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Is Canada the only other country you've heard of?

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  • #16
    Quoth Anriana View Post
    It amazes me the number of callers (with almost unintelligible Southern accents) who call in and complain about how "dem foreigner phone reps don't speak no merican!"
    I once got yelled at because I answered the phone with what at times can sound like a british accent (watched too much britcoms) and had some freako scream at me because he got another "goddamn forigner who can't speak no damn good merican that I can unnersan".

    My accent is not cockney, but the result of speaking good, clear english without the Southern Maryland Accent that I grew up with.

    Think "My Fair Lady" when he got her to stop slanging and actually speaking with proper grammar.

    [Smurf]ing troglodyte. At my worst I speak better english than he does at his best.

    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


    • #17
      I have a southern accent.

      A beautiful southern accent, thank you very much. It's only Deep South when I'm tired and don't want to deal with asshats. By then, they generally deserve it.
      Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

      Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

      Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


      • #18
        My accent is Southern English andapparently sounds weird. It switches to Northern/Yorkshire whenever I visit me ma's family. My Yankee friend stayed over one Xmas and told me later on that she couldn't actually understand my mum at all...

        At my aunt's funeral last month, we had a reunion of my father's family ("we only meet now for the white or the black, it's sad") and there were four generations in one room. The last surviving member of my grandfather's siblings, then folk like my dad and his sisters and my great-aunt's kids etc. Third gen was me and my cousins, or second cousins in some cases, then fourth my cousins' children. Funny that I, the youngest of Generation 3, is younger than the eldest of Generation 4...also odd to think of my late aunt as a grandmother.
        "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


        • #19
          Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
          if it makes you feel better the American tourists aren't much better when they don't leave the country...

          If I had a dollar for every stupid question about Mormons that I've heard... (for example, yes I am Mormon, no I don't have horns, feel my head if you want, no I don't have magical flying underwear, that would be rather uncomfortable, I imagine it would be a bit like a wedgie, no I won't drop my pants to prove it, and most importantly, I'm single so no I don't have multiple wives, nor do I ever want to have multiple wives... one will be more than enough).
          I've wondered if you were LDS since I read you were from Utah. I am LDS too.

          I've been told I have a cute accent. I can tell a difference when I'm around enough people from more northern areas. But I grew up in Kentucky, so it's there I suppose, but it's not a prominent as others I've heard from farther South.
          Last edited by jedimaster91; 08-24-2008, 01:07 AM.
          I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


          • #20
            I'm from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. Nova Scotia is Latin for New Scotland. There is an insane amount of Scot/Irish accents in CB.

            This is a bit of a mock, but i do sound like this at times.

            Anyway, I have had people yell at me for my accent. They think I'm mocking the UK or something. It's annoying. I mean, Geez B'y I can't help the way I tawk.

            Also here is a little Call center incident my brother had.
            Caller= Are you American?
            Bro= No, I'm Canadia, but if you'd...
            Caller= I want to talk to and American! Put me on with an American!
            Bro= I can't do that ma'am.
            Caller= Why not?
            Bro= I can't connect you directly to an agent at another call center. I can put you back in the pool, but you'll be there for a while. Plus, you could end up talking to someone from India or something like that.
            Caller= I want to talk to an American. Do it now.
            Bro= Enjoy the pool ma'am.

            Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
            over 30 cousins
            and do you actually know all of them?
            ... I was shocked to meet relatives I didn't know about before last week... and meet for the first time some that I did know about (like my cousin in law, which irritates me because why should my cousin get the pretty girl )
            I have 30 cousins as well. Plus many of them have kids. At Christmas dinner for my mom's side there are 65 of us. My dad's family isn't quite as large. We're all pretty close in age on dad's side. The Cousins, I mean. Only 2 have kids so it's not as large.
            Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

            Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
            Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


            • #21
              Quoth Evil Queen View Post
              A beautiful southern accent, thank you very much.
              I like to freak out my Yankee and Midwestern friends by switching accents. I can slip pretty easily into any variation - Mississippi, Georgia, hillbilly, Texan...yup.

              I have a hard time understanding folks from the Northeast who talkthisfastanddon'ttakeapausebetweenwordsorsenten ces. But I can watch NASCAR and understand what the drivers are saying perfectly.

