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I didn't need to see that.

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  • I didn't need to see that.

    A very old story back from my days working at the supermarket where Every little helps.

    I was on the checkout at the express tills (10 or less) and this guy comes through and asks to do 2 seperate transactions, it's quiet so I say "Sure".

    We go through various odds and ends, loo roll, eggs, bread, washing powder and so on, I give him his total and he pays.

    We move on to the 2nd transaction, I reach down into the basket where he has now placed the items he held back, which I haven't been paying attention to, and pull out two items.

    A cucumber
    A tube of KY Jelly.

    I completed the transaction as if nothing was unusual, watched the guy walk out of the door and cracked up laughing.

    I'm sure it was perfectly innocent but I'll be damned if it wasn't funny.

  • #2
    We've had a few of those.

    We had a guy ask if one of our products would support the weight of two grown men. When co-worker asked why, he fumbled and said he wanted to use it for furniture. That wouldn't work, but he could use it for the other purposes that come to mind when hearing that.

    I have nothing against people who want to swing that way (we'd have thought the same thing if it had been a full grown man and woman), but some things are better left unsaid.
    Oh yeah? Well I have a few words for you! Like YOU, and ARE, and A MORON!!!!


    • #3
      Obviously the man's vegetable crisper is so full he has to lube up the cucumber before it will fit between the carrots and the squash!


      • #4
        There are just some things I won't buy at the same time.... not that they're being used for anything bad, but it would just look "wrong" somehow.


        • #5
          Quoth JLRodgers View Post
          There are just some things I won't buy at the same time.... not that they're being used for anything bad, but it would just look "wrong" somehow.
          Maybe that's why he did it...just to amuse himself...
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Separate transaction to avoid the potentially awkward question:
            "Honey, where is the cucumber you bought yesterday? I want to use it in the salad for dinner."


            • #7
              reminds me of this

              read the alt-text


              • #8
                Quoth computeraide View Post
                Obviously the man's vegetable crisper is so full he has to lube up the cucumber before it will fit between the carrots and the squash!

                Now I'm having visions of a too-full crisper drawer causing flying vegetables, as well as a carrot getting stuck in the wall from sheer velocity.

                (Maybe I need sleep?)
                1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
       (A blog about everything and nothing)


                • #9



                  • #10
                    One of my friends was in the university LGBT society, and they would often have a scavenger hunt but with tasks as well.
                    One of the tasks would usually be to go to the "Every Little Helps" supermarket, run 2 transactions with the second being a cucumber, or occasionally a butternut squash, and some KY.


                    • #11
                      I was at the grocery store once, and was sheepishly buying condoms (hey, I've got one kid, don't want another one yet).

                      I jumped in the fastest line, the express lane, where the cashier got my member card, swiped it, then swiped the condoms across the scanner as casual as normal.

                      No big deal, right?

                      Then I see the cashier turn towards her register and start snickering. Snickering turned into giggling.

                      Red faced, I looked up, and saw what she was giggling at:

                      The screen above her register, the one that shows items and price, cut off part of the name of my item.
                      Therefore, according to the register, I wasn't buying Trojan Spermicidal condoms.
                      I was buying "Trojan Sperm".

                      After laughing with her, I walked out and never felt weird about buying condoms there again.
                      "Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is." - Steve Martin

