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The Legend of Crazy Fern Lady. Don't smash her ferns. (LONG)

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  • The Legend of Crazy Fern Lady. Don't smash her ferns. (LONG)

    I...just.... Still. It was over 6 hours ago, and I'm still just...

    I'm bagging for one of my managers, who I'll refer to as Greg*, when this sour-looking old woman gets in line. She's got this very fake platinum poof of hair that's shaped kind of like a lopsided gumdrop, big glasses on an ugly, huge leopard-patterned plastic chain (really funny-looking), an oversized, gaudy floral dress, and enough makeup for a horde of strippers. She came up to the checkstand with a little pile of groceries, and three gigantic ferns.

    CFL - old bag
    DC - yours truly

    CFL: (frown, glare)
    DC: (retail smile) Hi, how are you today?
    CFL: (grumbling) ...Fine.

    I bag her groceries, and put them in the cart. I go to put the ferns in. "DON'T SMASH MY FERNS!" Um, yeah, know how to load floral into a cart, thanks. I ask, as required:

    DC: Would you like help out to your car?
    CFL: No. Yes.
    DC: Uh...okay.
    Transaction ends.
    DC: And you wanted help out, right? (Hoping maybe to get out of it?)
    CFL: (huff, loud sigh) Yes!

    CFL: Hey, wait, wait. What is this? What the heck is this? I didn't buy this. Was I charged for this?

    The "this" was a prepaid cellphone minutes card that had been placed on the check signing shelf in front of her. It had been inadvertently scanned with the order, after she had loaded her precious ferns on top of it without looking at the belt first. (She had also placed no divider between her order and the one in front, causing a fern to be scanned into the previous person's order, but it was voided) Greg thought the card was part of the order, naturally, and scanned it in.

    CFL: This isn't mine. I didn't buy this. You charged me for this, and it's not mine. I don't want this, this is NOT mine. I want my money back. You charged me for this, and it's not mine.
    Okay. Not yours. We get it.
    Greg: Well, if you go to the service desk, they can refund your money.
    CFL: No, I don't want to do that, just give me my money back now.
    Greg: Ma'am, I can't give you a refund at this checkstand, you'll have to go talk to Customer Service.
    CFL: You can't just do it here? Well, fine! (huffs off to service desk, me in tow for the service out I'm now obligated to do)

    Enter Tammi*, the level-headed customer service chick. She handled this pretty well, I think.

    CFL: (shoves card in Tammi's face) This isn't mine, I want a refund. He rung it up, but it wasn't mine. I don't want this.
    T: Alright, well, we can do that, but first I have to go back and check out the procedure for returning this, there's a code we have to enter for these.
    CFL: No, I don't have time for that, I just want my money back.
    T: I'm sorry, we have to do this a certain way so we can give you your money back.
    CFL: Well, just give me the money now, and do your paperwork later.
    T: Ma'am, it's not paperwork, it is a code we have to enter into the register in order to process your return.
    CFL: But I'm not returning anything, it's not MINE! I've never seen this thing before in my life!

    (Greg is now also at the service desk)
    T: Well, we have to process the return in order to give you your money.
    CFL: Then just refund the whole thing. Take back my whole order, I'm not going to stand here waiting for two hours!
    (it's been maybe a minute and a half) Just refund all my groceries, I'm not coming back!

    The phone rings, and she bitches that the CS girl is going to ignore her to answer it, which she doesn't. (She gives it to me instead - NOT nice, but nobody else was willing to wade through the verbal carnage to take it.) Then T and G go into the office to find the code, and she turns to me.

    CFL: I can't believe this. Nobody knows what they're doing. This is ridiculous. I don't have time for this. Don't smash my ferns! (I wasn't touching them)

    And then, the kicker, the big WTF.

    CFL: I think he was trying to steal my money! He put that in there so he could steal my money!

    She keeps ranting, but I'm not listening because I'm still trying to process what she just said. That's about the biggest single leap of logic I've ever heard. Then T and G come out of the office, T starts to put in the code, and CFL blurts out: You were trying to steal my money!
    Then Greg gets that look he gets whenever he wants to HULK SMASH! the dumbass in front of him. I slink away as soon as I hear, "I'm at a loss as to why you'd suggest that, even to ACCUSE me, when it doesn't even make any SENSE..." There's no way I'm sticking around for these flames, angry Greg is scary, and so is this nutjob.

    I start to think I'm done with her after I've bagged a few things for the other checkers, but then I hear, "DC, we need you for a service out." NO. Fern Lady does not forget, apparently.

    The parking lot conversation yielded this gem:
    CFL: Now I have to find my car. I'm so upset, I forgot where I parked.

