I am sick to death of customers who think that because a package has a tracking number, I should be able to tell exactly what point in space it occupies at any given moment in time, the speed and velocity it is currently travelling down its exact street, who the driver is and what his cell phone number is, which street corner they would quickest be able to intercept him on becaue they NEED IT NOW.
Sorry, I can't do that because a tracking number is not a goddam GPS system. I am not omniscient, either, nor all powerful, so no, I will not be able to call the driver delivering your package 500 miles away and tell him to hurry up nor make your box magically appear on your doorstep with a snap of my fingers.
Me: <phone spiel>
SC: "Yes, hi this is Blah. I shipped a package with you to my son in southern California and it hasn't arrived yet. I'm freaking out because it has ALL his summer clothes in it!! You told me it would be there today!!"
Me: "Alright, let me track it for you... do you have the tracking number?"
SC: "I tracked it and it says out for delivery. But you don't remember me?"
Ah, yes, I remember you. You were the psycho in here two days ago acting all OCD about shipping shirts, you made me pack them, as you watched, between sheets of cardboard with bubble wrap and peanuts, swearing all the while they would stay folded in the box on their unfortunate journey to your offspring. Who, by the look of these clothes, wouldn't be caught dead wearing them anyway.
Me: "Yes, but if you have the tracking number handy I'll be able to see where that box is right away."
SC: **spouts tracking number**
Me: "Ah, yes, I am showing that this package is 'out for delivery.' That means he will be recieving it today."
SC: "But he was supposed to get them THIS MORNING. You told me he would have them in the morning!"
Me: "Well, you opted for the ground shipping because overnight service with morning delivery was too expensive. Unfortunatly when an item is shipped ground service there is no way to garuntee its delivery by a particular time of day."
SC: **whine** But he neeeeeeeeeeds his summer clothes!"
Me: "Its out for delivery. He will get them today."
SC: "When?"
Me: "By the end of the day."
SC: **pissy** "Is there any way you could call the driver and have him go there first? He's right near down town area I'm sure it wouldnt be too much trouble."
Me: "I'm sorry I don't have the ability to do that. But ma'am, he will be recieving them today."
Does this seem mildly insane to anyone else. I mean, if it was medication or something I could understand a little more. But goddam clothes? They weren't even late yet and she is calling me all explosive. Jesus Christ.
I enjoy the fact that every time there is even a little tiny hiccup with a package getting delivered, doesnt matter if it was the fault of some driver in Alabama or some kid at the loading dock in New York, the shitstorm falls on me. When people create problems when one doesnt even exist yet it makes me want to commit murder.
ps I tracked her package this morning and it was delivered an hour and a half after her raging phone call.
Sorry, I can't do that because a tracking number is not a goddam GPS system. I am not omniscient, either, nor all powerful, so no, I will not be able to call the driver delivering your package 500 miles away and tell him to hurry up nor make your box magically appear on your doorstep with a snap of my fingers.
Me: <phone spiel>
SC: "Yes, hi this is Blah. I shipped a package with you to my son in southern California and it hasn't arrived yet. I'm freaking out because it has ALL his summer clothes in it!! You told me it would be there today!!"
Me: "Alright, let me track it for you... do you have the tracking number?"
SC: "I tracked it and it says out for delivery. But you don't remember me?"
Ah, yes, I remember you. You were the psycho in here two days ago acting all OCD about shipping shirts, you made me pack them, as you watched, between sheets of cardboard with bubble wrap and peanuts, swearing all the while they would stay folded in the box on their unfortunate journey to your offspring. Who, by the look of these clothes, wouldn't be caught dead wearing them anyway.
Me: "Yes, but if you have the tracking number handy I'll be able to see where that box is right away."
SC: **spouts tracking number**
Me: "Ah, yes, I am showing that this package is 'out for delivery.' That means he will be recieving it today."
SC: "But he was supposed to get them THIS MORNING. You told me he would have them in the morning!"
Me: "Well, you opted for the ground shipping because overnight service with morning delivery was too expensive. Unfortunatly when an item is shipped ground service there is no way to garuntee its delivery by a particular time of day."
SC: **whine** But he neeeeeeeeeeds his summer clothes!"
Me: "Its out for delivery. He will get them today."
SC: "When?"
Me: "By the end of the day."
SC: **pissy** "Is there any way you could call the driver and have him go there first? He's right near down town area I'm sure it wouldnt be too much trouble."
Me: "I'm sorry I don't have the ability to do that. But ma'am, he will be recieving them today."
Does this seem mildly insane to anyone else. I mean, if it was medication or something I could understand a little more. But goddam clothes? They weren't even late yet and she is calling me all explosive. Jesus Christ.
I enjoy the fact that every time there is even a little tiny hiccup with a package getting delivered, doesnt matter if it was the fault of some driver in Alabama or some kid at the loading dock in New York, the shitstorm falls on me. When people create problems when one doesnt even exist yet it makes me want to commit murder.
ps I tracked her package this morning and it was delivered an hour and a half after her raging phone call.