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Public Library Volunteer

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  • Public Library Volunteer

    I work at a public library as a volunteer helping patrons use the computers to get on the internet. I have helped others get jobs, write letters and surf the internet. I have had a couple of people want me to sit down and fill out online forms for them. I might get people to the right page but I will not help them with job forms if the correct exact posting is not there.

    Then these knuckleheads want to file a complaint against me....GOOD LUCK!!!

  • #2
    Oh, I hate when people want yo to do the work. Like type everything for them. I sort of understand if a poor schmuck just wants to get a job as a maid or busboy at a hotel, and they don't know anything about computers. But typing is not hard. Might take a while to type if you never took typing, but the letters are on the keyboard. If you know how to read you can type.
    Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

    Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

    I wish porn had subtitles.


    • #3
      Therein lies the problem, many of these are SCs, a common symptom of suckitis is forgetting to read whenever convenient.
      Pretend there's something here that sounds insightful, but is really just some pseudo-intellectual bull.


      • #4
        Do we get to know what the claimed basis of the complaint is? I mean, you know, if you stole a customer's wallet then we don't really care how many people you helped to get a job. (Not that I'm suggesting you'd steal anything, or even did what the complaint is about, but come on - details please!)


        • #5
          Quoth One-Fang View Post
          Do we get to know what the claimed basis of the complaint is?
          The claimed basis? SCs will claim anything. The substance is that the OP wouldn't fill out the SCs' forms for them on the computer.
          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.

