Ok, this is a VERY lengthy post cut pretty much verbatim from my blog, but here goes. Hope you have the patience to read it.
Ok, first thing's first, I like asian people as much as the next person, heck, I want to travel to Japan sometime in the not too distant future, preferably within the next year or so, but there is SOME people here in NZ that just simply GRATE at my nerves, ESPECIALLY on the job.
Example 1: Using the "I no speak english" remark as an ALL-PURPOSE LYING MECHANISM.
(All of the conversation from the girl I was dealing with was in semi-broken english)
Asian Girl #1: 1 stage (Kaga-note: basically 1 bus zone) please *puts down incorrect fare, she is 30c short*
Me: I'm sorry, you are 30 cents short, the prices went up a few weeks back
AG#1: I no understand, I no speak english
Me: *attempts to find someone that can explain to her in her own language, then attempts once again to tell her myself*
AG#1: *still seems not to understand*
Bus Passenger: *comes to the front and coughs up the girls shortage so we can get on our way*
*AG#1 and Asian Girl #2 sit a few rows back from me (incidentally within earshot), and start to hold a PERFECTLY understandable conversation in...wait for it... PERFECT ENGLISH!*
Me: *thinks* You little liar... I'm going to remember you...
*next day*
*same 2 girls hop on, only difference is I have a FULL bus today, much to my personal advantage >_>*
AG#1: *puts down same fare as yesterday* 1 stage please
Me: I told you yesterday, you are 30 cents short.
AG#1: I no understand, I no speak english
Me: *gives dagger-like glare and goes for the grand effect, raising my voice slightly* Listen. You sat within earshot of me yesterday, I HEARD you and your friend talking in PERFECT english, so do NOT try to give me that excuse. Pay up, or off my bus.
AG#1: *goes bright red as she KNOWS she has been caught out, virtually throws down the money and stomps off to an empty seat*
*a few random passengers clap for my upholding the rules and catching her out*
I am as tolerant as the next person, yes, but I will NOT tolerate abuse of the language barrier to twist situations to your own advantage. (Here in NZ bus drivers have a VERY strict cash-float, ANY shortages come out of our own pocket, so if a passenger gives us a foreign coin in place of a $1 coin, and this is a VERY common occurance, WE have to cough up the difference.)
Example #2 (not really a language barrier issue this time, just treating me like I'm an idiot :P)
*Male boards my bus, looks to be 19-20ish*
AM: 1 stage student please
Me: Could I please see your student ID?
AM: *pulls out a TWO YEAR OLD student ID, which shows for that year he was 17 years old, making him 19 at the time of him being on the bus*
Me: I'm sorry, that card is not valid, it is from 2 years ago, and it shows you as being 19 years old, I have to see this years ID or I will have to charge you adult fare
(At this point let me add that NZ has fairly strict fare rules, to qualify unconditionally for a child fare, you must be under 15 years of age, or be between 15-18 years of age AND IN SCHOOL UNIFORM, or carrying a valid School Identification card. If you are 15-18 and do not meet one of those 2 criteria you are charged adult fare. 19 Years or older is generally adult fare regardless unless they are doing Form 8/Year 14)
AM: *makes like he is rummaging through his wallet, at one point I see an ID card for the local university, and I know straight away he is trying to trick me*
Me: *points to the ID card* please pull that card out sir.
AM: *semi-sheepishly pulls out said card*
Me: That is an ID card for the local university. Full Fare please.
AM: *goes slightly red and pays up*
Moral of the above example: Do not try to fool a bus driver. 9 times out of 10 we will find you out. :P
Ok, first thing's first, I like asian people as much as the next person, heck, I want to travel to Japan sometime in the not too distant future, preferably within the next year or so, but there is SOME people here in NZ that just simply GRATE at my nerves, ESPECIALLY on the job.
Example 1: Using the "I no speak english" remark as an ALL-PURPOSE LYING MECHANISM.
(All of the conversation from the girl I was dealing with was in semi-broken english)
Asian Girl #1: 1 stage (Kaga-note: basically 1 bus zone) please *puts down incorrect fare, she is 30c short*
Me: I'm sorry, you are 30 cents short, the prices went up a few weeks back
AG#1: I no understand, I no speak english
Me: *attempts to find someone that can explain to her in her own language, then attempts once again to tell her myself*
AG#1: *still seems not to understand*
Bus Passenger: *comes to the front and coughs up the girls shortage so we can get on our way*
*AG#1 and Asian Girl #2 sit a few rows back from me (incidentally within earshot), and start to hold a PERFECTLY understandable conversation in...wait for it... PERFECT ENGLISH!*
Me: *thinks* You little liar... I'm going to remember you...
*next day*
*same 2 girls hop on, only difference is I have a FULL bus today, much to my personal advantage >_>*
AG#1: *puts down same fare as yesterday* 1 stage please
Me: I told you yesterday, you are 30 cents short.
AG#1: I no understand, I no speak english
Me: *gives dagger-like glare and goes for the grand effect, raising my voice slightly* Listen. You sat within earshot of me yesterday, I HEARD you and your friend talking in PERFECT english, so do NOT try to give me that excuse. Pay up, or off my bus.
AG#1: *goes bright red as she KNOWS she has been caught out, virtually throws down the money and stomps off to an empty seat*
*a few random passengers clap for my upholding the rules and catching her out*
I am as tolerant as the next person, yes, but I will NOT tolerate abuse of the language barrier to twist situations to your own advantage. (Here in NZ bus drivers have a VERY strict cash-float, ANY shortages come out of our own pocket, so if a passenger gives us a foreign coin in place of a $1 coin, and this is a VERY common occurance, WE have to cough up the difference.)
Example #2 (not really a language barrier issue this time, just treating me like I'm an idiot :P)
*Male boards my bus, looks to be 19-20ish*
AM: 1 stage student please
Me: Could I please see your student ID?
AM: *pulls out a TWO YEAR OLD student ID, which shows for that year he was 17 years old, making him 19 at the time of him being on the bus*
Me: I'm sorry, that card is not valid, it is from 2 years ago, and it shows you as being 19 years old, I have to see this years ID or I will have to charge you adult fare
(At this point let me add that NZ has fairly strict fare rules, to qualify unconditionally for a child fare, you must be under 15 years of age, or be between 15-18 years of age AND IN SCHOOL UNIFORM, or carrying a valid School Identification card. If you are 15-18 and do not meet one of those 2 criteria you are charged adult fare. 19 Years or older is generally adult fare regardless unless they are doing Form 8/Year 14)
AM: *makes like he is rummaging through his wallet, at one point I see an ID card for the local university, and I know straight away he is trying to trick me*
Me: *points to the ID card* please pull that card out sir.
AM: *semi-sheepishly pulls out said card*
Me: That is an ID card for the local university. Full Fare please.
AM: *goes slightly red and pays up*
Moral of the above example: Do not try to fool a bus driver. 9 times out of 10 we will find you out. :P