Hi, I am new here.... not new to forums, but new to this board. This is thrilling, a place where everyone understands the stupid sh- Stuff- that happens at work!
I have been reading the War Stories, and OMG
there are some real Whack Jobs out there the world over, I salute you all for dealing 
Anyways this is my funny story, one of many I guess. If I were a more sensitve person I could have been very upset, but I am mellow, and not much (so far) harshens my mellow
Our store is on a designated "Reserve" land, the store pays rent to the First nations band. Anyone who is a registered "Indian" as per the Governments classification, would have a card, which can be used to exempt them from paying taxes on the things they buy at the store. (Registered Indians working or buying taxable items on a reserve do not have to pay taxes, but it needs to be recorded and the card must be presented)
I myself am a registered "Indian" and I do have this silly little card that says I am an Indian in our Governments eyes. Big Whoop dee do. I am also a lover of all groups of people, we all have our special talents, our own special ways, that make us different and but we are all part of the same human family and I respect all the differences. I am also very pale, lol, which you will see how my skin colour plays in this story.
So. I am scanning away, my customer is buying mostly food, and some shampoo, toothpaste, not a heck of a lot of taxable stuff.
End of the order, she is getting ready to pay with her debit, and she says
"Oh, I have a status card."
"Ok..." I get out the paper. Wait. She does nothing, just looks at me. "And your card?" I inquire.
"I know the number, I don't have it with me."
"Oh I'm sorry, I can't take your taxes off unless I see your card." little smile, trying to appear nice about it all... but I already KNOW where this is heading.
She flipped. Only way I can describe it. And let me tell you. That behavior I have seen many a time from people who didn't have their cards. Nothing new there. A standard
"Sorry, we aren't allowed, you can speak with my supervisor if you wish." but she won't let me do anything either, stupids! and they angrily pay and stomp off in a huff.
This lady? Oh no...
"You guys have ALWAYS done it for me. This is the first time anyone hasn't! You're a racist! You just WISH you had my skin colour! Why don't you just go sail back home on your boat back to your own country and eat your cheese and drink your milk!You F***** Racist Bitch! You pale faces always think you can push us around with your stupid rules!" and on and on she went.
But I was still stuck on
which country is THAT? 

I lean forward and look her in the eyes, because I am getting a little put off with her superior attitude and thats putting it nicely.... and I say my entire number off my status card, tell her I have it memorized too, and when I leave it behind I just pay the taxes.
Then I smile nicely at her
and she is positively PURPLE with anger. Here I am, this Caucasian looking girl telling her that her BS won't wash. What can she say? Nothing. She grabbed her purse and left.
And the best part? Her taxes amounted to about $2.00

Well thanks for reading. I still tell that story to people, especially in my family, who just laugh and laugh and call her a mungias face( butthole face lol) congratulate my racist self on teaching her a lesson on not looking at a persons skin and making snap judgments. AND in my family, I am one of the only pale ones around
EVERYONE else is nice and brown like her
I have been reading the War Stories, and OMG

Anyways this is my funny story, one of many I guess. If I were a more sensitve person I could have been very upset, but I am mellow, and not much (so far) harshens my mellow

Our store is on a designated "Reserve" land, the store pays rent to the First nations band. Anyone who is a registered "Indian" as per the Governments classification, would have a card, which can be used to exempt them from paying taxes on the things they buy at the store. (Registered Indians working or buying taxable items on a reserve do not have to pay taxes, but it needs to be recorded and the card must be presented)
I myself am a registered "Indian" and I do have this silly little card that says I am an Indian in our Governments eyes. Big Whoop dee do. I am also a lover of all groups of people, we all have our special talents, our own special ways, that make us different and but we are all part of the same human family and I respect all the differences. I am also very pale, lol, which you will see how my skin colour plays in this story.
So. I am scanning away, my customer is buying mostly food, and some shampoo, toothpaste, not a heck of a lot of taxable stuff.
End of the order, she is getting ready to pay with her debit, and she says
"Oh, I have a status card."
"Ok..." I get out the paper. Wait. She does nothing, just looks at me. "And your card?" I inquire.
"I know the number, I don't have it with me."
"Oh I'm sorry, I can't take your taxes off unless I see your card." little smile, trying to appear nice about it all... but I already KNOW where this is heading.
She flipped. Only way I can describe it. And let me tell you. That behavior I have seen many a time from people who didn't have their cards. Nothing new there. A standard
"Sorry, we aren't allowed, you can speak with my supervisor if you wish." but she won't let me do anything either, stupids! and they angrily pay and stomp off in a huff.
This lady? Oh no...
"You guys have ALWAYS done it for me. This is the first time anyone hasn't! You're a racist! You just WISH you had my skin colour! Why don't you just go sail back home on your boat back to your own country and eat your cheese and drink your milk!You F***** Racist Bitch! You pale faces always think you can push us around with your stupid rules!" and on and on she went.
But I was still stuck on

I lean forward and look her in the eyes, because I am getting a little put off with her superior attitude and thats putting it nicely.... and I say my entire number off my status card, tell her I have it memorized too, and when I leave it behind I just pay the taxes.
Then I smile nicely at her

And the best part? Her taxes amounted to about $2.00

Well thanks for reading. I still tell that story to people, especially in my family, who just laugh and laugh and call her a mungias face( butthole face lol) congratulate my racist self on teaching her a lesson on not looking at a persons skin and making snap judgments. AND in my family, I am one of the only pale ones around
