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You drove all the way here for that? Again?

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  • You drove all the way here for that? Again?

    I have a lovely customer that I'm sure is not quite all there. I wonder if she does thi with all the stores she buys from.

    She is concerned about the enviroment and recyclyes all her bottle. Fair enough. But her version of recycling is to get in her car, drive for 15 minutes to see me to return 1 empty bottle. I've told her numerous times they get recyled, not reused and all I do it take them down to the recycling centre so she may as well put it out for the household collection.

    Everytime she seems genuinely suprised when I tell her this. Along the lines of "Oh but I always bring them back for you to deal with".

    Duh! I wonder if she tries to return her empty tins to the supermarket.
    Yes. I know my typing sucks but I have a large orange cat sitting on my keyboard and a small disturbed dog trying to sniff his butt

  • #2
    definably not all their. We have a bottle deposit on soda bottles/cans. We have a machine that will crush or shred the bottles and give you a receipt for your deposit refund. We have one customer who will insert 1 bottle, hit the receipt button repeat for 40 or 50 bottles/cans. The cashiers hate dealing with them.


    • #3
      ... so she uses 15 minutes worth of gas for something she could just do from home. 30 if you count the return trip...


      • #4
        It is funny how many of the concerned citizens are so clueless about the environmental issues they seem to care so much about.

        Since Oprah (or the people on the news or their friends...) said plastic is bad for the environment, they will throw away all their plastic containers. Not repurpose or recycle, but throw them away and get what ever product is popular at the moment.

        I don't buy it anyways. In the 70s we were told global cooling was going to get us. It's just another cause du jour to me.
        I feel crazy. Like I'm drunk and trapped in a water globe and someone won't stop shaking it.
        -The Amazing E
        Zonies social group now open!

