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Coupon Scammer SCs

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  • Coupon Scammer SCs

    This is from a few years ago at the store where I work. The store sends out its own coupons to the customers in the mail (although sometimes people don't get them -- not our fault, it's corporate), but we also take manufacturer's coupons. And store policy is to only accept two coupons per item -- one store coupon, one manufacturer's. In other words: NO, you can't use two store coupons on the same item, NO, you can't use two manufacturer's coupons on the same item, NO, you can't use a coupon with another store's name on it.

    So, it's late in the evening at work, and this couple comes through my line and buys over $100 worth of stuff.

    And then they hand this HUGE wad of coupons, about the size of a softball. Immediately I know that a lot of them will be invalid. So I start sorting through them first.

    ~ More than half of the coupons were expired.
    ~ Of the ones that WEREN'T expired, at least a third were for other stores.
    ~ Of the ones that weren't for other stores, half of those were for brands that we don't carry. They'd bought something similar, but not identical.

    SC demands to know why I'm not scanning the coupons.
    J2K: Because, sir, a lot of these are coupons that we can't take.
    SC: Why not?
    J2K: Because THESE *points to one stack* are expired--
    SC: The cashier took them last time.

    Right. And maybe last time they weren't expired yet, or if they were, the cashier was an idiot or something.

    J2K: Well, it might be one thing if they were a day expired, but most of those expired more than a week ago. And THESE *points to another stack* are for [competitor], [grocery store], or [another grocery store], and so we can't take them--
    SC: No they're not.
    J2K: Look here, sir, you can see the [grocery store] logo on this one, and this one, and this one says [competitor] here. And THESE *points to last stack* are for items you didn't get.
    SC: Yes, I did, look!
    J2K: Sir, that's [different brand], not [coupon's brand]. I can't take it.

    I go back to sorting through the rest of the wad of coupons, and still separating them into separate stacks, and now SC is getting pissed off because his attempt at scamming us out of all this money isn't working.

    J2K: I'm sorry, sir, I can't do that. I CAN take THESE coupons *point to stack of valid coupons* but not the rest. You can go over to the service desk after I've rung you up if you'd like to talk to a manager.

    SC and his wife grumble as I scan the valid coupons, and I point to the expired stack.

    J2K: Did you want me to throw those away for you?
    SC: Why?
    J2K: Well, they're expired.
    SC: No. Give them back.

    So I do. If they want to throw them out, fine, if they want to try to scam someone else, fine. I just want this jackass out of my line now. So he pays for his stuff, grabs his invalid coupons, and marches over to the service desk. Leaves his cart at my register, too. I just wheel it over next to the desk, and go back to my line.

    SC did try to complain, of course, but didn't get anywhere. So he ended up RETURNING EVERYTHING and walking out.

    Far too often, I'll get people who would rather not buy anything than not get EVERY coupon they hand me taken off.

    Seriously. They'll have a full cartload of stuff, and hand me a bunch of coupons, and just because a single $1 coupon is invalid, they'll walk out the door.

    I just put on a smile, bottle up the irritation, and save it up to unleash on some nice violent video game when I get home.
    PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

    There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

  • #2
    Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
    store policy is to only accept two coupons per item -- one store coupon, one manufacturer's. SC did try to complain, of course, but didn't get anywhere. So he ended up RETURNING EVERYTHING and walking out.

    Far too often, I'll get people who would rather not buy anything than not get EVERY coupon they hand me taken off.
    Seriously. They'll have a full cartload of stuff, and hand me a bunch of coupons, and just because a single $1 coupon is invalid, they'll walk out the door.
    WTF? Your store is way generous with the coupon policy (most are one coupon per item, and you choose between store or manufacturer's coupon). They need to suck it up.

    I've never understood people who throw hissy fits over a single dollar that they're not even entitled to.
    "Eventually, everything that you have said becomes everything you will ever say." Eireann

    My pony dolls:


    • #3
      Quoth JoitheArtist View Post
      WTF? Your store is way generous with the coupon policy (most are one coupon per item, and you choose between store or manufacturer's coupon). They need to suck it up.

