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"They are not my class of people ..."

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  • "They are not my class of people ..."

    She was a Martha Stewart in-the-making, wearing a ladies' business suit that unfortunately showed too much of her old boobs, and dining with two yes men who spent more time kissing her butt than eating lunch. Each time I walked up to the table, I heard an interesting bit of their conversation:

    "Those people are stupid, they are stupid. … It is good that they are stupid, good for you that they are stupid people." I believe she was talking about the people they were about to do business with. Interesting.

    On my next visit, she telling someone on her cell phone that he had to bring her her credit card that she'd left someplace. (You left your credit card somewhere? Isn't that … "stupid"? Nevermind.)

    Later, she was talking on her cell phone again, this time about scheduling a meeting at some restaurant/bar: "No, I cannot go there; they are not my class of people. They are all housekeepers and …." She switched to her non-Russian Slavic language to continue her list of those beneath her in the social ladder, possibly because she realized that I was standing at the table overhearing her conversation. (Her 'class of people'?! I wonder how many egos actually think like this.)

    When I delivered their check, she took a break from yet another phone conversation to order one of her two yes men to pay the bill, then began to share the whole story over-the-phone about how some third party was too lazy to bring her credit card to her This was lucky for me, because I doubt she'd leave a proper tip for someone of my 'class of people.'

  • #2
    Quoth Palsgraf View Post
    (Her 'class of people'?! I wonder how many egos actually think like this.)
    I do, actually. I try not to associate with people who have no class or who I feel are beneath me.

    For instance, the lady in the story comes to mind as someone who is just NOT in my class, thank you very much.

    Ditto many of the snooty SC's I deal with. I'm sorry, they are not in my class...I don't stoop to associating with people who have their noses in the air and their heads in their ass.

    Now, pardon me while I go associate with those who ARE in my to the sports bar I go!

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #3
      i'm thinking that she'd find it hard to associate with anyone in her class because she's in a 'class' all by herself.

      her butt must have superior trunk space, since it's accomodating her head and those of her two yes men!
      look! it's ghengis khan!
      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


      • #4
        I have encountered these types in the various restaurants I have worked before. Usually, servers, OTHER than me when encountered with said types did things that were beneath even me to the items they delivered to the table.
        "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


        • #5
          "I guess we should feel some sort of guilt, but she broke the cardinal rule; never fuck with people who handle your food."

          --Monty, from the movie "Waiting."

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."

