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What kind of store am I running? Not a bank

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  • What kind of store am I running? Not a bank

    This happened to me today while I was on my way to the back.

    SC: "Where is your bank machine?"
    Me: "We don't have one."
    SC: "That's stupid." (not really, considering we aren't a bank)
    SC's husband: "Where is your wet sandpaper for cars?"

    I show him our stuff, he asks for the finest we have, I show him the 2000 grit, and the wife complains that it is a package, not a single. The guy is happy with it though.

    SC: "Can I get a cash advance or cash back at the till?"
    Me: "No."
    SC: "This is terrible! What kind of store are you running?" She stares at me.

    I just turned around and walked away. First, if I was running a store, I would pay myself more than what I get now. Second the kind of store we are running is a store that isn't a bank. moron.
    Last edited by Worker-Intellectual; 09-24-2006, 03:46 PM. Reason: correcting spelling
    free from the evil clutches of crappy tire

  • #2

    I feel for you! We DO have an ATM. When it breaks down, a lot of customers think they can come in and get the ATM service at the registers in the store! "can you check my balance for me?" <shoves customer hard> "there ya go buddy"

    And when it DOES work, we get morons who come in and slap a £20 on the checkout and demand change! ERRRR where does it say we're a bank / change dispensary again? I dont see any signs. Then they get pissy when I say i have to open the till by serving a customer first.

    I WISH they had put the ATM away from the entrance - like round the back of the store!! That would be cool. They might stop associating us with the ATM then!


    • #3
      Quoth Crafty1289 View Post
      I WISH they had put the ATM away from the entrance - like round the back of the store!! That would be cool. They might stop associating us with the ATM then!
      Nah. 'Cause then customers would try to do their banking at the register, complaining that the ATM is too far from the entrance!
      "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
      -- The Meteor Principle

      Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


      • #4
        Quoth Crafty1289 View Post

        I feel for you! We DO have an ATM. When it breaks down, a lot of customers think they can come in and get the ATM service at the registers in the store! "can you check my balance for me?" <shoves customer hard> "there ya go buddy"
        Good one!!!!!!!!!! I should try that on my sister sometime!!!!!
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          i had a customer a while ago whose order added up to about 10 dollars. he gave me a $100 and wanted his change back in ONES. i was also working express so i don't know how he got the idea that i had enough change for him.


          • #6
            Quoth Crafty1289 View Post

            I feel for you! We DO have an ATM. When it breaks down, a lot of customers think they can come in and get the ATM service at the registers in the store! "can you check my balance for me?" <shoves customer hard> "there ya go buddy"

            And when it DOES work, we get morons who come in and slap a £20 on the checkout and demand change! ERRRR where does it say we're a bank / change dispensary again? I dont see any signs. Then they get pissy when I say i have to open the till by serving a customer first.

            I WISH they had put the ATM away from the entrance - like round the back of the store!! That would be cool. They might stop associating us with the ATM then!
            They'd still blame the store when the ATM breaks down or runs out of money before it can be refilled. Can't win on that one, I'm afaid.

            Our store doesn't have an ATM machine, which on occasion does tick off a customer. However, they can get cash back on their debit card at the register with the pinpads (up to $100.)

            Then there is that rare customer whom that just doesn't satisfy. All I can do in that case is point toward the parking lot to the bank. They have an ATM machine.
            Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


            • #7
              Ugh! I hate when people treat us like a freaking bank!

              "Can I get $17 of quarters?"

              "Can I just have change for this? What, you mean can't just open it up and get the change?"

              "I need my change back in ones only, please. What do you mean you have to wait for it? You don't have 50 ones in your drawer???"

              Needless to say this was always one of my pet peeves when I was a cashier.


              • #8
                If it makes you feel better, I work at a call center for a credit card company (i.e. a bank) that provides credit for a major retail store and I get call from people on a regular basis from people that thing we are the store.

                I also get to talk to people that call up thinking we can give them tech support because they bought their stuff with their credit card, call up thinking they call order stuff from the store from us, call us to cancel their internet and gym membership and generally think we can help them with absolutely everything as long as it's somehow remotely connected with their credit card.

