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The Saga of McPoopyPants

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  • The Saga of McPoopyPants this just keeps getting better and better!

    Ok, backstory for those who need it is in these two links:

    Summary for those who don't want to read it: we had a guy come in who proceeded to crap his pants in the lobby. Said crap then made its way onto the floor, and we had to clean it while we ejected the shithead (pun intended). Twas nasty. He was later seen again in the bar, where he was denied alcohol for refusing to show ID, and again later sleeping at the top of our parking ramp. Part 3 is courtesy another manager, who's the same one who found him asleep on the ramp.

    AP - The other manager
    SC - Spooky Crazy
    DPD - Denver Police

    AP's called to our restaurant, because there's a guy there who's just strange...he looks extremely "off", his clothes are dirty, and he keeps staring at everyone and being extremely rude. So, not knowing who this guy is, AP goes walking up with the intent of using "how is your meal going" as the ice breaker, and trying to figure out if he's ok afterward. She says the line, the guy looks up, and the computations go through both of their heads...suddenly, this simple conversation has just become very much more aggressive. AP does the diplomatic thing, and continues speaking to him calmly, and suddenly he says "Do you know who the fuck I am? I'll bash your fucking head in you cunt!"

    The restaurant goes dead silent, and every head turns. Play time is over, AP tells him he is leaving the hotel immediately, to which he replies "I'll sand blast your face, bitch." Oops, wrong thing to Security gets called, and DPD gets called. AP now has 2 male managers standing between her and SC, and things start to get weird. He starts saying "You know I love you, you know I did everything for you Kirsten!" This makes everyone scratch their heads, because AP's name is not "Kirsten", and it's quickly becoming clear that this guy is insane. This is confirmed moments later when he goes from love to hate: "I've always loved you, I'll kill you, you cunt!"

    Moments later, DPD gets there, and the guy is still going full bore, screaming, making threats, all within earshot of the officers who come to get him. He's surprised to suddenly get tackled from behind and cuffed, and is dragged quickly outside before he can recover from the shock. They snap a picture of him, and shove him in the squad car, and then the fun begins.

    First, he tries to get his cuffs under his feet to get them in front, but his pants are too tight-fitting to do that, so he's screwed. He decides to go on "escape plan B", which I can only assume was eventually going to be some larger undertaking, since it apparently only involved spitting anywhere in the cop car to begin with. This is humorous, because DPD keeps something that they call the "diaper", which is basically a spit they throw on some gloves and clap the diaper on his head, which now makes for a hilarious picture on our cameras. Imagine a 5'8", skinny white guy, wearing crappy clothes, with a very light blue diaper on his head (minus the leg holes).

    Even better, the guys coat had come off while he was being the enterprising DPD officers picked it up, and used it to wipe off the spit.

    One of the best arrests we've ever had...they've never had to use the diaper here before!
    "That's too bad. Hospitals aren't fun to fight through."
    "What IS fun to fight through?"
    "Gardens. Electronics shops. Antique stores, but only if they're classy."

  • #2
    As soon as you said 'Spit hood', I started wondering if this guy was related to the twit from COPS/Youtube in the back of the squad car screaming 'FALSE ARREST!' in the cop's ear over and over and OVER until he finally spit on him.

    What happened next naturally made that cop my hero, and if by some bizarre random chance I ever encounter the man, I wil buy him lunch because of it. If you're curious, the vid can be seen here:
    Check out my webcomic!


    • #3
      First, he tries to get his cuffs under his feet to get them in front, but his pants are too tight-fitting to do that, so he's screwed.
      Hell he's screwed even if he does get the arms in front of him.

      Back when I worked security one of the guys told me a story about just that... They had to cuff someone and on the way to wherever they were going he suddenly points at something. .... He had slipped his arms below his legs and out in front of them.

      They slammed the breaks, pulled him out of the car and "hog tied" him - which means he got both the full cuff treatment... hands, feet, and a small chain between them so he couldn't move at all.

      and spitting... bet you they'll also give him an HIV test. If it comes out positive that's more counts they can lodge against him.


      • #4
        Quoth PepperElf View Post
        and spitting... bet you they'll also give him an HIV test. If it comes out positive that's more counts they can lodge against him.
        Attempted murder, for one.

        Thanks to the precedent that's been set, that knowingly infecting someone with HIV is homicide, they've had murder victims testifying at their own trials.
        And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi

