I think one of Gravekeeper's creatures has slipped the leash and wound up in my neck of the woods. SAVE YOURSELVES.
In all seriousness, I present to you the following phone conversation, verbatim, save the altering of names to protect the innocent (well, me, anyway...)
Me: "Newsroom."
Extremely Drunk-sounding Woman: "YESH...I...I need to talk to......someone...about a stow-wy...."
Me: "All right, what's it regarding?"
EDW: "Yesh...I gots stow-wy...it's ex-TREME-ly long and detailed..."
Me: "...um, all right. What is it regarding?"
EDW: *loooooong pause* "Huh?"
Me: "What is it about? What's the story about?"
EDW: "I gotsha stow-wy...it's............it's long....detailed....ish about my apartment...*So-and-So* Apartmentsh..."
Me: "Okay...what about the apartments?"
Me: "Ummmm...okay, you know what, you should probably speak to *Editor* about this, but she's not in at the moment, would you like her voicemail?"
EDW: "Uh...........oh, thinks I gonna pass outs..." *loud THUD in background*
Me: "Oh shi-ma'am??"
EDW: "...........ohhhh...wash ish voicemail....?"
Me: "Oh my God, hold on." *transfers, hangs up....takes phone off hook*
In all seriousness, I present to you the following phone conversation, verbatim, save the altering of names to protect the innocent (well, me, anyway...)
Me: "Newsroom."
Extremely Drunk-sounding Woman: "YESH...I...I need to talk to......someone...about a stow-wy...."
Me: "All right, what's it regarding?"
EDW: "Yesh...I gots stow-wy...it's ex-TREME-ly long and detailed..."
Me: "...um, all right. What is it regarding?"
EDW: *loooooong pause* "Huh?"
Me: "What is it about? What's the story about?"
EDW: "I gotsha stow-wy...it's............it's long....detailed....ish about my apartment...*So-and-So* Apartmentsh..."
Me: "Okay...what about the apartments?"

Me: "Ummmm...okay, you know what, you should probably speak to *Editor* about this, but she's not in at the moment, would you like her voicemail?"
EDW: "Uh...........oh, thinks I gonna pass outs..." *loud THUD in background*
Me: "Oh shi-ma'am??"
EDW: "...........ohhhh...wash ish voicemail....?"
Me: "Oh my God, hold on." *transfers, hangs up....takes phone off hook*

