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Cell phone in line suck

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  • Cell phone in line suck

    We've all dealt with EWs who believe that whomever they're talking to on their iPhone or Blackberry or whatever overpriced piece of electronic crap they've got attached to their ear.

    They'll talk and chatter incessantly into their phone, only stopping long enough to bark some instruction to you -- usually a needless reminder of how to do your job properly -- and they scarcely pay a bit of attention to anything that goes on until the total comes up. They'll pay for it, take their receipt, and often walk off with the barest acknowledgment of your existence, because, of course, you are a retail peon, and therefore beneath their notice.

    Me, I've long since stopped letting it actively annoy me, as I'll just bottle up the irritation from it, go home, put in a nice violent or semi-violent video game and beat the crap out of random bad guys until I feel better.

    This one incident, though... oooooh, it still makes me go

    This lady comes up to my line, already talking on her cell phone. All right, I decide, after having dealt with this sort of thing far too many times before, I figure if she's not going to talk to me (and she doesn't), I'm not going to talk to her. So I take her card, ring up her things, and show her the total -- all without saying a word. Likewise, she doesn't say a thing to me, either.

    She finishes her call just as she's signing the credit card receipt, and as she takes her receipt and card, she says to me, "You know, you're the rudest cashier I've ever met. You didn't say one word to me the entire time."

    I'm standing there going while she walks off.

    I swear, the irony nearly made my brain go kersplodie.
    PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

    There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

  • #2
    This would be why I start hanging up on whomever I'm talking to when I enter the line for a register. Unless I'm in the middle of a thought and think it's going to take longer than it should. Either way, I get off the phone as soon as possible. It's rude to all parties involved.
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    • #3
      I've often been talking to my mother in the grocery. I'll tell her I'm in the grocery, and I'll tell her when I'm reaching the cashier and say 'you're going in the pocket now'.

      Then I drop the phone in my pocket, pay strict attention to the cashier and transaction, and pull the phone back out as I head to the car.

      Do do anything less is the height of rudeness.
      My dollhouse blog.

      Blog about life


      • #4
        I've had a guy spend the entire tax interview on his phone.

        Fortunately, his wasn't anything complex, but still can't you park the phone for 20 minutes? Or finish that business?

        The owners of the establishment put out a directive that anyone who talks on a phone while serving a client is out the door.
        I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

        Who is John Galt?
        -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


        • #5
          Talking on the cellphone while I check you out doesn't usually bother me. My focus is on scanning and bagging, so I don't care as long as you're grabbing you're loading the belt, grabbing your bags and swiping your card at a reasonable speed.

          There are, however, a few exceptions:
          1) Blue-tooth ear-phone thingie. I don't know if you're talking to me or someone else. Please don't give me a dirty look when I ask you to repeat yourself, thinking you were talking to me. You're the one who looks like an idiot.
          2) Please recognize your location. It is just as rude yelling at someone over the phone as it is in person. Actually, it's worse because it becomes a shouting contest as you try to talk over the other person. People are more likely to show anger in hushed tones when in person than over the phone.
          3) I don't really care if you're on the phone, but please don't ignore me. Don't turn away when I ask you a question and pay attention to the progression of the sale.
          4) And please PLEASE don't use the phone to tell your sister/husband/cousin/friend you need a gallon of milk and wait while he/she retrieves it. This brings my line to a halt and everyone will give you the death-glare.
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


          • #6
            I've had my phone ring a couple of times while I was actually at the checkout. I think this was relatively early in my phone-owning career, as that's when I actually got a significant number of calls - I hardly get any now.

            Now of course, I'm not (and never have been) a habitual phone-user. So I pay more attention to what I'm doing in the real world than to the call - and if I need to concentrate on the call, I go somewhere neutral and bland so that I can do that.

            So the first time I was called while at the checkout, things got a bit confusing - but I was trying not to be a bad customer. I think after that, I either just let the phone ring and tried to hurry up the transaction, or I picked it up and said "hold on, I'm in the middle of something" and had the caller wait.


            • #7
              She finishes her call just as she's signing the credit card receipt, and as she takes her receipt and card, she says to me, "You know, you're the rudest cashier I've ever met. You didn't say one word to me the entire time."
              Seriously, that is hilarious. I <3 people, I really do.

