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Passive-Aggressive? You decide!

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  • Passive-Aggressive? You decide!

    Highlights from today's shift log:

    Rms 116/117 -- Will check out tomorrow instead of later as scheduled because Rm 117 smells "very strongly" of smoke. Lady in Rm 116 suggests we tear up the carpet.

    Rm 116 -- Complained that bathtub was dirty and had "pubic hair" in it. Did not like the way Rm 119 smelled, stayed in Rm 116. I cleaned gst's tub.

    Rm 116 -- Complained that Blah Inns are so run-down, and noted that they used to be immaculate. Gst made sure to insult us very politely. Complains of dirty tub, peeling wallpaper, mold, and smoke smell.


    Okay then. Here's the background to this sordid tale. Both of these rooms contain ladies in town for a conference. A religious conference, although their behavior does not necessarily bely a forgiving nature.

    The first problem, and the matter that set this ball rolling was a discrepancy with their reservations, which we manage to mostly clear up. The problem was that the Alpha Lady called to get her confirmation numbers for her two rooms, and ended up with three confirmation numbers for two rooms. How is a mystery, especially because there was only one room reserved under her name at all. We figure it's the new girl's doing, so we'll straighten it out with her when we can. In the meantime we searched for any use of the Alpha Lady's credit card, but found no mention of it whatsoever, although Alpha Lady's husband called her from Florida to tell her there's a charge for more than $100 on that card from us. You can tell she doesn't trust us or our computer.

    Now, Alpha Lady is staying in Rm 116, across the hall from the Beta and Gamma Ladies in Rm 117, which is a handicapped room. Beta Lady is very elderly and uses a walker. Beta Lady seemed much nicer than Alpha Lady, who also noted, loudly, in a phone conversation with her husband here at the front when they were trying to figure out what's going on with her credit card, that "there aren't any good hotels in this town." Not to mention the fact that she would rather be staying across the street at the Generic Inn and Suites.

    We really appreciated hearing there are no good hotels in town.

    Later, after Alpha, Beta, and Gamma returned from supper, Beta told us they'd all be checking out in the morning because her room is "permeated with smoke." Even the pillows. This is funny considering that we've rented it as non-smoking for the past three nights at least with no complaints. Alpha helpfully informed us that you have to tear up the carpets when you convert a smoking room to a non-smoking room.

    "You just can't paint over it, unfortunately," she said. She also noted that we had obviously converted our hallways from smoking to non, whatever the hell that means, and suggests pulling up the hallway carpet too.

    Later, Alpha complained again that she had gone to take a bath and found pubic hair in the tub! I offered to clean the tub or move her to another room. She asked for a refund instead, but as I have no power to do that, I told her she'll have to talk to the manager in the morning. She sighed, cursed lightly, and then agreed to look at Rm 119.

    It smelled like smoke. I had one other room downstairs to show her, and she looked at it.

    It smelled like smoke. She decided to have me clean her tub and just stay in there. As she was telling me this, she noted that Blah Inns used to be so immaculate! She had no idea they'd gotten so run-down. There was mold, and everything smelled like smoke. The wallpaper was peeling also.

    "Of course I know it's not your hotel though." Which was nice. We all appreciate a verbal pat on the back when we're being baited.

    But at any rate, I cleaned her tub. There were three hairs in the tub, and none of them were public hairs. In fact, suspiciously, they were exactly the color and length of our new male housekeeper's hair. And, the average human being loses over a hundred hairs a day. Go figure. Or at the very least, if they did belong to the previous guest, I'm willing and able to run right down and scrub the tub until it cries uncle. There's no need to make a federal case about it. Yes, it's annoying, and yes it's icky, but we're human, our housekeepers are human, and from time to time, they overlook things.

    I have a distinct feeling that what we're dealing with is a gaggle of fart-detectors -- those unfortunate human beings cursed with such an acute sense of smell that they can pinpoint a lone fart in a house three blocks away, and possibly even identify the legume that caused it. Rm 116 smelled fine to me, as did Rm 117, Rm 119, and Rm 109.

    There's a complaint coming to us from this. I know it. I can feel it, and what's more, I'll have to write a sniveling, ass-kissing letter to her about it. I always get that job.

    But at least she did go out of her way to insult us nicely. That's all that will keep me from gnawing the bedclothes and crying my red eyes dry as I try but fail to sleep tonight.
    Last edited by Antisocial_Worker; 10-02-2006, 07:54 AM.
    Drive it like it's a county car.

