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Paying for sauces?!

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  • Paying for sauces?!

    I had a customer come through my drive thru today and ask my employee for 6 honey mustard sauces. My employee told her that there is a charge for the sauces because she didn't order nuggets or strips (standard policy in most McDonalds but it's not always followed in stores). She goes ok then I'll have 4. My crew person who is just barely 16 asks me if I'll deal with it because the lady is starting to get angry. I walk over to her ring up the sauces and tell her it'll be 44 cents. (we charge 11 cents per sauce). She looks at me astonished and this is the exchange

    SC: Why do I have to pay for sauces
    Me: Because we charge for sauces unlesee nuggets or selects are in the order
    SC: But I want it for my chicken sandwich
    Me: I understand that but the price of the chicken sandwich does not include any sauces while the price of the nuggets and selects does
    SC: Is it only this store that charges
    Me: No ma'm, most stores charge for extra sauces
    SC: Well I don't think so
    Me: I'm sorry but it's company policy
    SC: I live in Chicago by Oakbrook where the first McDonalds was started and we don't charge for sauces so that's not true.
    Me: *bite my tongue* 44 cents ma'm
    *she hands me a dollar*
    *while I'm cashing out her order*
    SC: I hope you are happy with your big sale. Oooh you just made a loads more money. Way to go you guys. You are ripping me off. Wow a whole 44 cents
    *Still biting tongue I had her the change and the sauces*
    Me: Have a good day
    *SC starts to drive away while yelling
    SC: Whatever you b*tch

    I turn around to find another manager behind me and he hadn't heard that exchange. I exploded on him. I'm like at what point does a customer thing I'm ripping her off for my own advantage. Her 44 cents went in the drawer not my pocket and my God it was 44 cents. I work at McDonalds that doesn't make me a scam artist. And Idc where you are from I'm telling you the policy. I'm second in charge of my store and I've been working for McDonalds for some time I think I know the policies we are supposed to follow! And next time she wants to swear at me she should do it to my face not as she drives off. Stupid coward. And I had to stand there and say nothing, if i get a 1-800 complaint on this I'm going to be so freaking pissed.

    I was irate.

  • #2
    People don't understand that needing that many extra sauces causes the establishment to lose money if they keep giving it out for free.

    Some people seem to need a feeding trough (sp?) for their ranch dressing around here. It only makes sense to charge them if they are going to use that much.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      People don't seem to realise how small a profit margin Burgers and the like have on them so the idea that they have to pay extra for something extra shocks and appalls them!


      • #4
        SIX sauces for ONE sandwich?
        "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

        RIP Plaidman.


        • #5
          I wish we could make ppl understand about extras costing more! I am glad I am not the only one who has to suffer this!
          You've got a real problem all right, and a banjo is the only answer! - Pinkie Pie


          • #6
            Things cost money.
            Life is not free.
            When will people understand this?

            Although on a side note here McDonald's don't seem to charge for sauces (I always get sweet and sour for my fries) and one McDonald's I'm aware of actually has sweet and sour and BBQ in the same pumps the ketchup comes out of.

            This does not mean, of course, that I would not understand if I was charged for sauce. I always make a point of asking for some when I order just in case they have to charge me for it so they can just add it to the bill.


            • #7
              WTF when did Don Davis die? :'(


              • #8
                I had a lady throw a big fit when I charged her $.25 for a cup. There are signs around the cups saying that any additional cups would be $.25. She wasn't buying a coffee, so I charged her (I didn't really need to, as it was only one, but I'm new at the job and would like to do it properly). Anyway, she started spouting off on how I should know who the "locals" are, and I'm thinking, "I've lived here for 19 years, and you just showed up about 3 years ago". So, yeah.

                If it's under a dollar, what's the big deal?


                • #9
                  Quoth Kali View Post
                  WTF when did Don Davis die? :'(

                  Related to the OP, I don't understand why some people require such massive amounts of sauce for their food. On the other hand, there's places that just hand out sauce by the bucketfull. Taco Bell does this a lot, often putting a huge handful of sauce into the bag even though I couldn't possibly use nearly that much. One packet of sauce per burrito/taco is plenty. Also, I've noticed many sitdown restaurants give out huge amounts of ranch dressing for things, such that most of that ranch is simply thrown away at the end of the meal because the ranch was either not ordered (just given out by default) or they give out more than can possibly be eaten.

                  Am I weird for not liking massive amounts of sauce all over my food?


                  • #10
                    Meh... I love it when customers know a job better than an employee does. It's like people asking if a store price matches, then complaining about it when they don't. "But you used to!!! Just last week I was right here, and I got a price match." "No... you didn't. I've worked here for four and a half years, and we've never price matched."


                    • #11
                      The McDonald's by my house has signs every where saying the charge for extra sauces. A person would be hard pressed not to see them.

                      However, the Wendy's seem to have a shortage of crackers, napkins and ketchup, since the person will sigh, roll their eyes and maybe give you two extra if you ask for more crackers, napkins or ketchup in the drive thru. There are no signs about charging extra or that they are running low, so I don't know why it's like pulling teeth to get extra condiments.
                      Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                      If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                      Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Hyndis View Post
                        Am I weird for not liking massive amounts of sauce all over my food?
                        Well, for what it's worth, I'm weird and I don't like oodles of sauce on my food.

                        I have an idea--everytime someone (such as myself) orders something like nuggets, but don't want the sauce, but it in a freebie bin.

                        No, that won't work out. People will expect extra sauce every time, and maybe the bin would be empty.
                        Unseen but seeing
                        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                        3rd shift needs love, too
                        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                        • #13
                          I'm with the rest - I understand the charging for sauces, and if I ask for them, will gladly pay.

                          One thing in her diatribe caught my attention though:

                          Quoth Jhondy View Post
                          SC: I live in Chicago by Oakbrook where the first McDonalds was started and we don't charge for sauces so that's not true.
                          You know, last thing I heard, dear, McDonalds started in Southern California. San Bernardino, specifically.
                          The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


                          • #14
                            Funny part is the sauce/toppings is usually where 75% of the fat and crap comes from in fast food. -.-

                            I'd fully expect to be charged for extra sauce, cups, etc. Those things cost money. Of course, I'm not an idiot and my mom ran an A&W for 4 years. Hell, she was the one in the root bear costume during events too. ( I'm not sure what bet she lost, but it was awesome because she got to bring the costume home. )

                            Our family album has shots of the root bear flipping the bird. <cough>


                            • #15
                              Quoth Stormraven View Post
                              You know, last thing I heard, dear, McDonalds started in Southern California. San Bernardino, specifically.
                              Technically yes. However when Ray Croc bought the business he opened his first store in Oak Brook. And it's really his that count.