              1) Blue-tooth ear-phone thingie. I don't know if you're talking to me or someone else.
              Don't people realize that when they're walking down the street talking on those things it looks like they're talking to themselves? It's freaked me out more than once.


              • #8
                When I was temporarily working as a receptionist for a personal injury attorney, he had a sign out on the front desk window for clients to refrain from being on the cellphone while meeting with him. I don't understand how people can be so glued to their cellphones everywhere they go and not think twice of how rude they're being by doing so.
                I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
                Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
                Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


                • #9
                  She finishes her call just as she's signing the credit card receipt, and as she takes her receipt and card, she says to me, "You know, you're the rudest cashier I've ever met. You didn't say one word to me the entire time."
                  I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't want to interrupt an obviously important phone call


                  • #10

                    I'm lucky in the sense I have no boss and I work at a information booth. If someone comes talking on their cell phone I refuse to help them until they're off. Unless they are in a panic or something then obviously I'll help them anyway. If they call me rude I inform them that I find it disrespectful and refuse to give someone my full attention if they will not give me the same courtesy. If there is someone else waiting for help I'll help them first.


                    • #11
                      People tend to get mad at me when I answer the switchboard when they are talking to me. But the rule is that I take care of calls as the come in, and actual people in order. So if you're first and the phone rings I get you wait. If you're second, and the phone rings, well I'm not even dealing with you so hush.

                      So that ramble was important because of what i'm about to say. People have a tendency to be waiting in line for me to help them and on their cells. Whatever. However a few times people have got really mad that I'm not helping them while they are on their cell because I'm dealing with someone on the phone and *gasp* the person in front of them in line.

                      A lot of people just hang around the desk. It's the best place to wait for friends or deliveries. So if you're standing around on your cell not talking to me, I won't usually guess that you want to talk to me.

                      It's just a weird little glitch I have. Go figure.

                      Quoth Sableonblonde View Post
                      Don't people realize that when they're walking down the street talking on those things it looks like they're talking to themselves? It's freaked me out more than once.
                      I have a blue tooth. I use it when I'm shopping. Though I don't answer when I'm actual talking with the cashier or stock person or whatever. It's just that I don't have enough patience to juggle my cart, my cell, and my whatever I'm doing. It's easier to just push the button. Plus, i keep my cell in my bag so it's hard to get.

                      However, I usually make it OBVIOUS that I'm taking a call, while still being quiet and courteous to other customers and staff. If anyone approaches me when I'm on it. I just point to the blue tooth.

                      I've had some people say they appreciate it. If I get a call while I'm in the check out I just tap my ear and say "I'll call you back." Then I apologize to the cash person. I hate being in line when someone's phone starts like the Lone Ranger Theme and they can't seem to find where on there person the damn thing might be.
                      Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

                      Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
                      Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


                      • #12
                        Another reason I carry my phone in a specialised pouch. I *always* know where it is, then. I'm even getting a waterproof armband for my iPhone - useful because then I can use it for navigation when cycling, without worrying about rain. Or, for that matter, if I take up boating again...


                        • #13
                          Quoth LewisLegion View Post
                          I've often been talking to my mother in the grocery. I'll tell her I'm in the grocery, and I'll tell her when I'm reaching the cashier and say 'you're going in the pocket now'.

                          Then I drop the phone in my pocket, pay strict attention to the cashier and transaction, and pull the phone back out as I head to the car.

                          That's what I do.
                          Check out my cosplay social group!


                          • #14
                            When I still worked at the butcherblock/seafood department I would get customers who could not unglue their cellphones from their ears for the two or three minutes it took to take their orders. Irritated the tar out of me. My supervisor hated that nonsense too. She also wasn't shy about making comments about rude people when said rude people were still in earshot.
                            Question authority, but raise your hand first. -Alan M. Bershowitz


                            • #15
                              Quoth Jay 2K Winger View Post
                              She finishes her call just as she's signing the credit card receipt, and as she takes her receipt and card, she says to me, "You know, you're the rudest cashier I've ever met. You didn't say one word to me the entire time."
                              And yet if you had tried to talk to her, you would have been "rude" for interrupting her conversation. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
                              Sometimes life is altered.
                              Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                              Uneasy with confrontation.
                              Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right

