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Laundrymat Bitch

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  • Laundrymat Bitch

    This happened to me last year,I'm still in shock.
    So I gotten off work and I had to do my laundry.Well I trot into the laundrymat and start loading two of those big washers,and I notice this woman watching me.Literally like examining everything I put in. I think oh shes a nut,theres a lot of them at the laundrymats. Well then I walk over to the normal washers and start loading a sheet set and then it happens.This bitch walks over and starts screaming thats too much for that washer,you need to sepearte that washer into two.And then she tries to start grabbing my sheets.I stepped in front of her and told her to get away from me and mind her own business. Well then all hell breaks loose. She starts to walk around the corner and proceeds to say." Stupid some f**king people are so stupid,shes so stupid." "What a stupid woman"So I stop and walk around around the corner and say." Lady if you want to continue to call me stupid,I will take you outside and beat the living f**k out you. Now shut the f**k up and mind your own business,you stupid fat btich.
    I have never seen someone grab their clothes and leave so fast. I guess she thought that I would just say okay I'll listen to everything you say. Just grab my clothes and sheets with your hands(I don't know where those hands have been.)Heres what I think my husband had went down 4 stores to get subway for dinner.Well I'm really small(4"11 inches and weigh 120 pounds) and she was a big woman,I think she thought she could pick on me.My husband is a big guy 6" and 250 pounds,and when he came back he went outside looking for the bitch. He was so mad. I think she saw my hubby leave and she saw her oppunity. I just shutter to see how this woman acts like at walmart,she probadly walks around pushing small people around.

  • #2
    Awesome! Put that woman in her place!


    • #3
      I actually would have gathered up my laundry and left after the "woman" did in case she was to run to the cops and "Cry Victim" and then the police would end up looking for you at the laundromat. I can easily picture her calling 911 on her cellphone shrieking with fake crying, "I WANT AN OFFICER. I'M BEING THREATENED FOR NO REASON!!!!" I've been in situations like these and have been there and dont that. I'm sure "South Texan" will confirm that this crap happens all the time. The last thing you need these days is legal problems, especially if you can't afford a decent lawyer.


      • #4
        Quoth ditchdj View Post
        I'm sure "South Texan" will confirm that this crap happens all the time.

        I am not sure what you meant by that, but all I was going to say was that I thought the woman probably had a mental problem.

        Let's not hi jack this thread.
        "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
        .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


        • #5

          I autually did have a situation where I had to back off.This woman threw her 15 year old blind deaf dog out of her car at kmart.Well the hair salon woman and the radio shack guy heard her all say when confronted "well he torn up my couch I don't want him,I knew that if threw him out here then someone would take him" Well when I called the police and got her plate number she then changed her story."oh he now jumped out the window.She basically was in a tug o war with me and this dog.She knew she was in trouble and she said "you give me my dog you bitch." I said No back off we'll let the police decide. And then I looked at the radio shack guy and said wil you help us? I will never forget it he looked at me and shook his head no and walked back into his store.So did the salon lady. At that point my hubby and me decided that we had to let this heartless bitch have her dog back.Because we had no one to back up our story because they were all chicken shits. So basically we knew that the poice would say well its her property. Let it go. Five dollars says she got home and beat the liivng crap out of the dog,or dropped the dog off at another location,or the police depatcher had her plate number so maybe they went after her.People make me sick to my stomach.thats why society sucks because no one wants to step up and help anyone but themselves. Sorry 10 years in retail has made me hate people so much.


          • #6
            Quoth candyshopgirl View Post
            Because we had no one to back up our story because they were all chicken shits.
            To play Devil's Advocate here, you really really really REALLY don't want to be involved in a police situation at your workplace.

            But let's not go any further than that, it's getting OT.
            "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


            • #7
              Quoth South Texan View Post

              I am not sure what you meant by that, but all I was going to say was that I thought the woman probably had a mental problem.

              Let's not hi jack this thread.

              I was speaking off of when I recalled that you once said you were a prosecutor at one point. My point was that I'm sure there were idiots like her that would harass someone, and then call the law to claim that someone was threatening them after the person she was harassing told her to screw off or get hurt. My point was that I'm confident you're familiar with millions of cases like this since I see it happen a lot, and I'm not even a member of law enforcement.

              It's not off-topic. My point is that it could have happened that way, but luckily it didnt.
              Last edited by ditchdj; 08-24-2008, 02:55 AM.


              • #8
                Go after them with everything in your arsenal. When you're not an employee, you've got notyhing to worry about. Just make sure she swings first so it's self defense. Otherwise just continue to insult.


                • #9
                  I have a feeling the cops would take one look at the size of the OP compared to the sucky bitch and tell SB to get lost.
                  Labor boards have info on local laws for free
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