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Now that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy

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  • Now that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy

    Only thing that bugged me today.... 2 girls walk up to me about 13 years at most. The one talking has gum in her mouth which she keeps smacking.

    Me: he who doesnt like high pitch young females
    SC: high pitch young female

    SC: where are your bells? *smack*
    Me: for.......?
    SC: O! *smacks as she pulls out a stocking she got at dollarama with a lil bell on it* lke this
    Me: probably dont have any until christmas when we have our cristmas accessorie...
    SC: *smack* no i just want a replacement dont you have a crafts section?
    Me: yup far corner. doubt if we have any though but you can go look.

    nothing horrible till she walks away and says in her high pitch 13 year old voice to her pal.
    SC: *smack* I hate poeple like that! say it might be ion an area dont you know your stores huys or are you just stupid people. Must be dumb to work here *giggle smack*

    i yelled thanks after her and made her embarassed so she ran....sigh* stupid kids
    Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.

  • #2
    I HATE CUSTOMERS WHO CHEW GUM. They smack it and chew it like a cow. One day, I had one lady leave a wad of chewed gum on my counter, next to the register. Just left it there. Ewwww. When I moved it (using two pieces of paper), it was still warm. (Reminded me of cleaning up fresh cat vomit).

    Anyways, I get teens like that. They want to look "cool." Usually end up buying cheap stuff they probably cannot afford. I usually get the kids who buy cheap cosmetics stuff and gum. I actually feel bad for them.
    Last edited by blaubent; 10-02-2006, 01:34 AM. Reason: Forgot something.
    At the end of the day, customers are NOT always right.


    • #3
      I can't help but wonder what kind of job she'll get when she's old enough...
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        Quoth blaubent View Post
        I HATE CUSTOMERS WHO CHEW GUM. They smack it and chew it like a cow. One day, I had one lady leave a wad of chewed gum on my counter, next to the register. Just left it there.
        Anyone who has worked for any length of time in the food service industry can tell you that one of the most dreaded "projects" (extra busy work) the management can give out is "gumming" the tables. What that means is getting under the tables and removing the dried up gum that people have left there. Many of you would be shocked to realize that there are not just a few tables with a few "souvenirs," but virtually every table has a veritable bounty of this wonderful treasure. Admittedly, one reason there is so much is because it is (thankfully) a project they don't give out too much, but it is still unpleasant. And most of it takes quite a bit to come off, which is why they usually give us a scraper of some kind to do this. Seriously.

        Next time y'all are in a restaurant, look under the table at the underside and the upper part of the base. Bet ya a beer you find gum! Don't say I didn't warn ya!

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #5
          Well then you'd probably not like the Maid-Rite Drive-in in Greenville Ohio. It has been in business since the 1950s and the entire exterior walls on the street and drivethru side are covered in wads of used chewing gum. I kid you not as you can look it up in the book Wierd Ohio. I have personally witnessed this when my family and I was on vacation. The owner's (its a mom and pop style restraunt) said that kids had started parkign their gum on the drive thru side back in the fifties and for one reason or another they never cleaned it off and it just kinda grew from there.

          Oh well. Not a bad place to eat oddly enough (no gum under the tables I checked) about what one would expect from a mom and pop diner. Just a strange exterior decor.


          • #6
            Quoth Rahmota View Post
            the entire exterior walls on the street and drivethru side are covered in wads of used chewing gum.
            Here in Seattle, at Pike Place Market, were the Post Alley turns and ducks underneath The Fish Monger's Atrium*, there is an old brick wall covered entirely in chewing gum. Given the age of the structure, I'd say it's all that's holding the wall together.

            *We tend to just build things on top of other things here, alleys become tunnels, courtyards become atriums.
            You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


            • #7
              It's worse when coworkers chew gum, but only when management can't catch them at it. Ew.


              • #8
                the only thing worse than chewing gum

                is singers..... PLEASE dont sing along with the song we are playing!!!

                I used to hate that, at the craft store we played top40's and golden oldies and people would stand there and sing along as I was ringing them up

                UGH its the only good thing about playing classical music
                I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                • #9
                  Quoth Jester View Post
                  Anyone who has worked for any length of time in the food service industry can tell you that one of the most dreaded "projects" (extra busy work) the management can give out is "gumming" the tables. What that means is getting under the tables and removing the dried up gum that people have left there. Many of you would be shocked to realize that there are not just a few tables with a few "souvenirs," but virtually every table has a veritable bounty of this wonderful treasure. Admittedly, one reason there is so much is because it is (thankfully) a project they don't give out too much, but it is still unpleasant. And most of it takes quite a bit to come off, which is why they usually give us a scraper of some kind to do this. Seriously.

                  Next time y'all are in a restaurant, look under the table at the underside and the upper part of the base. Bet ya a beer you find gum! Don't say I didn't warn ya!
                  Razor Blades are the best cleaning implement EVER. Seriously. Works great. Though in that case, as it's hardened some, you might need a hammer too.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Kiwi View Post
                    the only thing worse than chewing gum

                    is singers..... PLEASE dont sing along with the song we are playing!!!

                    I used to hate that, at the craft store we played top40's and golden oldies and people would stand there and sing along as I was ringing them up

                    UGH its the only good thing about playing classical music
                    Unless you play Wagners Kill the Wabbit song.
                    Proud to be a Walmart virgin.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Jester View Post
                      And most of it takes quite a bit to come off, which is why they usually give us a scraper of some kind to do this. Seriously.
                      Get a can of Dust-Off or other form of canned air duster. Invert the can until the frosty cold liquid comes out and spray the hell out of the gum.

                      The intense cold of the duster will cause the gum to go brittle and the scraper should just pop it right off in most cases. If not, give it a longet blast of the cold and it'll eventually fracture off the table.

                      I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                      • #12
                        I have to admit, I'm a gum addict. But I try to chew responsibly. I couldn't snap my gum on purpose if my life depended on it, and I always wrap it up before I throw it in the trash can.

                        Actually, my dentist prefers that I chew, due to dry mouth, and having to be on vicodin sure doesn't help!
                        Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                        • #13
                          I wish more of our customers would stick their gum under the table. At least we can get it off of there with a scraper. But noooo, they have to leave it in the parking lot and I haven't yet found a way to get dried old gum out of asphalt! Our store manager once had me buy black spray paint and paint over them.... which actually worked pretty well, until the asphalt faded and the black spots showed.
                          Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                            Get a can of Dust-Off or other form of canned air duster. Invert the can until the frosty cold liquid comes out and spray the hell out of the gum.
                            During my days as a housekeeper, we had gum remover in a spray can that worked like that. Just spray on the gum, it'd freeze it and then you could break it off. It was especially useful in the fully carpeted locker rooms - yes, people who were in a lot better paying jobs than me working out in the facility couldn't figure out how to put their gum in the trashcans.

                            I just don't know if they still sell it anymore - it's been over 12 years since I worked there.


                            • #15
                              My fiance and I used to work in the same college dining hall when we were in school (he still works there, but I've since graduated). Under the tables would ALWAYS be gum. ALWAYS. And Jello stuck to the ceiling.

                              And on mashed potato days...

                              ...People would mix mashed potatos, Mt. Dew, and white cake frosting to make this disgustingly effective adhesive, and take the small glasses, coat the bottoms with this muck and stick them to the underside of the tables. Just... a glass. On the underside of the table. THAT YOU CAN'T GET OFF.

                              I'm going to tell him the can of air trick. <.<
                              Saving the planet and everything on it is certainly a daunting task; but see, push has come to shove...Let's roll.

                              - Inga Muscio

