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Stuff from this week....

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  • Stuff from this week....

    Just some tomfoolery from my shift journals from the following week....( God, I swear it never ends. )


    Me: "Is there a product id number for the item you're looking for?"
    SC: "Yes."
    Me: "………"
    SC: "………"
    Me: "……..?"
    SC: "………"
    Me: "What's the product id number?"

    I can feel my braincells giving up.

    Tech Support...
    ( This is about 2:30am on a weds night, caller's from Memphis )

    Me: "Our field techs will be back in after 7am pacific time."
    SC: "You mean 7 at night?"
    Me: ", 7am *pacific*"
    SC: "7pm then?"
    Me: "No, 7am pacific, west coast time."
    SC: "I don't understand."

    I never would have guessed.

    ( I guess she thought the P in pm stands for Pacific >.< )

    ( How I love to hang up on them... )

    Solicite me not, for I will smite you and get paid for doing so.


    Me: "That's D, as in David…"
    SC: "Blue as in David?" ( What?! )
    Me: "….no, D as in David."
    SC: "Blue as in David?"

    I'm sorry, our connection seems to be passing through an alternate reality.

    Shift Commentary.....

    I require two new colours of crayon for my shift report tonight: "Confused" and "Unimpressed". You may colour me with either one depending on which part of my journal you're currently reading. I will add the forementioned new crayons to my crayon box alongside "Tired", "Whimsical", "Sarcastic" and "Meatloaf".


    Caller attempted to barter for a lower service fee by offering "a hot girl" as partial compensation. After his offer was declined, a woman called back on his behalf. I assume she would be the "hot girl" in question. However, no further mention was made of her inherent "hotness" and I can only pleasently assume she maimed her companion.

    More Negotiations.....

    Caller attempted to negotiate for a free roof using the reasoning that she was poor. But her house was really pretty and would get a lot more attention then some huge mansion ( Which she loaths. She also loaths those that dwell within the mansions in question. With the fire of a thousand suns. ) But she was sure we'd get tons and tons of business in the area if we just gave her a free roof. So, clearly, the best business plan for our client at this point is to simply give away all of their goods and services.

    Wherein I Pretend You're Listening....
    ( 4am... )

    Me: "(company name) Emergency line"
    SC: "Oh, I was trying to get (Company name I just said) in Surrey."
    Me: "This is the Surrey line, but you're reaching the afterhours emergency."
    SC: "Do you guys have any (insert request for product here)"
    Me: "I'm sorry, but this is the emergency line. You'll have to speak to the office about that during business hours. The office opens at 8am."
    SC: "So what time does the office open?"
    Me: "….8am."

    I'm pretty sure if I just said "Good evening" then went silent some of these people could hold the entire conversation by themselves. My participation seems largely optional.

    More Shift Commentary...

    I actually *saw* someone in a (Client Name) pink camo miniskirt tonight. Combined with knee high fur boots no less. I almost cried. You know, the kind of tears you cry when you slam the car door on your hand by accident. They were coming back from the Mariah Carey concert of course.

    Property Management

    The fact that you own a puppy does not in any way alter the reality that you being locked out is not an emergency and we don't have any keys for you. But I will give her credit for the 2nd attempt where she called back and tried to claim the lock was defective instead. A noble attempt, however next time might I suggest you ensure your story isn't so flimsy that I can knock it over with three questions.

    Also, despite the popular belief of callers, I am not hiding additional information that I reserve only for people who ask me repeatedly. In this case I do not have an "old piece of paper with a phone number on it" stashed away "in my desk somewhere" that I "don't want to give". In fact all that’s apparently in the desk drawer here is paperclips, whiteout and salt. Lots of salt.

    Every week, I swear.

  • #2
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
    A noble attempt, however next time might I suggest you ensure your story isn't so flimsy that I can knock it over with three questions.
    Ooooh. Please elaborate...
    I think, therefore I am. But I am micromanaged, therefore I am not.


    • #3
      Quoth jb17kx View Post
      Ooooh. Please elaborate...
      Well, she tried claiming it was defective. Fyi, this building needs one keycard to use the elevator and one keycard to open the door to an apartment. If you don't have your keys you can't get into either one.

      Went something like...

      ME: "Ok, do you think it's the lock itself or is it your keycard?"
      SC: "The lock, my keycard doesn't work in it, I'm down in the lobby."
      Me: "The it the elevator you can't get into or your suite?"
      SC: "Er, I mean, I'm stuck in the lobby, so both. Can you send someone?"
      Me: "You're stuck in the lobby and can't get into your suite?"
      SC: "Yeah!"
      Me: "Sorry, lock outs aren't an emergency. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do for you."
      SC: "But I have a puppy!"

      (shakes head)

      So the lock on her apartment is defective but she can't get into the elevator to get to her apartment door to begin with. Thats some impressive powers of divination she has. If she had her keys but the lock was defective then she should be able to use the elevator still to head up there and find out the lock was defective.

      Still, I like how she would constantly return to the puppy defence.


      • #4
        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
        I require two new colours of crayon for my shift report tonight: "Confused" and "Unimpressed". You may colour me with either one depending on which part of my journal you're currently reading. I will add the forementioned new crayons to my crayon box alongside "Tired", "Whimsical", "Sarcastic" and "Meatloaf".
        Please do tell about your "Meatloaf" crayon.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
          Please do tell about your "Meatloaf" crayon.
          I suspect that's from the "Dinnertime" Crayola collection, along with "Mashed Potatoes" and "Gravy."

          I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts. Wonder if Crayola has a Cream Pie crayon to go with the Dinnertime ones
          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


          • #6
            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
            I actually *saw* someone in a (Client Name) pink camo miniskirt tonight. Combined with knee high fur boots no less. I almost cried. You know, the kind of tears you cry when you slam the car door on your hand by accident. They were coming back from the Mariah Carey concert of course.
            I walked by GM place on Saturday night and observed that there were a lot of girlies in knee high boots, tube tops and spackled on make up. Mariah Carey concert...makes sense now.
            -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
            -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


            • #7
              Yeah, I wasn't entirely sure why there were so many horrifically dressed drunk girls wandering the downtown core until I got to the office and my co-worker mentioned the concert. Worst part was they were *will* out there at 3:30am when my co-worker ran to 7/11.

              (shakes head)


              • #8
                Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                Every week, I swear.
                I'm sure you do.

                Frequently and profusely!


                • #9
                  Hah, you should hear one of my co-workers. She's been working in a call center as long as I've been ALIVE. ( 26 years ). Since she was 18. She could make a sailor cry like a little girl.

                  Personally I could never work in a call centre that long. I'd have slit my wrists around the 10 year mark.

