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If you're stupid and you know it, bitch and whine!

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  • If you're stupid and you know it, bitch and whine!

    If you're stupid and you know it, bitch and whine!
    If you're stupid and you know it, bitch and whine!
    If you're stupid and you know it
    And you really want to show it
    If you're stupid and you know it, bitch and whine!

    OK, now I've firmly entrenched that rhyme into your heads, now for the SC. First tho, a little background information.

    If you're stupid...

    Over at the petrol station where I work, the following sequence is what you must do whenever you come to buy petrol.

    1. Pull up at pump.
    2. Get out of car and take hose.
    3. Put nozzle in car.
    4. Pump desired quantity of petrol.
    5. Put hose back and go and pay.

    This incredibly dim woman stopped at 3. She just stood there with the nozzle pointing up in the air, next to her car. I saw her doing this and told my collegue not to authorise her pump. SC continued to stand there like a lemon. My collegue, let's call him Jim, then took the tannoy and said, "Will the customer at pump # please put the nozzle in the car so we can authorise it." No response. So Jim tried once more. Again, nothing. By now, there are several customers in the shop laughing at how stupid this woman is. One of said customers goes outside and tells the SC to put the nozzle in the car. She remonstrates with him, but eventually does so. We heave a sigh of relief, thinking that's an end to it. Not so.

    ... And you know it...

    SC comes into the shop eventually to pay for her petrol; and immediately goes into a senseless diatribe against Jim. No, not to Jim altho he certainly is there; she comes to my till and immediately starts shouting, "You should tell your collegue to not be so rude over the tannoy, he should just have come out and explained to me why I should put the nozzle in!" Er lady, he did. And he wasn't rude; he was polite. SC obviously realises just how moronic her actions were, so decided to bluster in a pathetic attempt to cover it up. I just repeated over and over again, "Sorry, but the nozzle has to be in the car before we can authorise the pump," until the SC gives up her blathering, pays and leaves. The end? Nope.

    ... Bitch and whine!

    Around 10 minutes roughly after the exit of SC Nasty But Dim, one of the duty managers comes over to the petrol station. He informs us that the SC complained about Jim, saying he was rude and refused to authorise her pump. By now, my other collegue, who was on break at the time, has come back and Jim is on his break. I explain to the duty manager that we were well within our rights to refuse to authorise the pump, cuz the SC was standing there with the nozzle pointing up in the air. I also say that Jim was not rude; he was very polite, considering how trying the woman was by ignoring his instructions not once but twice, then coming into the shop to bitch.

    Duty manager agrees with me, and says that he said as much to the SC, who was demanding that Jim be fired. He told her that wouldn't happen, as it was policy that we... wait for it... not authorise the pump til the nozzle was in the car. SC then left, swearing to complain to corporate. They won't listen to her either, due to the policy being set in stone, so none of us have anything to worry about. It's just a bit worrying that someone that dim is in charge of a car. O_o
    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
    My DeviantArt.

  • #2
    What, did she expect the magical Gas Fairies to come flittering down and carry the droplets of fuel into her tank as they gushed from the nozzle into the air? What an asshat.
    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


    • #3
      Great, now I have that tune stuck in my head.
      If a dog will not come to you after having looked you in the face, you should go home and examine your conscience.
      --Woodrow Willson


      • #4
        I'm so going to remember this little ditty!
        A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


        • #5
          But why would she even want the pump to be authorized outside of the tank? That's just lack of brain cells firing.


          • #6
            If we had, the petrol would have landed on her head. O.o The stoopid... it burns!
            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
            My DeviantArt.


            • #7
              Quoth IT Grunt View Post
              magical Gas Fairies
              O.k. .... now that just sounds wrong!!!

              This area is left blank for a reason.


              • #8
                I like that she's too dimwitted to figure out how to put gas in her car, but she's smart enough to figure out whom to bitch and whine about poor Jim to. Some people shouldn't be allowed out of the house unaccompanied.
                Last edited by BigBird; 08-19-2008, 03:45 PM.


                • #9
                  Quoth IT Grunt View Post
                  magical Gas Fairies
                  How much gas do you have to give to get a quarter from the Gas fairy? Would a tub of 'Colon Blow' help in any way?
                  "I call murder on that!"


                  • #10
                    Quoth BigBird View Post
                    Some people shouldn't be allowed out of the house unaccompanied.
                    I agree 150%.


                    • #11
                      Out here you can't pump anything unless you pay for it first. Its weird that you authorize it and they come in to pay afterwards. Do people ever just drive off? Just curious.

                      But yeah that lady was a moron.


                      • #12
                        Just curious.... but when the pump is authorized -- does the fuel start to come out immediately or something? Just trying to figure out the "only can be authorized if in the car" policy.

                        Of course the woman sounds to be a complete moron -- or someone who stole someone's time machine back in the late 1800s early 1900s and doesn't realize what the pump is for.


                        • #13
                          Around here we have a gas station that leaves it's pumps on 24 hours even though they work from 5am to 9pm. This is easy to do and it's something I wish more people would do since as long as you use a credit card, you don't even need to have to see another person.

                          So I'm pulling into the station and I'm pulling in behind another person at the pump ahead of mine. I get out, swipe my card, get the pump to tell me that I was approved and I can start fueling my beast.

                          As the pump is filling I hear a rather annoyed "Hello!" repeating itself several times interspersed with the occasional "Is anyone there damnit?"

                          Yes, it was the person ahead of me trying to find a attendant to authorize her pump.

                          Now some of you might be inclined to think that this was a cash customer with a car that wouldn't make it the 20 miles to the 24-hour WaWa, but nope...this person was holding a Visa Card in her hand.

                          Said person then notices me and the fact that I'm nearly done with my fueling and comes over to ask how I got gas. I explain and the person blushed and told me that they thought that the card went to the cashier inside so they could authorize it. They hadn't the foggiest clue that the machines did it all without human intervention which is what makes it conveinent to leave them on all night long.

                          IT wasn't sucky and the person was's just now I can't think of that story without thinking of the little magical gas faries flitting around urinating 87 octane into the tank inlet.

                          I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                          • #14
                            Quoth Anakah View Post
                            . Do people ever just drive off? Just curious.
                            Oh yes.

                            Many and often.
                            A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                            • #15
                              I'm kind of like that SC. Many a time I pay for the gas, take the nozzle out, punch the "reg." button, (sometimes the other way around, depending on the gas station) put the nozzle in my car, trigger nozzle and no gas comes out. After putting the nozzle back, or touching the "reg." button, etc, I have to go to the cashier and they have to turn on the machine again.

                              sometimes I just pull out the nozzle (of the machine) press the "reg" button and before I pump the gas I wait till I hear the click to know the machine is on (usually know it also when the price turns to $00.00)

                              Now adays the machines will display the steps on their monitors.
                              Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

                              Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

                              I wish porn had subtitles.

