Hello everyone
LONG time lurker!!!My question is
Why are people so stupid? I work in a candy store at a Huge university. The other day at closing I had locked the door,the lights were off,and I was counting money. Most people would know that's the universal symbol of a closed store. At least 3 times a week I have people yank on the door,or start knocking on the door. Back to my story two 20 something girls walk up and look at the closed at 3:00 sign,they look at me and then one of them yank on the door. And then they look at each other and then the other one yank on the door and then they start knocking. I have learned to just ingnore these people because if I don't then they think I have to let them in. And then just today I have a student come up and look at the dark store and still knock and ask if he could have a radom receipt for validated parking. basically 50% off parking with purchase. So basically he wanted a receipt for parking for free,which is ripping off the university. I told him no and closed the door.Well a few mins later he comes back and starts knocking again. I just looked at him and rolled my eyes. What is wrong with people? Are they so self important and smug that they think I don't need to go home. I just have all day to wait on these people.
LONG time lurker!!!My question is
Why are people so stupid? I work in a candy store at a Huge university. The other day at closing I had locked the door,the lights were off,and I was counting money. Most people would know that's the universal symbol of a closed store. At least 3 times a week I have people yank on the door,or start knocking on the door. Back to my story two 20 something girls walk up and look at the closed at 3:00 sign,they look at me and then one of them yank on the door. And then they look at each other and then the other one yank on the door and then they start knocking. I have learned to just ingnore these people because if I don't then they think I have to let them in. And then just today I have a student come up and look at the dark store and still knock and ask if he could have a radom receipt for validated parking. basically 50% off parking with purchase. So basically he wanted a receipt for parking for free,which is ripping off the university. I told him no and closed the door.Well a few mins later he comes back and starts knocking again. I just looked at him and rolled my eyes. What is wrong with people? Are they so self important and smug that they think I don't need to go home. I just have all day to wait on these people.
