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    Hello everyone
    LONG time lurker!!!My question is
    Why are people so stupid? I work in a candy store at a Huge university. The other day at closing I had locked the door,the lights were off,and I was counting money. Most people would know that's the universal symbol of a closed store. At least 3 times a week I have people yank on the door,or start knocking on the door. Back to my story two 20 something girls walk up and look at the closed at 3:00 sign,they look at me and then one of them yank on the door. And then they look at each other and then the other one yank on the door and then they start knocking. I have learned to just ingnore these people because if I don't then they think I have to let them in. And then just today I have a student come up and look at the dark store and still knock and ask if he could have a radom receipt for validated parking. basically 50% off parking with purchase. So basically he wanted a receipt for parking for free,which is ripping off the university. I told him no and closed the door.Well a few mins later he comes back and starts knocking again. I just looked at him and rolled my eyes. What is wrong with people? Are they so self important and smug that they think I don't need to go home. I just have all day to wait on these people.

  • #2
    Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
    My question is
    Why are people so stupid?
    Because it's there?



    • #3
      Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
      Hello everyone
      LONG time lurker!!!My question is
      Why are people so stupid? I work in a candy store at a Huge university. The other day at closing I had locked the door,the lights were off,and I was counting money. Most people would know that's the universal symbol of a closed store. At least 3 times a week I have people yank on the door,or start knocking on the door. Back to my story two 20 something girls walk up and look at the closed at 3:00 sign,they look at me and then one of them yank on the door. And then they look at each other and then the other one yank on the door and then they start knocking. I have learned to just ingnore these people because if I don't then they think I have to let them in. And then just today I have a student come up and look at the dark store and still knock and ask if he could have a radom receipt for validated parking. basically 50% off parking with purchase. So basically he wanted a receipt for parking for free,which is ripping off the university. I told him no and closed the door.Well a few mins later he comes back and starts knocking again. I just looked at him and rolled my eyes. What is wrong with people? Are they so self important and smug that they think I don't need to go home. I just have all day to wait on these people.
      Who can take a candy store...
      ...Close it up on you...
      Won't validate your receipt so you pay for parking too?

      The CANDYMAN! Oh the candy man can!

      Originally Posted by edible_hat
      (also, wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?)


      • #4
        Quoth Wembley View Post
        Who can take a candy store...
        ...Close it up on you...
        Won't validate your receipt so you pay for parking too?

        The CANDYMAN! Oh the candy man can!
        Ah, tally-ho, yippety-dip, and zing zang spillip! Looking forward to bullying off for the final chukka?


        • #5
          Yeah, the 'Locked Door Rattle' is a customer phenomenon I have yet to figure out. Even more baffling is the 'Lowered Gate Rattle'.
          I suppose it's futile to understand anything SCs do, but sometimes you just wanna walk up, stare them directly in the face and ask, "Why?!"

          "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


          • #6
            Dangit! Now I'm gonna have a purple-suited Gene Wilder in my head all day. Thanks, Wembley. *shakes fist*
            Some people are like slinkies,
            They don't really serve a purpose,
            But they still bring a smile to your face
            When you push them down the stairs.


            • #7
              Hi candyshopgirl!

              People are self absorbed.

              I think too many people watch tv where there are "snotty clerks" who obviously are giving customers a hard time, so obviously what's on tv must be true!
              Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

              Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

              I wish porn had subtitles.


              • #8
                I see your Gene Wilder and raise you one Madonna (the only good use I've EVER found for this song!):

                See which flavor you like and I’ll have it for you
                Come on in to my store, I’ve got candy galore
                Dont come in after closing, I’ve seen it before
                I'll turn off the lights baby lock the door

                Don't get up out of your car (your car)
                Come on don't be an entitlement whore
                It's the end of my shift (so sweet)
                Come on up to the front door
                And I'll find a trout with which to beat (beat)
                You until you move in another direction