              Oh, and EQ. I love you. Here's some pecan pie.
              "Even arms dealers need groceries." ~ Ziva David, NCIS

              Tony: "Everyone's counting on you, just do what you do best."
              Abby: "Dance?" ~ NCIS


              • #22
                My secret shame: I can understand what Boomhauer, from King of the Hill, says.

                My family is from the Missouri Ozarks. It's very interesting to visit. The children usually have incredibly heavy accents, but the teenagers and parents train themselves out of it and end up sounding very non-descript Californian. However, even though I didn't grow up there, all my relatives can fall right back into that accent without even trying.

                I'm also usually very good with standard accents, but some backcountry English accents can cause me to turn on close captioning if I'm watching TV. There's even a joke about that at the beginning of The Graham Norton Show on BBCAmerica.
                Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                HR believes the first person in the door
                Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                Document everything
                CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                • #23
                  I have a fairly large family, but nothing like what some of you have described.

                  Then again, I'm from West Virginia. I'm probably related to half the county somehow.

                  I've also trained myself to a pretty generic non-accent (though given a few minutes of listening, I can fake pretty much any accent fairly well - I've been told my "Texan" and "Scottish" are particularly good, and been asked to never use the "Redneck" one ever again), and some locals I've met insist I must be British or Australian because of my accent. They usually don't believe me when I tell them I've lived in the middle of the state my whole life, as has my family.

                  Just because I don't say things like "Go'an look out dat der winder," doesn't mean I'm not a local... I can just speak properly.
                  » Horse Words «·» Roleplaying Stuff «


                  • #24
                    Quoth hinakiba777 View Post
                    I'm from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. Nova Scotia is Latin for New Scotland. There is an insane amount of Scot/Irish accents in CB.

                    This is a bit of a mock, but i do sound like this at times.

                    Anyway, I have had people yell at me for my accent. They think I'm mocking the UK or something. It's annoying. I mean, Geez B'y I can't help the way I tawk.

                    Also here is a little Call center incident my brother had.
                    Caller= Are you American?
                    Bro= No, I'm Canadia, but if you'd...
                    Caller= I want to talk to and American! Put me on with an American!
                    Bro= I can't do that ma'am.
                    Caller= Why not?
                    Bro= I can't connect you directly to an agent at another call center. I can put you back in the pool, but you'll be there for a while. Plus, you could end up talking to someone from India or something like that.
                    Caller= I want to talk to an American. Do it now.
                    Bro= Enjoy the pool ma'am.
                    You could've gotten technical with her and told her, why yes, I am an American. Canada's part of North America after all.

                    Whenever someone would make a comment about getting an American I'd ratchet up my Texan a few notches.

                    ...but if someone made a comment about not getting an Indian, it was good bye, Jimbo, hello Mamaguti! And dank yew for callink de Smell Tellyfone company, ow may I elp you to-day?
                    (Most of my co-irkers were jus' tickled pink at my Indian impression. Yep, I watched dat Foamy Tech s'port a jist a few times.)
                    Supporting the idiots charged with protecting your personal information.


                    • #25
                      Quoth jedimaster91 View Post
                      I've wondered if you were LDS since I read you were from Utah. I am LDS too.

                      I've been told I have a cute accent. I can tell a difference when I'm around enough people from more northern areas. But I grew up in Kentucky, so it's there I suppose, but it's not a prominent as others I've heard from farther South.
                      at least you wondered... most of the people who come through just assume that sense I'm in Utah I must be LDS... kinda annoying actually.
                      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                      • #26
                        actually smiley i thought you wherent LDS at first....


                        • #27
                          Thing is, even the English have incomprehensible accents as well, scouse, geordie as somerset!
                          A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                          • #28
                            Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
                            actually smiley i thought you wherent LDS at first....
                            well, that actually depends on who you ask... I am still a member of the Church, and still believe in the teachings... however I have gone mostly inactive... haven't yet apostatized yet, though I'm sure there are quite a few people in my Ward who think that I have. (kudos to anyone who actually understood this post)
                            If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                            • #29
                              hell im not only inactive, but barely beleive in the teachings anymore.
                              I believe in a higher being, prayer, and the bible for a discribtion of the past...
                              but antigay teachings obviously doesnt work for me


                              • #30
                                Quoth Anriana View Post
                                "dem foreigner phone reps don't speak no merican!"
                                In the US - the primary language is english.

                                merican must be wut dem dere southerners speaks.
                                "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead

