just me assuming. Again, apologies if I'm plain wrong.
                  Where I live is basically multiracial blue collar. Our store used to carry some high end cosmetics, but was mainly the only place in the area where one could buy perfume. However, recently we have a lot of (rich white) people moving in from Chicago and setting up suburbs. In turn, our store was remodeled to carry almost solely expensive cosmetics. In short, we are transitioning to a higher end.


                  • #10
                    lol i never buy expensive clothing because ive bought 10 dollars Twill jeans (btw twill is so much more comfortable than denim, lighter, and lasts longer) that lasted longer than expensive pants. i have ones that have lasted a year or more, and simular ones that cost me three times as much, and only lasted 3 monthes.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Samaliel View Post
                      Oh, for Zod's sake... Does Gucci even makes jeans ? And, I don't want to speak ill of your place of employment and please correct me if I'm mistaken, but your store doesn't sound like it's exactly higher end. Not enough to see people goofing around with Gucci pants, anyway, but that's just me assuming. Again, apologies if I'm plain wrong.

                      And EW#2 just seems like she wasn't interested in buying anything, just trying to find a reason to argue with some one so she could ask for compensation. Seriously, what a twit.
                      They do, in fact, make jeans...and, speaking as one living in the Gucci capitol of the world, I'd like to say that I'd rather have a pair of $30 Old Navy jeans. -.-
                      "Do not quibble with me over apostrophes. I have my shit together when it comes to apostrophes." - BookBint


                      • #12
                        Okay, my bad. I'd have thought, Gucci being a designer brand, they'd do only classier clothes. Anyway, like the manager said, if you're gonna try to pass a pair of Levi's for a Gucci, at least, try to hide the tag. And even then, you don't usually get a compensation because you're a klutz as well as a jerk.
                        "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                        • #13
                          I wonder if Gucci'll make me a set of masterwork fullplate?

                          Last pair of jeans I bought were at Wal*Mart for about $7. They've held up pretty nice this past year or so. Even bought some chains at Home Depot to accessorize. I just need something stronger than cheap-o $0.30 keychain rings to hold them up.
                          "IT stands away, interrupting himself from the incessant hammering of the kittens…"


                          • #14
                            I had once upon a time found a pair of Gucci jeans at a St. Vincent's here in Oregon and holy of holies....they were my size! Price? $10. How long did they last? 2 days.

                            So much for name brand They're not worth the fabric they're made out of. Rich people find the dumbest things to waste their money on.

                            Oh, and Blood? I make chainmaille!
                   do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                            Chickens are Asexual!


                            • #15
                              Quoth zzapp the witch View Post
                              I had once upon a time found a pair of Gucci jeans at a St. Vincent's here in Oregon and holy of holies....they were my size! Price? $10. How long did they last? 2 days.
                              Probably because you were actually, like, walking in them or something. I have a feeling most people who wear Gucci jeans just stand around and look good.
                              Ah, tally-ho, yippety-dip, and zing zang spillip! Looking forward to bullying off for the final chukka?