                Also, just a couple weeks ago, I talked to a guy that acted like it was an absolutely crazy idea to contact his internet service provider if he wanted to cancel his internet service. He thought the normal procedure was to cancel your credit card to cancel your internet service.
                Last edited by HoneyDippinDan; 09-24-2006, 09:43 PM. Reason: add story


                • #9
                  Downtown parking in this tropical resort is at a premium, and many people park at parking meters. Meaning they need change. Meaning these geniuses will come into my bar and ask, and usually EXPECT, to get change for said meters. Of course, if they just come in and ask for change and aren't buying anything, my response is always the same. "Sorry, can't do it...I don't have enough change to do that, and I have to keep my change for my customers." That is true, though I do enjoy it, to be honest. If somone is actually a customer and needs change for the meters, I will accomodate them, within reason. Generally the most I have given a customer is $2 in quarters. I think that is reasonable, as do most customers.

                  There are some that I laugh at though.

                  Like the customer who asked if he could get ten dollars in quarters. I kid you not, I broke out laughing. Then I told him there was no way I could give him that much in change. His response? "How about just six dollars then?" He was very disappointed in my renewed laughter.

                  People must seem to think that because I am a bartender in a bar and have a register, I have unlimited supplies of change. Well, I don't. Frankly, I can't tell you how often we run out of ones, fives, and quarters...and then these people expect that we are just going to give them out, especially to non-paying customers? Nope....not gonna happen. Sorry...have fun searching, though!

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."


                  • #10
                    People must seem to think that because I am a bartender in a bar and have a register, I have unlimited supplies of change. Well, I don't. Frankly, I can't tell you how often we run out of ones, fives, and quarters...and then these people expect that we are just going to give them out, especially to non-paying customers? Nope....not gonna happen.
                    this is exactly why i get pissed at those who think we're their personal change bank; we do run out and that includes weekdays on some occasions (mostly on the weekends). so, no, i can't cash out that $100 bill for your small purchase-it would wipe out my change bank, making it hard/impossible to accomodate other customers. don't like it? too bad; i'd rather lose one jerk by refusing to 'change out' his/her large bill than not be able to serve other customers because i can't change out their smaller bills.

                    USE A BANK, MORON.
                    look! it's ghengis khan!
                    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                    • #11
                      Quoth we'vegotawinner View Post
                      i had a customer a while ago whose order added up to about 10 dollars. he gave me a $100 and wanted his change back in ONES.
                      Holy crap. There's no wallet in the world that can hold 90 singles...I'd think a roll that size in a pocket would just make him a likely mugging target.
                      "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                      "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                      • #12
                        Quoth Dreamstalker View Post
                        Holy crap. There's no wallet in the world that can hold 90 singles...I'd think a roll that size in a pocket would just make him a likely mugging target.
                        In a wallet, no, it wouldn't fit, but yes, that will quite easily fit in a pocket. I know this from my years of waiting tables in places that have the servers carry their own bank....more than you would realize, I would finish the day with a goodly amount of ones in my pocket, sometimes well over $100. And frankly, if you didn't know ahead of time that I was carrying a roll, you wouldn't know to look at me. (And sometimes that bank with ALL the bills would top $1000-$1500. No kidding.)

                        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                        Still A Customer."


                        • #13
                          We have a bank in our store and theirs is the only atm we have. The bank doesnt open until 9am and sometimes their atm is on the fritz. Then the customers freak out on us because the atm doesnt work or whatever. We have absolutely no control over it. When we tell them that they will have to wait until the bank opens to take care of it they gett pissed. Why do they think we can help them?

                          Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


                          • #14
                            I used to work in a store that had an ATM. This was around Christmas time.

                            Oh the rage we'd get from customers when we told them we cannot put money into the ATM to make it work again. That job is done by an off site company.


                            • #15
                              I had this woman come in the other night and ask for cigs. I saw the card in her hand and told her that we were cash only, pointed out the ATM. She asked me what cards it took, I told her I didn't know, there was a list on it, she should just try it. She tried, came back to the counter DEMANDING to know if it took Discover cards. I told her again that I didn't know, that I don't even use the thing and have nothing to do with its upkeep/refilling. She yelled that I work there, I should know what cards it takes. I told her AGAIN that I didn't. Then she DEMANDED that I give her a pack of cigs for free because she couldn't use the ATM! Of course she stormed out the door when I told her I couldn't do that. Hows that for being sucky!
                              USN Retired

