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Why Do They DO That?

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  • Why Do They DO That?

    I work in a furniture store and one of the things that gets underneath my skin and festers is when SC's move my furniture around to "see what it looks like" next to something else. I want to say: "Excuse me. Do I come into your place of business or your home and move your things around to see what they look like next to others? No. And I'd appreciate the same courtesy from you, thank you." I mean, I've had ladies drag a full sized desk across the showroom to compare finishes with another manufacturers product!

    I was watching two SC's the other day. They were looking at several pieces and moved every single one of them. One of the items was a chair. The freakin' SC lady pulled it out from where it was sitting about 4 inches, then just stood looking at it. Like that 4 inches was going to make it look different in some way. One of these days, I'm going to go up to some SC doing that and say: " just why did you move that thing 4 inches? What's the point?" just to see what they say.