  • #2
    Ha ha! I like the term "fart detectors"

    Maybe you can work in a backhanded compliment on their acute senses of smell when you write your sniveling, ass-kissing apology letter.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Let the record show that it is now 8:53 PM. I posted about this lady at 8:39 PM and I have in my hot little hands now the complaint we've all been waiting for!

      Gst called stating that she had originally booked two rooms, one that was handicap and one that was a normal room. The gst arrived and they did not have her reservation correct. The htl also lost the gsts CC information so the gst had to give them the information again. The rooms that the gst was given had hair in the tub. There was mold in the room. There are holes in the carpet. The wallpaper is peeling. The tub is rusted. The room was non-smoking and it smelled like smoke. The gst is only staying one night and feels that she should not have to pay for the rooms.

      Fourteen minutes! Ladies and gentlemen, I believe we have a record!
      Drive it like it's a county car.


      • #4
        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
        Ha ha! I like the term "fart detectors"

        Maybe you can work in a backhanded compliment on their acute senses of smell when you write your sniveling, ass-kissing apology letter.
        Off topic: I have a co-worker who can tell if someone had gone "Number 2" in our bathrooms, despite most people flush the toliets.

        Back on topic: Sounds like a certain lady could train some hounds in scent detection. Or, she might be an entitlement queen.
        At the end of the day, customers are NOT always right.


        • #5
          Maybe it was all just a ruse so she could stay across the street at the Generic Inn and Suites.

          On the hotel's dime.

          Just a thought.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            I think you mean gamma, gamma comes after beta. And I think I'm something of a fart-detector myself, I've got quite a nose. Though cigarette smoke doesn't bother me much, never understood why people complain about it so. That particular habit and these stories confirm my theory that ninety per cent of people just complain about things for attention.
            You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


            • #7
              Well, the Alpha Lady has officially graduated to "Witch from Hell" status (and yes, I know that witch does not equal bitch, but let's face it, witch sounds more poetic).

              As I was leaving tonight, my boss called to check on things. I told her about all that had gone on, and about how I had tried to reach her as it was going on, but couldn't get through for some reason. Now, this made her mad because she and I both busted our butts kowtowing to this woman, especially when we were trying to correct the mix-up with her reservation. Also, despite the fact that these rooms were located on the first floor, I took the guest's belongings to their rooms as a courtesy.

              What's more, these complaints did not surface until later in the evening after the guests had spent time in their rooms, gone out to supper, and come back. Almost as though they'd plotted the whole thing over dinner.

              But of course they'd never do that.

              At any rate, my boss also brought up something else -- Alpha Lady (henceforth to be referred to as Witch from Hell) would not reply to my boss during checkin. She directed all her answers and questions to me, even when my boss, who is Indian-American, asked her a direct question. She said that had been gnawing at her all day.

              So she resolved to throw both rooms out. Bear in mind that it was now 11 PM. She had me put her through to Rm 116 to speak directly to Witch from Hell. After a brief conversation, Witch from Hell hung up.

              My boss tried again. Witch from Hell hung up on her.

              My boss tried again. Witch from Hell hung on her again.

              Lather, rinse, repeat. Finally, my boss had me put her through to the room where Beta and Gamma Ladies were staying, and Beta Lady was able to convince her not to throw them out onto the street ass first. Although, we suspect there will be more trouble in the morning at checkout. My boss' final instructions, which I jotted down for first shift before I left were this: Do not let her (Witch from Hell) leave without signing her credit card slip. Be extra nice to her, but if she starts to scream, or refuses to sign, call me.

              This way, she'll be especially ready to do battle. Already in a foul mood from all this, and at having a complaint levied against the property, she will have been awakened from a sound sleep. This will unleash the patented Gujarati Raging Fury (tm). Therefore, if in the mid-morning hours of Monday, October 2, (Eastern Time, -5 GMT) you should see a mushroom cloud rising from the vague direction of Western North Carolina, or if a sudden violent earth tremor reduces your windows to deadly whickering glass splinters, don't be alarmed. It's only my boss giving the Witch from Hell a piece of her mind.

              Further bulletins as events warrant.
              Last edited by Antisocial_Worker; 10-02-2006, 07:51 AM.
              Drive it like it's a county car.


              • #8
                ... what happened?


                • #9
                  Yeah, what a whale of a story........with no tail end!

                  What was checkout like with this lady? Did she go to corporate? Did you b1tch-slap her repeatedly?


                  • #10
                    Well, I never posted the ending because it was so unsatisfying. Basically, we bounced increasingly angry letters back and forth for a couple of months before corporate, as corporates everywhere are wont to do, refunded the bitch her money.
                    Drive it like it's a county car.

