Ah life in a call center....it's great...really. Below is a conversation that had me wanting to pull my hair out.
Me: (after skipping a whole bunch of boring "how can I help you"s "password", "name", etc) You want to speak to the same rep you spoke with 2 weeks ago?...no problem at all....let me just sort through the thousands and thousands of reps in the call centers around the world to find "pamela"(ok, I left off the last part..but I thought it!)
sc: I want to speak with pamela but let me tell you what's going on(translation: I'm not going to accept anything you say but let me take up some of your time complaining)
me: ok, what's going on with your phone?
sc: My bill is outrageous! I was charged for over 400 minutes of overage! You people should have seen that I was going over my minutes and called me!
Me(to make sure I heard right): .....we should have called you to let you know you were talking too much?
sc: Exactly! I was told I could purchase courtesy minutes if I went over my minutes as long as I call before my bill comes out but how can I call if no one tells me I'm over my minutes!?!
Me: Ma'am you can check the automated system from your phone, call cust service, check online...there are lots of ways you can see how many minutes you've used. Not too mention you were just credited nearly $400 as a courtesy for going over your minutes -last- month, you were offered a higher plan but declined(all of that was noted by the multiple reps she spoke with last month.)
sc: That wasn't a credit! that was owed to me because you did the same thing last month...no one called me when I started going over my minutes!
Me: We don't monitor cust accts, it is up to you to check your minutes....thats why we have so many self service options, it would be impossible for us to follow up on every cust to see if they are over their minutes....
sc: ignorance is no excuse!
Me: ..........
(I so wanted to say "exactly my point" but probably would have been fired for something like that)
Me: Ma'am we are not going to credit this bill
sc: I told you I don't want you to do anything...just get me to pamela.
(luckily I found the id of the person she was dealing with and was able to email them.....after following up she didn't give her the credit either
Me: (after skipping a whole bunch of boring "how can I help you"s "password", "name", etc) You want to speak to the same rep you spoke with 2 weeks ago?...no problem at all....let me just sort through the thousands and thousands of reps in the call centers around the world to find "pamela"(ok, I left off the last part..but I thought it!)
sc: I want to speak with pamela but let me tell you what's going on(translation: I'm not going to accept anything you say but let me take up some of your time complaining)
me: ok, what's going on with your phone?
sc: My bill is outrageous! I was charged for over 400 minutes of overage! You people should have seen that I was going over my minutes and called me!
Me(to make sure I heard right): .....we should have called you to let you know you were talking too much?
sc: Exactly! I was told I could purchase courtesy minutes if I went over my minutes as long as I call before my bill comes out but how can I call if no one tells me I'm over my minutes!?!
Me: Ma'am you can check the automated system from your phone, call cust service, check online...there are lots of ways you can see how many minutes you've used. Not too mention you were just credited nearly $400 as a courtesy for going over your minutes -last- month, you were offered a higher plan but declined(all of that was noted by the multiple reps she spoke with last month.)
sc: That wasn't a credit! that was owed to me because you did the same thing last month...no one called me when I started going over my minutes!
Me: We don't monitor cust accts, it is up to you to check your minutes....thats why we have so many self service options, it would be impossible for us to follow up on every cust to see if they are over their minutes....
sc: ignorance is no excuse!
Me: ..........

(I so wanted to say "exactly my point" but probably would have been fired for something like that)
Me: Ma'am we are not going to credit this bill
sc: I told you I don't want you to do anything...just get me to pamela.
(luckily I found the id of the person she was dealing with and was able to email them.....after following up she didn't give her the credit either