      I've never understood people who throw hissy fits over a single dollar that they're not even entitled to.
      I have found it to be the exact opposite. Most store coupons will work with the manufactors coupon, but for ONE item.

      I watched a lady buy one thing of Tide one day, then argue with the cashier because she could not use four "store" coupons and four manufactors coupons on it.


      • #4
        They returned everything?

        So, what happens to the coupons they used during the transaction? They didn't get those back, yeah? What's that saying about cutting off your nose to spite your face?

        I swear, I really would like to shake the shit out of some folks. lol

        (that's general you, btw)
        you are = you're. not "your".


        • #5
          Adding to my coupon woes is the fact that Corporate sends out these coupon booklets with coupons that are high-value coupons, and hence only valid for one week. And these coupons are in with the rest of the coupons that are valid until the end of the season or whatever.

          So I'll get people trying to buy something like a stereo or a telephone, and they hand me this $20 coupon ... which isn't valid for another two weeks.

          And they get very upset that they can't use the coupon NOW.

          And I wonder why the people don't just READ?!
          PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

          There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


          • #6
            I thinkof my mother's careful organization of coupons and then these folks, and I want to bang my head. One would think the only reason mom has organised coupons is her master's degree. Come on people, THINK


            • #7
              As an avid couponer, people like this make me SICK.

              They give all couponers a bad name.

              Not all of us are sucky and evil, I promise.
              "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


              • #8
                yeah i would have toss the expired ones as i found them.
                because the worst they can do is try to get them selves arrested, and it wouldnt kill me if they leave.


                • #9
                  I imagine if you scanned the expired ones and the other stores cupons the computer won't accept them. I bet that is what happened "the last time". The cashier scanned them and they didn't ring up. Though since I have little faith in humanity, "The cashier took them last time" is one of those Urban Myths, like "So-and-so's mother does it" that customer try to snowball us with.
                  Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                  Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                  I wish porn had subtitles.


                  • #10
                    We have a SC who tried to use a coupon that expired three moths prior. She paid, went ot the custoemr service desk and got all he money back, but told the clerk that "The managers said I can get all my money back and still get all the groceries." When told no she claimed she need the cart to help her walk. So we got her a empty cart, which she promptly pushed aside and walked out.


                    • #11
                      I guess you couldn't get away with it, but in those situation, I'd love to say something like "Hey, this one is from last year ! I hear they're pretty high-valued collectables, now. You could get some good money from this but selling it on eBay !" and when asked if it's true, reply "No. I just love being a smart ass."

                      Or go, you know : "Expired. Expired. Expired. Do you have one of those ? Nope. Wrong brand. Dude, that chain doesn't even have a location in the county, you know that ? Expired. Expired. Now, come on ! How can you mistake [competitor] for [your store] ? There on the other side of town ! Plus, their logo is neon green. Ours is bright red... Expired. Expired. Woah, you should bring this one to a museum ! Hey, this one, you can actually use for that transaction !"

                      But yeah, the expired coupon I would immediately toss to the bin.
                      "I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."


                      • #12
                        Quoth Samaliel View Post
                        I guess you couldn't get away with it, but in those situation, I'd love to say something like "Hey, this one is from last year ! I hear they're pretty high-valued collectables, now. You could get some good money from this but selling it on eBay !" and when asked if it's true, reply "No. I just love being a smart ass."

                        Or go, you know : "Expired. Expired. Expired. Do you have one of those ? Nope. Wrong brand. Dude, that chain doesn't even have a location in the county, you know that ? Expired. Expired. Now, come on ! How can you mistake [competitor] for [your store] ? There on the other side of town ! Plus, their logo is neon green. Ours is bright red... Expired. Expired. Woah, you should bring this one to a museum ! Hey, this one, you can actually use for that transaction !"

                        But yeah, the expired coupon I would immediately toss to the bin.
                        Oh, I'm one of the snarkiest bastards at the store. I'm ALWAYS cracking wise at people.

                        Unfortunately, right now I'm on thin ice with Management (over something NOT related to my snarkiness), so I can't actually do this, because I don't want to get fired.
                        PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                        There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

