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Good words to describe bad customers

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  • Good words to describe bad customers

    Feel free to add to the list; just provide definitions. "Huffy" is my personal favorite.

    huffy: annoyed or irritated and quick to take offense at petty things

    petulant:insolent or rude in speech or behavior

    sulky:morose, bad-tempered, and resentful; refusing to be cooperative or cheerful

    tetchy: bad-tempered and irritable

  • #2
    Ach. All fall under the general category of 'asshole'. Easier to remember.


    • #3
      Unique I hope there's only one like you yeah, I can hope

      Opportunity "It's not a problem it's an opportunity"

      Legally Challenged "I know my rights"\"I'm going to sue"
      Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs


      • #4
        I prefer "twatmuffin", "fuckmonkey", "the tragic result of a horribly misaimed five-knuckle shuffle" and "assfez"

        But then again, there are several things wrong with me.

        On to the serious ones now:

        spatially-challenged:"Oh sure you can fit that entire bedroom set in my Volkswagen Golf! The back seat folds down!"

        lazy: Walks into the store, shopping list in hand, and approaches the first person that can be positively (or not) identified as an employee, and has that person walk them to each and every item on the list. Preferably out of order and requiring lots of backtracking. Ideally, the lazy shopper first wants something from Toys (back of the store), then something from HBA (front of store), then Home Entertainment (back of store again), then Home Decor (middle of store), then Hardware (middle to back of store), then candy/grocery (front of store).

        Bait and Switch: "It's Saturday night and you ran out of this sale item and the sale started the previous Sunday! Bait and switch! You want me to buy something more expensive!" 'Nuff said.

        Cruella De Ville: Barks at store employee over the most petty of things. Bonus points if this is done to a n00b employee who ends up in tears.

        You're how old? Comes to your register with a pack of condoms, a can of whipped cream, and a shit-eating grin on his/her face.
        Last edited by Irving Patrick Freleigh; 07-26-2008, 02:24 AM.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          Cretone - The sounds a stupid SC makes (tongue clicks, tsk tsks, lip vibrations)

          Ass swoop - The SCs that come at you from nowhere at light speed

          Schmuckers - The SCs that turn to jelly when you fight back

          Mind fields - The SCs on line behind the idiot staring at YOU and casting daggers
          with their minds like it's your fault the idiot forgot they had coupons
          after you ring them up.

          Master deBaters - The ones that will continue arguing after the matter has been

          Elas Ticks - The ones that keep coming back for "just one more thing", sucking the
          life blood out of you.
          "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


          • #6
            Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post

            Bait and Switch: "It's Saturday night and you ran out of this sale item and the sale started the previous Sunday! Bait and switch! You want me to buy something more expensive!" 'Nuff said.
            Bonus points if the item in question is the most expensive of that type, even with the sale.