    The rest was all basically dissing my co-workers' perceived incompetence the entire time. I loaded her groceries, and she took two of the ferns into the front seat, "so they don't get SMASHED!" I was left with the oh-so-daunting task of setting the last one on top of the groceries, and was advised to "be careful with the ferns, don't smash them!" Yup. And her last comment:

    "Well, thank YOU for YOUR help. Nobody does anything right around here."

    And that was the highlight of my day. Enjoy.
    Discourtesy Clerk, purveyor of fine hay bales, pine scented douche and stuff that's not in bins since July 2006.

  • #2
    Her precious ferns---------->

    Hey kids! It's composting time!



    • #3
      Is it bad of me to hope that on the way home she had to do a massive brake check, and the ferns fell over in the car?
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
        Is it bad of me to hope that on the way home she had to do a massive brake check, and the ferns fell over in the car?
        I sure hope she tied them down somehow. Can you imagine the carnage if one of them was to suddenly flip over? I don't even want to think about it.
        Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


        • #5
          She is obviously mentally unstable to some degree. We have a lady like that where I live too.

          Picture this: South Florida, eight layers of clothing (including a wool coat, lots of makeup (red), hair pulled back tight, always pushing a shopping cart with nothing in it, sometimes seen walking a golden retriever in a circle on peoples lawns.

          That's "cart lady". If you talk to her she'll yell at you or tell you that she is from another planet and my friends and I have seen her walking in every city from Dania Beach (25 miles south of my house) all the way to West Palm Beach (like 20 miles north of my house).

          I kind of feel bad for well as fern lady.


          • #6
            Fern lady is probably suffering some degree of dementia. I've known old folks get paranoid and think people are trying to steal from them on more than one occasion. Not sure why they get like that, but they seem to. My great aunt used to accuse her daughter in law of stealing her money all the time. The sad bit was that if my Great Aunt was in her right mind, she would have been mortified at her own behavior.


            • #7
              True, she could have definitely been old enough for Alzheimer's...acted like it too. I'm still more inclined to think she was just a world-class crazy bitch, though.
              Discourtesy Clerk, purveyor of fine hay bales, pine scented douche and stuff that's not in bins since July 2006.


              • #8
                With customers like that, I wish I could pot up some Posion Ivy and give them a free one for their inconvience.

                "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"


                • #9
                  Quoth Discourtesy Clerk View Post
                  She's got this very fake platinum poof of hair that's shaped kind of like a lopsided gumdrop

                  awesome have to remember that one

                  sheesh take about an overreaction! I guess shes never ever ever made a mistake in her life has she...
                  I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                  • #10
                    I think plants have as much a right to live as animals, don't hurt the ferns, hurt her instead
                    I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

                    "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


                    • #11
                      Quoth Bliss View Post
                      I think plants have as much a right to live as animals, don't hurt the ferns, hurt her instead
                      yea, those hypocrite vegans.... talking about how important the environment is, then they go around eating all the plants.

                      how can you have a nice environment with all the plants eaten?


                      • #12
                        We had one crazy weird lady come into our store....she was not violent but she was annoying...If you were one of the unlucky ones chosen to assist her she proceeded to tell you that her chihuaua was run over by the police so the animal shelter can do some sort of experiments on it...then the dog somehow was brought back to life via the magic of space aliens...the dog died again...and was held hostage by the police until she bought them some donuts, then her dog came back to life (again) was abducted by aliens and implanted with a chip to moniter human life on top it off she had a talking cat which told her how she can get the most of her money while shopping....she soon got impregnated by her alien boyfriend and the two were living in another galaxy and were here for a visit. I even got to "meet" her boyfriend who was invisible except to her and I was given "permission" to "see" him because he could tell via mind reading I was a nice girl.

                        Oh yeah and everytime she came in her story changed. In another variation it was her cat that died and she was engaged to her dog.

                        Everyone thought she needed to be checked into a farm
                        NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the customer


                        • #13
                          Quoth Kiwi View Post

                          awesome have to remember that one

                          sheesh take about an overreaction! I guess shes never ever ever made a mistake in her life has she...
                          I tried that line on a customer one time. It didn't go over too well. Small threadjack...

                          One the staff people under misspelled her grandson's name on a participation certificate. I apologized for the mistake every which way possible and told her I would print a new one and mail it to her that afternoon. Honestly, when you make a mistake like that (relatively minor, but I understand the frustration) there isn't much more you can do but apologize and fix it.

                          She wouldn't stop bitching and I finally told "Let me guess, you haven't made a mistake in your life?" She was too busy bitching to actually listen, but the rest of the office heard it. They were shocked to say the least. Eventually I had to tell her the conversation was over and hang up.

