Of course he doesn't...he's the CUSTOMER!
Okay...this is a bit of an update regarding the I WANT to Be Sued Guy from my earlier thread at http://www.customerssuck.com/board/s...ad.php?t=32832
So it's gotten worse and worse with that job. I sent mockup after mockup, and he never liked any of them. Funnily enough, he refused to give me any more input on what he'd want except "YOU are the designer, YOU are supposed to know what looks good!" Joy. Guess he expects me to be a mind reader.
I finally laid down the law after the third full mockup was shot down, and told him that unless he shaped up, I was going to be charging per revision. He immediately picked one that he liked...which was good. Only thing he asked for...was to make the colors "more vibrant". AKA....he wasn't satisfied until his site was practically NEON. So it takes a couple of days, but I finally got the site to where...I have this in writing now...he approves of the design totally and completely. I had him confirm it three times in a row, haha. One of those "You like this? Now, is there anything you want changed? Is there absolutely ANY SMALL ELEMENT you want changed? Are you totally positive there is nothing you want changed?"
At this point I got my coder (I outsource on occasion
) to start installing the template...and as SOON as its done...he goes Uber SC on me.
Oh dear, it doesn't look a THING like the other site! (Well yeah, because we went over the lawsuit bit already)
No no no, this isn't what he wanted...he wanted a site that looks just like the other. What do I mean, I told him he could be sued. I never said such a thing to him. I am lying. Wait, I have logs? Okay then, he'll be quiet a bit.
What should've been an hour long job at most (installing it is fairly easy...just have to tweak it to match colors and such)...took EIGHT. I ended up staying up until 3 AM over it.
What was very frustrating was that he refused to send my payment until the coder was done, even though I was paying her, not him. But...remembering all the times I have been burnt...the coder and I were more than ready to torch the entire site's data had he not paid or tried to stiff me.
In the end I finally did get paid, and hopefully he's now out of my life...but I don't think I've ever been treated like this before by any of my clients. He just constantly got so angry anytime I said that any extra work beyond the scope of the contract would cost him.
But then again...this guy did once ask me a few months back if I could make him a fully flash website, with an admin area, SEO, and several advertisements....for around $50.
Forgot to mention one of the things connected to the title of the thread. He constantly asked for us to change the color of the site to a "bright green" for free, even though I explained that it'd, quite literally, hurt the eyes. Every time I explained that, he'd agree with my decision...and not five minutes later bring it back up again. When I finally flat out said no, because I had already had the design approved, and that to change it would cost him...he went to my coder (who was on a separate AIM account) and tried to get her to do it for free. It was ridiculous...because even though he knew she and I were in CONSTANT contact and updating each other on what was going on with our ends..he kept trying to go behind each of our backs. Its was INSANE. She'd tell him no about something, he'd come to me. I'd say no, you'd have to pay for that....he'd go to her and ask. RRRRGH.
Okay...this is a bit of an update regarding the I WANT to Be Sued Guy from my earlier thread at http://www.customerssuck.com/board/s...ad.php?t=32832
So it's gotten worse and worse with that job. I sent mockup after mockup, and he never liked any of them. Funnily enough, he refused to give me any more input on what he'd want except "YOU are the designer, YOU are supposed to know what looks good!" Joy. Guess he expects me to be a mind reader.
I finally laid down the law after the third full mockup was shot down, and told him that unless he shaped up, I was going to be charging per revision. He immediately picked one that he liked...which was good. Only thing he asked for...was to make the colors "more vibrant". AKA....he wasn't satisfied until his site was practically NEON. So it takes a couple of days, but I finally got the site to where...I have this in writing now...he approves of the design totally and completely. I had him confirm it three times in a row, haha. One of those "You like this? Now, is there anything you want changed? Is there absolutely ANY SMALL ELEMENT you want changed? Are you totally positive there is nothing you want changed?"
At this point I got my coder (I outsource on occasion

Oh dear, it doesn't look a THING like the other site! (Well yeah, because we went over the lawsuit bit already)
No no no, this isn't what he wanted...he wanted a site that looks just like the other. What do I mean, I told him he could be sued. I never said such a thing to him. I am lying. Wait, I have logs? Okay then, he'll be quiet a bit.
What should've been an hour long job at most (installing it is fairly easy...just have to tweak it to match colors and such)...took EIGHT. I ended up staying up until 3 AM over it.
What was very frustrating was that he refused to send my payment until the coder was done, even though I was paying her, not him. But...remembering all the times I have been burnt...the coder and I were more than ready to torch the entire site's data had he not paid or tried to stiff me.
In the end I finally did get paid, and hopefully he's now out of my life...but I don't think I've ever been treated like this before by any of my clients. He just constantly got so angry anytime I said that any extra work beyond the scope of the contract would cost him.
But then again...this guy did once ask me a few months back if I could make him a fully flash website, with an admin area, SEO, and several advertisements....for around $50.
Forgot to mention one of the things connected to the title of the thread. He constantly asked for us to change the color of the site to a "bright green" for free, even though I explained that it'd, quite literally, hurt the eyes. Every time I explained that, he'd agree with my decision...and not five minutes later bring it back up again. When I finally flat out said no, because I had already had the design approved, and that to change it would cost him...he went to my coder (who was on a separate AIM account) and tried to get her to do it for free. It was ridiculous...because even though he knew she and I were in CONSTANT contact and updating each other on what was going on with our ends..he kept trying to go behind each of our backs. Its was INSANE. She'd tell him no about something, he'd come to me. I'd say no, you'd have to pay for that....he'd go to her and ask. RRRRGH.