                Just start moving your feet (your feet)
                Move on outta my store

                I’ll be your one stop (one stop)
                Candy shop (candy shop)
                Everything (everything)
                That I got (that I got)
                I’ll be your one stop (one stop)
                Candy store (candy store)
                But after I close (I close)
                Don't bang on my door (on my door)

                /first attempt at a CS lyric rewrite, be gentle
                My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

                Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


                • #9
                  I just have to say...your university has a candy store? That's AMAZING!! All of the ones I've gone to (well, I can't say for sure about this one, b/c I don't know much about it) just have convenience stores.
                  "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                  Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                  Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                  • #10
                    I work at a the largest student unions in the US. Basically I work in a candy store/convience store right in the lobby of the union. Do other students unions have as much as we do. We have a computer store,hair salon, burger king,subway,pizza hut,cafe,starbucks,cookie shop,two computer lab,hotel rooms,4 huge study lounges(with fireplaces),two bookstores/clothing stores,my candy store,popcorn/fudge shop,sit down family resturant,meeting rooms,movie theatre(free for me),and bowling alley.I guess our students/staff are just spoiled.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Demonoid Phenomenon View Post
                      Yeah, the 'Locked Door Rattle' is a customer phenomenon I have yet to figure out. Even more baffling is the 'Lowered Gate Rattle'.
                      I suppose it's futile to understand anything SCs do, but sometimes you just wanna walk up, stare them directly in the face and ask, "Why?!"
                      Or go up to the gate, rattle it back at them, laugh and walk away!


                      • #12
                        I feel for you candyshopgirl- picture this

                        - 11.30am Bank Holiday Monday working at the pub
                        - weekly wine and spirit delivery has arrived and is all over the place
                        - weekly food delivery has arrived and is all over the bar
                        - manager and myself, both extremely hungover from Sunday session are laying on the FLOOR each clutching to a large glass of the hairy dog that bit us when what do we hear at the door (the one with the nice big window that allows you to see everything I just mentioned)

                        *Knock Knock* rattle rattle..... "are you guys open?"

                        "You're perfect yes it's true, but without meeeee you're only you!"


                        • #13
                          Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
                          I work at a the largest student unions in the US.
                          No, it makes sense. Large university = more money. I haven't really explored the Union here at *large University in the MidWest*, but I did notice a bank, two cafeterias, 3 cafes, a convenience store, HUGE study areas, and a bookstore.

                          The poor student union at my undergrad...heh. We celebrated when we got Chik-fil-a!!!
                          "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

                          Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
                          Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


                          • #14
                            Fun things you can fantasize about doing when SC's are trying to get in before opening/after closing:

                            1. If they are looking in and pointing to their watches, pretend it's an object association game. Point to your wrist, then point to your shoe. Look at them expectantly waiting for them to make the next move. If they point to their watch again, shake your head and point to your shoe with more emphasis.

                            2. Pretend the glass window is a one-way mirror and you can't see out. Walk toward the window and check your hair and/or makeup.

                            3. If they knock on the door/window, look up and pretend to be puzzled at the sound, but don't look at the door. When they knock again repeat the performance, looking in another direction, but not at the door. Next time get up and walk around looking in various random spots that aren't the door, under the counter, behind displays, inside the freezer, etc. Keep it up until the SC goes away.

                            4. If the SC is cupping his hands to peer in, walk up to a spot in the window three feet to his right or left to cup your hands and look outside.

                            4a. If the SC is cupping his hands to peer in and you work in a toy store, use his cupped hands as the bullseye for suction-cup darts.

                            5. Pretend you have a stereo turned on really loud and rock out/dance to the non-existent music. If they can't hear the "music" through the glass, you certainly can't hear them pounding on it, right?

                            The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                            The stupid is strong with this one.


                            • #15
                              I get customers like that occasionally too. For most people, it's enough that the lights are off. For others, it's good enough when they tug on the door and find it locked.

                              For those special few who then decide to tap on the glass, I have developed a patented Knock It Off™ glare that I accompany with a gesture of one finger across the throat. I have yet to run into someone who was impervious to that. But I bet the day is coming.

