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I just ruined a guest's stay

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  • I just ruined a guest's stay

    OK, so recently Comcrap changed their contract with us and no longer provide HBO. Yeah kinda crappy, but I think this guy really overreacted

    me- front desk, this is smileyeagle speaking, how may I help you?
    sc- yeah, my HBO isn't working.
    me- yeah, the cable company just updated their service and has decided to no longer offer HBO to bulk contracts like ours... we have been looking for alternatives to them, but it isn't something that I can have fixed tonight.
    sc- well that just ruined my whole trip. I chose this hotel specifically for HBO. (i'd like to point out at this point, nowhere on our website does it actually say we have HBO). I guess I'll never stay here again.
    me- I'm sorry, is there anything I can do to correct this?
    sc- only if you can get the cable company on the phone and get them to turn the HBO back on.
    me- I'm sorry, but I don't think that is possible, I don't believe that their business department is open right now. (note, this is half past midnight when they called down)
    sc- well a lot of good you are... I hope you're happy that you ruined our vacation.

    Seriously, no HBO ruined your vacation... and I'm personally responsible because I couldn't pull HBO out of my ass. I wish my life was as perfect as yours... it takes going out of my condo to find my car broken into to ruin my week... I'd love to have my week ruined by something so trivial as no HBO.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

  • #2
    Oh, I was so hoping it was over something piddly and stupid and I was right! YAY!
    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


    • #3
      People who can't live without OMGTV just prove that somewhere, in a deep, dark place, a portion of the human brain is disintegrating.

      Just sayin', is all.


      • #4
        What brain?
        Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

        Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

        Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


        • #5
          well Pairou, that is you're problem... you assume these people have brains
          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


          • #6
            Quoth Evil Queen View Post
            What brain?
            Quoth smileyeagle1021
            well Pairou, that is you're problem... you assume these people have brains
            My bad. X3


            • #7
              Zombies would starve in Salt Lake city.
              Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

              Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

              Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


              • #8
                Vacation is being in a hotel to watch HBO?

                I sure wish it was -- then I wouldn't be missing out on not having them!


                • #9
                  Quoth Evil Queen View Post
                  Zombies would starve in Salt Lake city.
                  yup, but they could feast in Murray and West Jordan (I know there's other CSers in the Salt Lake Valley, but I don't know what towns they are in, so I appologize if I missed your town).
                  If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                  • #10
                    All the holidays I've been on we've been too busy to watch TV. (well except for when the first Gulf War started, we saw that on the news as soon as it started but only because there was a TV in the restaurant we had lunch in)


                    • #11
                      By a very strange coincidence on my most recent vacations I've watched a lot of TV.

                      For example, I was on vacation in the Boston area in September of 2001.

                      I was also in London in July of 2005.

                      I've since stopped taking vacations.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Pairou View Post
                        People who can't live without OMGTV just prove that somewhere, in a deep, dark place, a portion of the human brain is disintegrating.

                        Just sayin', is all.
                        I beg to differ on that point. I consider the Weather Channel indespensible for deciding on the day's activities or what to expect when traveling. The other channels nice but not essential.

                        Just why must this hotel have HBO? Doesn't SC have it at home?
                        I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

                        Who is John Galt?
                        -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


                        • #13
                          I'll be headed to Dragoncon and watching television.. BUT THAT'S DTV!!! sheesh.


                          • #14
                            Quoth JLRodgers View Post
                            Vacation is being in a hotel to watch HBO?
                            I was puzzled by that myself. I thought the whole point of paying to go out of town and stay at a hotel was to actually go out and DO THINGS in the place you are visiting.

                            If you want to watch HBO on your vacation, stay home!


                            • #15
                              Quoth Crazeyal View Post
                              I'll be headed to Dragoncon and watching television.. BUT THAT'S DTV!!! sheesh.
                              I love DTV. <3
                              Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

                              Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

                              Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart

