I had a customer come through my drive thru today and ask my employee for 6 honey mustard sauces. My employee told her that there is a charge for the sauces because she didn't order nuggets or strips (standard policy in most McDonalds but it's not always followed in stores). She goes ok then I'll have 4. My crew person who is just barely 16 asks me if I'll deal with it because the lady is starting to get angry. I walk over to her ring up the sauces and tell her it'll be 44 cents. (we charge 11 cents per sauce). She looks at me astonished and this is the exchange
SC: Why do I have to pay for sauces
Me: Because we charge for sauces unlesee nuggets or selects are in the order
SC: But I want it for my chicken sandwich
Me: I understand that but the price of the chicken sandwich does not include any sauces while the price of the nuggets and selects does
SC: Is it only this store that charges
Me: No ma'm, most stores charge for extra sauces
SC: Well I don't think so
Me: I'm sorry but it's company policy
SC: I live in Chicago by Oakbrook where the first McDonalds was started and we don't charge for sauces so that's not true.
Me: *bite my tongue* 44 cents ma'm
*she hands me a dollar*
*while I'm cashing out her order*
SC: I hope you are happy with your big sale. Oooh you just made a loads more money. Way to go you guys. You are ripping me off. Wow a whole 44 cents
*Still biting tongue I had her the change and the sauces*
Me: Have a good day
*SC starts to drive away while yelling
SC: Whatever you b*tch
I turn around to find another manager behind me and he hadn't heard that exchange. I exploded on him. I'm like at what point does a customer thing I'm ripping her off for my own advantage. Her 44 cents went in the drawer not my pocket and my God it was 44 cents. I work at McDonalds that doesn't make me a scam artist. And Idc where you are from I'm telling you the policy. I'm second in charge of my store and I've been working for McDonalds for some time I think I know the policies we are supposed to follow! And next time she wants to swear at me she should do it to my face not as she drives off. Stupid coward. And I had to stand there and say nothing, if i get a 1-800 complaint on this I'm going to be so freaking pissed.
I was irate.
SC: Why do I have to pay for sauces
Me: Because we charge for sauces unlesee nuggets or selects are in the order
SC: But I want it for my chicken sandwich
Me: I understand that but the price of the chicken sandwich does not include any sauces while the price of the nuggets and selects does
SC: Is it only this store that charges
Me: No ma'm, most stores charge for extra sauces
SC: Well I don't think so
Me: I'm sorry but it's company policy
SC: I live in Chicago by Oakbrook where the first McDonalds was started and we don't charge for sauces so that's not true.
Me: *bite my tongue* 44 cents ma'm
*she hands me a dollar*
*while I'm cashing out her order*
SC: I hope you are happy with your big sale. Oooh you just made a loads more money. Way to go you guys. You are ripping me off. Wow a whole 44 cents
*Still biting tongue I had her the change and the sauces*
Me: Have a good day
*SC starts to drive away while yelling
SC: Whatever you b*tch
I turn around to find another manager behind me and he hadn't heard that exchange. I exploded on him. I'm like at what point does a customer thing I'm ripping her off for my own advantage. Her 44 cents went in the drawer not my pocket and my God it was 44 cents. I work at McDonalds that doesn't make me a scam artist. And Idc where you are from I'm telling you the policy. I'm second in charge of my store and I've been working for McDonalds for some time I think I know the policies we are supposed to follow! And next time she wants to swear at me she should do it to my face not as she drives off. Stupid coward. And I had to stand there and say nothing, if i get a 1-800 complaint on this I'm going to be so freaking pissed.
I was irate.
