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wedding story

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  • #31
    I see the story continues as wedding story, what happened.
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.


    • #32

      If she wanted a beach wedding, why not find a beach that actually allowed it. Like a Sandals WeddingMoon?

      It's Dave's fault for all of this?!

      Bridezilla's daddy was specifically told that weddings were not allowed on that property--they went ahead and carried (or tried to anyway). As the Animal House dean might say: "A fine example you set!"
      I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

      Who is John Galt?
      -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


      • #33
        Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
        She has to go to the hospital because she's hyperventilating? Hyperventilation is not life-threatening. Trust me. I've done it lots of times.
        Actually, you can and I have. If you hyperventilate for too long without being able to control yourself, you can have multiple problems. One of them is forcing the body to go into cardiac arrest worse comes to worst. Most likely the person suffering an HVP attack will pass out and bang their head open against something.

        I've been told I have to go to the hospital if my face and hands go numb because I can't control my breathing. :\

        btw, I feel sorry for the bride AND dave.
        "The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa


        • #34
          Am I the only one thinking that maybe the bride put dad up to it? Then, when he told her they couldn't do the wedding there, she pitched a fit?
          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


          • #35
            i'm thinking.... if she often hyperventilates like that, then it's her father's fault for doing that... he knew it wasn't allowed and risked his daughter's health anyway.

            either that or they're just acting up to try to get their way.

            i wonder if they're going to sue... mostly cos people don't realize that they have to PAY to submit a lawsuit - court fees, lawyer fees... but once they look at the contract and see "no weddings" they'll probably back down.


            • #36
              Quoth tropicsgoddess View Post
              That's why I'm planning and paying for my wedding myself, so that I know I'll have it my way.
              Ditto. Mrs. Mango and I did EVERYTHING ourselves...from renting the church right down to figuring out exactly how many dessert forks we'd need at the reception

              Of course, I'm mildly OCD, so that had something to do with it too


              • #37
                I probably would have rented the property but informed him in terms that any dip stick could understand, that if they ATTEMPTED to hold the wedding, it would be shut down. What a dumbass.
                If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.
                --Woodrow Willson


                • #38
                  Quoth Aethian View Post
                  Shouldn't have reserved the property to the guy. But then hindsight is 20/20
                  But looking back, it's still a bit fuzzy.
                  Speaking of mutually assured destruction,
                  Nice story, tell it to Reader's Digest
                  "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


                  • #39
                    Quoth Mr. Security View Post
                    I have question. Why are weddings not allowed to be held at the rental property's?

                    also I'm kinda torn on this, on the one hand the family was wrong for trying to trick you guys but on the other hand the duty manager was a bit of a bitch for demanding the wedding that was about to take place be canceled immediately. The best bet would of to let the wedding go on and then fine the fuck out of them
                    I kinda see that too, but I'm gonna pull a SC stunt here a say it's the principle of the thing. That kind of person probably was counting on just that: Surely no one would be so cruel as to bust up a wedding!.

                    They would also probably just count any fines as part of the wedding cost, and, sadly would not see anything wrong with their behavior.
                    My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.---Cary Grant


                    • #40
                      We need an update Dave!

                      How did this one turn out? Did they complain, or get their money back? Did they just leave?

                      Come one bud! Don't leave us hanging!
                      For civilized discussion about broadcasting, media and sports along with fun games to play, visit:
                      Emphasis on Michigan area broadcasting, but ANYONE is welcome!


                      • #41
                        I must admit, it seems to me that when the father rented the place, after being told 'no weddings allowed', it was pretty easy to guess that they were gonna do it anyways. After he said 'I'll take it anyways', I would probably make darn sure he knew that if any wedding took place, there would be police action, and heavy fines.
                        I also have to say that when it was obvious that the wedding WAS taking place, busting it up was kinda cruel. The harm (whatever harm there was) was already done...letting them finish their plans would not have cause MORE breaking of the rules.
                        Yes, it IS letting them get away with their little scam,(and I hate tha tas much as anyone) but I'm with the poster who suggested fining the shit out of them after the fact. (assuming that a 'no weddings' stipulation is somewhere in the rental contract...if not, it sure does become a 'your word against mine' moment...and that could be darn hard to prove in court.)

                        I just hate the thought of a wedding being broken up for that reason. (tho too, I must admit that the groom may be better off, not marrying into that family of EWs)
                        I no longer fear HELL.
                        I work in RETAIL.


                        • #42
                          He updated in this post.


                          He states why the wedding was not allowed to continue.


                          • #43
                            Thanks Buddy!
                            For civilized discussion about broadcasting, media and sports along with fun games to play, visit:
                            Emphasis on Michigan area broadcasting, but ANYONE is welcome!


                            • #44
                              Quoth vacation_rentals_suck View Post

                              Me: When your father called me, I specifically told him the wedding was not allowed at the property

                              Bride: you're a liar..(she then falls to her knees and cries again)

                              Bride's sucky mother: I expect you people to reimburse us everyone paying to fly out here for this wedding and also to reimburse us for the humiliation we endured. You told my husband we could have the wedding there and now my daughter is devestated because the day she dreamed of since she was 7 years old has gone down the toilet. Oh dear, we have to get her to the hospital, she is hyperventilating's ok honey............(she then turns to me)....I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY

                              At which point I would have said, "I am, and because you thought everyone was going to roll over and kiss your butt because she is a bride and decided to break the rules and do what you weren't supposed to do, AFTER BEING TOLD YOU COULDN'T DO IT, I am even more elated!!! Here is 10 dollars...go buy a pack of adult sized Depends....My gift to you!

                              The reason I would have been this harsh is that if you let one person get away with this, they tell everyone and it spreads like wildfire. It happens in our store...

                              "Well, you let so and so do it.."

                              They lied and did it to get their can't give in when it comes to that behavior!

                              Just my .02
                              Last edited by Broomjockey; 08-07-2008, 04:39 PM. Reason: editing massive amounts of quotage

