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"Does the Can go in the Recycling?"

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  • "Does the Can go in the Recycling?"

    Oh, how many times I have heard that line. I despise it. How hard is it to figure out that the Tim Hortons (Canadian Coffee shop for those who dont know) recycling bin (which has a big picture of an ice tea can being placed in it) is where you put cans. Today however was different. I had the usual customers come in who would ask about that, and i'd give them the "you dont deserve to live due to your lack of intelligence and are stealing my air, please die now, kthxbye" look, and I said yes. This time though, I had a customer (and one of the creepiest people who has come into my store, he is a regular and I just get chills when I see him enter) come up to me, ask me about it, then try to go fish it out of the big garbage bag, i told him not to worry and i'd get it later, he then went on for 5 minutes about what it was (Ice Tea, which like I said, was the picture on the bin) what it looked like, the fact that it tasted good, etc etc etc. Now, I understand the fact that he was just trying to help the environment, and in honesty, I completely forgot about it until after I left. But I just dont get how people can be that stupid, if they were to toss it in the garbage and leave, alright, but when they ask me if a can is supposed to go in recycling when there is a picture of a can going into it on the bin, it makes me want to murder them... Perhaps I will pour our new Chai tea into their eyes and watch them melt...

  • #2
    That's the first time i've ever heard someone caring where they put thier garbage at a Timmies. My friend works at one and she finds the mugs, soup bowls, and plates in the plants...


    • #3
      I dont care about where they put it, I get that too only minus the mugs (no china at my store) its just that they ask, Im not gonna get mad if they put it in the wrong thing, its the fact they have to ask, they dont just decide to be lazy and put it in the garbage with everything else, but the fact that they are aware enough to say hmm, maybe this can goes in with the cans, but they are stupid to the point where they actually ask me if cans are supposed to go in the bin marked for cans, in big letters.

