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DVD killed the video star

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  • #16
    Quoth Bliss View Post
    Well at home I have DVDs, VHSs and Betas. And the equipment to play them all. Plus a network media storage/player.

    And yes before you ask, the BF and I have CDs, Tapes and a lot of Vinyls. And there is some stuff on Vinyl you will not find on cd
    Same here, except for the Betamax. A couple of years ago, I actually saw blank Betamax tapes at Target. I didn't know they still made them!

    Quoth powerboy View Post
    I am thinking about getting a VHS/DVD player when I get paid again. I have a bunch of VHS tapes that I would like to watch again.
    Same here. I am working on replacing all my VHS movies with DVDs. I've got a VHS/DVD player and two other VCRs. And I actually have used all three at once. Hey, when you're working late and there's show on three channels you want to see and don't know when they're going to be on again....

    Yes, I know I could replace them with DVD recorders. But, since these machines are working just fine, why would I want to? (Not to mention, I don't have the money right now.)
    It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


    • #17
      Some family friends have a mentally handicapped son who can't use DVDs but he can work the VCR just fine. So the man of the house got his hands on as much VHS equipment and tapes as he could and taught himself how to fix VCRs, put the tape into new cases when his son breaks them, and copy DVDs to VHS.


      • #18
        Quoth MadMike View Post
        I wonder if she also bitches because she can't get 8-track tapes.
        She sent in a very stern complaint via smoke-signal about that one
        - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


        • #19
          Quoth Horsetuna View Post
          CDs are nice and all. But they skip when you're jogging.
          We have a wide selection of MP3 players. They start at about 30 bucks.

          *ducks and runs!*
          And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


          • #20
            Quoth Horsetuna View Post
            CDs are nice and all. But they skip when you're jogging. And they can be scratched.

            So do/can vinyl records.


            • #21
              Quoth Bliss View Post
              And yes before you ask, the BF and I have CDs, Tapes and a lot of Vinyls. And there is some stuff on Vinyl you will not find on cd
              I still have plenty of cassettes, many of which aren't available on CD. What sucks, is eventually the tape *does* wear out, and jams the mechanism. At least there are computer drives available that can take cassettes. As if that wasn't enough, I've inherited my grandfather's 1930s jazz records. As of yet, they're still in a box in my basement. Haven't listened to them yet, as I can't afford a decent turntable right now
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #22
                My dad still has a massive collection of 8-tracks and 2 functioning 8-track players. They're a great deal of fun to sort through and listen to, but at the rate the players eat the tapes, we've got about 5 years to replace them all with CDs- or whatever media comes out next. (That's not that long, considering the size of the collection...)
                Arsenic is 'natural'. Hemlock is 'organic'.


                • #23
                  Quoth Horsetuna View Post
                  CDs are nice and all. But they skip when you're jogging. And they can be scratched.
                  Quoth edible_hat View Post
                  So do/can vinyl records.
                  *Has visions of edible hat running down the road with a set of decks, amp and speakers*
                  A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                  • #24
                    The family still has a shelf full of LaserDiscs we haven't watched in.. how long?

                    Moved in with my grandmother who has two, perfectly non-working VHS players. A shame, too; I miss watching Invasion U.S.A. and the unedited Star Wars Trilogy.
                    "IT stands away, interrupting himself from the incessant hammering of the kittens…"


                    • #25
                      Quoth Horsetuna View Post
                      I am exclusively dVD/CD now, but I still have all my old tapes that I want to get the music off. Someday.
                      That's what I gave my wife for her birthday this year - I set up her mac with software and hardware to transfer all her 80's cassettes over to digital. It'll be time consuming, but I'll breathe a sigh of relief when that last Clash bootleg is safe forever.


                      • #26
                        Quoth Horsetuna View Post
                        CDs are nice and all. But they skip when you're jogging.
                        Quoth edible_hat View Post
                        So do/can vinyl records.
                        Uh, Edible_Hat, do you regularly take a turntable jogging with you?
                        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                        • #27
                          It makes me remember the time I switched from buying records to buying CD's. It was the early 90's & by then records were getting harder & harder to find that had current music on them. At the time I didn't have a CD player but I did have a Sega Saturn which plays CD's so I used that as my "CD Player" till I bought a basic one.
                          Same thing for the switch from VHS to DVD. Except in this case I was using my PlayStation2 to play DVD's till I bought a regular DVD player. I still use my VCR cause I have a lot of tapes by my DVD's are starting to outnumber them.
                          Believe it or not I STILL record music onto cassette I've yet to burn a CD but once I do then I can probably say goodbye to tapes for good.
                          A long time ago (ok,early 80' I had a stereo that had an 8-Track player built in. This was right before they came out with RECORDABLE 8-Track players BUT by then they were on the way out. I wasn't too fond of 8-Track players cause whoever designed the damn thing forgot to add a "rewind" function!! & a lot of times songs were split in two from one program to another or from "track" to "track".
                          The very 1st record I ever bought was a 45 of "I'm Coming Out" by Diana Ross. & the very 1st record I ever got was "The Magic Of ABBA" by ABBA.


                          • #28
                            Btw we have reel tapes too, but our reel machine is broke and I've not been able to find a spare for it.
                            I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

                            "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


                            • #29
                              Quoth Bright_Star View Post
                              I wasn't too fond of 8-Track players cause whoever designed the damn thing forgot to add a "rewind" function!! & a lot of times songs were split in two from one program to another or from "track" to "track".
                              The very 1st record I ever bought was a 45 of "I'm Coming Out" by Diana Ross. & the very 1st record I ever got was "The Magic Of ABBA" by ABBA.
                              Funny you should mention that. The lack of a "rewind" is still the thing I remember about 8-tracks--you could jump ahead, but not back. That, and being able to pick them up for pennies at garage sales. At the time, my parents had a '79 Volvo sedan that someone put an 8-track player in it. What was odd, is that it came with an adapter so you could play cassettes with it.

                              Ah Abba...there was nothing better than zipping along in that car (which had an unbelievably smooth engine...and could sit at 90mph all day) with Lay All Your Love on Me blasting. Crank open the sunroof, and all was good. Don McLean was another favorite, along with Supertramp, the Eagles, etc. At least all of those songs are available on CDs now.

                              Not long ago, I tried to convert my old cassettes into MP3s, but the sound quality was pretty bad. However, from what I understand, there are cassette drives for PCs that make the job a million times easier.

                              As for VHS, I have very few of those at my house...even though my DVD player can handle them--nearly all of my movies are on DVDs. One thing I plan on doing eventually, is getting some of my parents' things converted. Some of that stuff is irreplaceable--things like my grandfather's last birthday, for example. He's been dead nearly 20 years, so to lose that...would just suck.
                              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                              • #30
                                Quoth portia911 View Post
                                Technology is a bitch huh. Every 10 years they bring out something new
                                At least this time the Blu-Ray players still plays the old DVD format so I don't have to @#$%ing replace everything like I had to when Betamax was supplanted by VHS and again when VHS was ousted by DVD.

                                I was smart...I didn't even LOOK at the HD players until I knew which format was going to win.

                                The part I can't figure out is why the PS3 was cheaper than any other BR player by $30. I mean let's face it...I can get a blu-ray player for $30 less than the standard units AND play games on why in the name of Zeus's scrotum would I want to buy the standard player?

                                I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?

